Innovations for the Future of Retail – New Concepts and Technologies

20.03.2025, 2032 Zeichen

Frankfurt (OTE) - · Conzoom Solutions - Industry hub of the consumer goods fairs at Messe Frankfurt - encouraging retailers to embrace trends and actively shape the future of shopping.
· New technologies, innovative concepts, and the targeted emotional engagement of customers are key success factors for the retail of the future.
· Conzoom Solutions prepares retail for the future with up-to- date industry news, inspiration, insights, and expert contributions.
"Anyone who wants to keep up with technological change and benefit from it must act with foresight and have the drive to implement new opportunities. The future of shopping is already underway and is evolving ever faster through continuous technological impulses," summarises Silke Pfeiffer, Director Multimedia und Data Consumer Goods Fairs at Messe Frankfurt, reflecting on expert statements on the industry portal Conzoom Solutions . On the industry hub of the consumer goods fairs at Messe Frankfurt, experts provide valuable insights into the trends, technologies, and concepts that are revolutionising modern retail - as in an increasingly digitalised world, online and offline experiences are merging ever more strongly.
This includes hybrid shopping behaviours as well as innovative retail concepts that combine technology and creativity - such as Future Retail Stores, Concept Stores, Augmented Reality (AR), or the Metaverse. As interactive formats have an impact on various levels and engage customers in multiple ways, a deep understanding of buying behaviour, decision-making processes, and emotional attachment is essential for forward-thinking retailers.
New technologies and visionary concepts
The Future Retail Store format combines physical presence with innovative technologies, offering retailers new opportunities for product presentation. Customers can discover a wide variety of products and variations, explore them interactively, and try them on individually. (...) Continue reading...
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Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch daily voice 80/365: Glauben Sie, dass eine weitere WP-KESt-Erhöhung droht, Christoph Boschan?


Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, OMV, Frequentis, Austriacard Holdings AG, Pierer Mobility, Amag, Uniqa, Wienerberger, EVN, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, VIG, voestalpine, FACC, Verbund, Wiener Privatbank, Semperit, Agrana, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Flughafen Wien, Kapsch TrafficCom, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

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