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Inbox: Zumtobel für Berenberg Bank jetzt ein Sell

Dow Jones Letzter SK:  0.00 ( -0.37%)
Akt. Indikation:  5.00 / 5.10
Uhrzeit:  18:59:44
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  1.00%
Letzter SK:  5.00 ( -0.40%)


Zugemailt von / gefunden bei: Berenberg Bank (BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch boerse-social.com aus dem Fotoarchiv von photaq.com)

●  Profit warning: Yesterday after market close Zumtobel released a profit warning, together with preliminary figures for H1 2017/18. After a disappointing Q1, both segments took a turn for the worse in Q2. Management reduced its guidance for FY 2017/18 to EUR50m-60m adjusted EBIT (previously: “slight improvement” from EUR72m) and a 5% decline in revenues (previously: “slight improvement”). We expected Zumtobel to generate EUR74.1m in adjusted EBIT and 0.6% revenues growth.

●  Downgrade to Sell: While the outlook for 2017/18 is clearly negative, we are more concerned about what the recent developments imply for Zumtobel’s long-term potential. We believe that the company’s long-term strategy is unclear and the company should continue to underperform as it is battling internal issues against a difficult market backdrop. We believe that disagreements about the strategic positioning of Zumtobel between the board of management and the supervisory board will continue to impede on future growth.

●  Difficult market environment persists: Pricing pressure both in luminaires and components continues to be aggressive and Zumtobel is seeing delays of projects in its single largest market, the UK. Company- specific issues exacerbated these negative developments as Zumtobel had to take provisions on a road lighting project and continues to face internal operating challenges.

●  Q2 a disappointment, another warning in H2 likely: Group revenues of EUR307.2m in Q2 were down by 10% yoy and Zumtobel merely broke even on adjusted EBIT in Q2 (EUR2.1m, 0.7% margin versus EUR32.0m and 9.4% margin in Q2 2016/17). We cut our numbers and do not believe that Zumtobel can recover lost profits in H2 and meet its revised guidance. Our EUR39m EBIT estimate for 2017E is 22% below the low end of the revised guidance, which we believe is still too optimistic.

●  We expect further valuation downside: Our revised DCF-based price target of EUR9.5 implies 0.46x EV/sales 2018E for a 4.6% EBIT margin in the same year. Our price target offers 13% downside to the closing price.

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Dow Jones

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Mitglied in der BSN Peer-Group Global Innovation 1000
Show latest Report (11.11.2017)
Für Zusatzliquidität im Orderbuch der Zumtobel-Aktien sorgen die Erste Group Bank AG als Specialist sowie die Market Maker Baader Bank AG, Hudson River Trading Europe, Raiffeisen Centrobank AG, Société Générale S.A., Tower Research Capital, Virtu Financial Ireland Limited und Wood & Company Financial Services, Klick auf Institut/Bank öffnet Übersicht.

Exit, Zumtobel, Fluchtweg, Pfeil nach unten, grünes Licht © diverse photaq

Aktien auf dem Radar:Rosenbauer, EuroTeleSites AG, Strabag, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Zumtobel, OMV, Österreichische Post, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Andritz, Erste Group, Uniqa, RBI, VIG, Mayr-Melnhof, Lenzing, DO&CO, Pierer Mobility, Porr, voestalpine, Austriacard Holdings AG, Marinomed Biotech, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Wienerberger, UBM, RHI Magnesita, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag.

(BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch boerse-social.com aus dem Fotoarchiv von photaq.com)

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    Inbox: Zumtobel für Berenberg Bank jetzt ein Sell

    17.11.2017, 3463 Zeichen


    Zugemailt von / gefunden bei: Berenberg Bank (BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch boerse-social.com aus dem Fotoarchiv von photaq.com)

    ●  Profit warning: Yesterday after market close Zumtobel released a profit warning, together with preliminary figures for H1 2017/18. After a disappointing Q1, both segments took a turn for the worse in Q2. Management reduced its guidance for FY 2017/18 to EUR50m-60m adjusted EBIT (previously: “slight improvement” from EUR72m) and a 5% decline in revenues (previously: “slight improvement”). We expected Zumtobel to generate EUR74.1m in adjusted EBIT and 0.6% revenues growth.

    ●  Downgrade to Sell: While the outlook for 2017/18 is clearly negative, we are more concerned about what the recent developments imply for Zumtobel’s long-term potential. We believe that the company’s long-term strategy is unclear and the company should continue to underperform as it is battling internal issues against a difficult market backdrop. We believe that disagreements about the strategic positioning of Zumtobel between the board of management and the supervisory board will continue to impede on future growth.

    ●  Difficult market environment persists: Pricing pressure both in luminaires and components continues to be aggressive and Zumtobel is seeing delays of projects in its single largest market, the UK. Company- specific issues exacerbated these negative developments as Zumtobel had to take provisions on a road lighting project and continues to face internal operating challenges.

    ●  Q2 a disappointment, another warning in H2 likely: Group revenues of EUR307.2m in Q2 were down by 10% yoy and Zumtobel merely broke even on adjusted EBIT in Q2 (EUR2.1m, 0.7% margin versus EUR32.0m and 9.4% margin in Q2 2016/17). We cut our numbers and do not believe that Zumtobel can recover lost profits in H2 and meet its revised guidance. Our EUR39m EBIT estimate for 2017E is 22% below the low end of the revised guidance, which we believe is still too optimistic.

    ●  We expect further valuation downside: Our revised DCF-based price target of EUR9.5 implies 0.46x EV/sales 2018E for a 4.6% EBIT margin in the same year. Our price target offers 13% downside to the closing price.

    Companies im Artikel

    Dow Jones

    Mitglied in der BSN Peer-Group Indizes und Rohstoffe
    Show latest Report (11.11.2017)


    Mitglied in der BSN Peer-Group Global Innovation 1000
    Show latest Report (11.11.2017)
    Für Zusatzliquidität im Orderbuch der Zumtobel-Aktien sorgen die Erste Group Bank AG als Specialist sowie die Market Maker Baader Bank AG, Hudson River Trading Europe, Raiffeisen Centrobank AG, Société Générale S.A., Tower Research Capital, Virtu Financial Ireland Limited und Wood & Company Financial Services, Klick auf Institut/Bank öffnet Übersicht.

    Exit, Zumtobel, Fluchtweg, Pfeil nach unten, grünes Licht © diverse photaq

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    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  1.00%
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    1. Exit, Zumtobel, Fluchtweg, Pfeil nach unten, grünes Licht , (© diverse photaq)   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Rosenbauer, EuroTeleSites AG, Strabag, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Zumtobel, OMV, Österreichische Post, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Andritz, Erste Group, Uniqa, RBI, VIG, Mayr-Melnhof, Lenzing, DO&CO, Pierer Mobility, Porr, voestalpine, Austriacard Holdings AG, Marinomed Biotech, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Wienerberger, UBM, RHI Magnesita, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag.

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    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

    Exit, Zumtobel, Fluchtweg, Pfeil nach unten, grünes Licht, (© diverse photaq)


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