Inbox: Kaufempfehlung für SBO

>> Next Inbox: OMV: RCB wartet auf neue Trigger

Akt. Indikation:  36.90 / 37.00
Uhrzeit:  16:59:18
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.00%
Letzter SK:  36.95 ( 3.21%)


Zugemailt von / gefunden bei: RCB (BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch aus dem Fotoarchiv von

RCB raised SBO  to BUY, TP EUR 85.0 - Share price correction creates new entry opportunity 

Contrary to the 3Q 17 preliminaries, which triggered a >20% rally of SBOs share price, yesterdays release of final third-quarter results caused a single-day share price correction of 7.3%. From a fundamental point of view, we find it difficult to explain yesterdays market reaction to SBOs final figures: in our opinion, the management comments during the earnings conference call were rather encouraging. Our fine-tuned DCF model yields a modestly higher 12-month target price of EUR 85.0 (EUR 83.0 previously) on the back of higher earnings estimates. With both the short-term and especially the long-term outlook for the oilfield equipment sector remaining positive, we decided to upgrade SBO to BUY from HOLD.

3Q 17 final results: Final quarterly numbers did not surprise the market with the reported earnings coming in broadly in line with preliminaries. The Advanced Manufacturing & Services (AM&S) segment posted a 4.3% increase of external revenues qoq (to EUR 27.2 mn) vs. +35% qoq in 2Q 17, while the segments clean EBIT margin stayed in the red at -23%. The Oilfield Equipment (OE) segment saw an impressive qoq increase of 31%, while its clean EBIT margin expanded to 28% vs. 18% in 2Q 17. As mentioned upon the release of preliminaries, SBO booked a non-cash-effective expense of EUR 89 mn, which comes under financial items and was triggered by the revaluation of SBOs option to buy out the remaining stake of 32% currently owned by minority shareholders of Downhole Technology.

Conference call key points: Although the fourth-quarter results might be to a certain extent impacted by the winter holiday season, the developments into 4Q so far are characterised as positive. In 2018, E&P spending is expected to continue to grow in SBOs core market, North America, by a low double-digit number, as well as internationally by low to mid-single digits. SBO was able to negotiate better prices on a number of oilfield equipment parts, which should support the improved operating margins going forward. Although the short labour arrangement in Ternitz/Austria should cease next January, the management is confident that higher capacity utilisation should absorb the additional fixed costs.

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Mitglied in der BSN Peer-Group Ölindustrie
Show latest Report (25.11.2017)
Für Zusatzliquidität im Orderbuch der SBO-Aktien sorgen die Raiffeisen Centrobank AG als Specialist sowie die Market Maker Hudson River Trading Europe, Baader Bank AG, Erste Group Bank AG, Hauck & Aufhäuser, Société Générale S.A., Tower Research Capital, Virtu Financial Ireland Limited und Wood & Company Financial Services, Klick auf Institut/Bank öffnet Übersicht.

MWD-LWD-Tool SBO (Bild: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, ) © Aussender

Aktien auf dem Radar:Porr, Strabag, OMV, Austriacard Holdings AG, Pierer Mobility, RHI Magnesita, Uniqa, AT&S, RBI, Wienerberger, voestalpine, Lenzing, Telekom Austria, DO&CO, Gurktaler AG VZ, SBO, SW Umwelttechnik, Agrana, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Amag, Flughafen Wien, Kapsch TrafficCom, Österreichische Post, VIG, Bayer, SAP, Fresenius Medical Care, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank.

(BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch aus dem Fotoarchiv von

OMV: RCB wartet auf neue Trigger


Zugemailt von / gefunden bei: RCB (BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch aus dem Fotoarchiv von

RCB confirmed OMV at HOLD, TP EUR 55.5 - Waiting for new share price triggers

Higher refining margins, seasonally stronger consumption of motor fuels and full availability of refining capacity helped OMV report better than expected downstream earnings in 3Q 17. Although 3Q upstream earnings came in below expectations, being hurt by the stronger EUR and negative hedging results, the output in Libya (28 kboepd, +17% qoq) as well as the opex/boe (USD 8.8, only 1% higher qoq) both surprised us positively. Consequently, we have revised upward our upstream earnings projections, assuming higher than previously expected production in Libya (25 kboepd vs. 15 kboepd previously) and 5% lower opex/boe (2017-21e average), which have lifted our clean CCS EBIT by 13% and 11% in 2018-19e, respectively. We set our new 12m target price at EUR 55.5 (EUR 50.0 previously), however, we keep OMV on HOLD. With the Brent oil price expected to stay between USD 60-65/bbl and the refining margin seen marginally lower, we believe that the above-mentioned developments in 3Q should be reflected in the current price. Completion of the Achimov IV/V acquisition or the announcement of a new major investment could trigger further market reactions, however, we do not expect any major announcements until the next Capital Markets Day, which is scheduled for March 13, 2018.
Changes to our forecast: Production in Libya continued to ramp up in 3Q 17, reaching an average daily output of 28 kboepd. It seems that the security situation in Libya has stabilised, therefore, we decided to revise upward our production assumptions for Libya, projecting an average level of 25 kboepd beyond 2017. Additionally, we have lowered the projected 2018-19e opex/boe by USD 0.4 (ca. 4%) to reflect the cost efficiencies that OMV has achieved this year. We have fine-tuned our 2018-19e projections for the R&M segment, assuming a bit stronger earnings generation across all sub-segments, namely petrochemicals, refining and marketing. Gas and Power earnings are also seen modestly stronger than previously on higher gas trading volume and slightly wider spark spreads.
Valuation: Our DCF-derived 12m target price of EUR 55.5 implies less than 10% upside potential, which supports our decision to keep OMV on HOLD. Based on our 2018-19e projections, OMV is trading broadly in line with its regional oil-integrated peers in terms of EV/EBITDA and P/E, which supports our neutral view on the company.

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Akt. Indikation:  47.20 / 47.26
Uhrzeit:  17:03:38
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  1.13%
Letzter SK:  46.70 ( 1.97%)

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    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 16-17: Fabasoft(6), Verbund(1)
    Star der Stunde: Frequentis 1.08%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -0.71%
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    Inbox: Kaufempfehlung für SBO

    27.11.2017, 3526 Zeichen


    Zugemailt von / gefunden bei: RCB (BSN-Hinweis: Lauftext im Original des Aussenders, Titel (immer) und Bebilderung (oft) durch aus dem Fotoarchiv von

    RCB raised SBO  to BUY, TP EUR 85.0 - Share price correction creates new entry opportunity 

    Contrary to the 3Q 17 preliminaries, which triggered a >20% rally of SBOs share price, yesterdays release of final third-quarter results caused a single-day share price correction of 7.3%. From a fundamental point of view, we find it difficult to explain yesterdays market reaction to SBOs final figures: in our opinion, the management comments during the earnings conference call were rather encouraging. Our fine-tuned DCF model yields a modestly higher 12-month target price of EUR 85.0 (EUR 83.0 previously) on the back of higher earnings estimates. With both the short-term and especially the long-term outlook for the oilfield equipment sector remaining positive, we decided to upgrade SBO to BUY from HOLD.

    3Q 17 final results: Final quarterly numbers did not surprise the market with the reported earnings coming in broadly in line with preliminaries. The Advanced Manufacturing & Services (AM&S) segment posted a 4.3% increase of external revenues qoq (to EUR 27.2 mn) vs. +35% qoq in 2Q 17, while the segments clean EBIT margin stayed in the red at -23%. The Oilfield Equipment (OE) segment saw an impressive qoq increase of 31%, while its clean EBIT margin expanded to 28% vs. 18% in 2Q 17. As mentioned upon the release of preliminaries, SBO booked a non-cash-effective expense of EUR 89 mn, which comes under financial items and was triggered by the revaluation of SBOs option to buy out the remaining stake of 32% currently owned by minority shareholders of Downhole Technology.

    Conference call key points: Although the fourth-quarter results might be to a certain extent impacted by the winter holiday season, the developments into 4Q so far are characterised as positive. In 2018, E&P spending is expected to continue to grow in SBOs core market, North America, by a low double-digit number, as well as internationally by low to mid-single digits. SBO was able to negotiate better prices on a number of oilfield equipment parts, which should support the improved operating margins going forward. Although the short labour arrangement in Ternitz/Austria should cease next January, the management is confident that higher capacity utilisation should absorb the additional fixed costs.

    Company im Artikel


    Mitglied in der BSN Peer-Group Ölindustrie
    Show latest Report (25.11.2017)
    Für Zusatzliquidität im Orderbuch der SBO-Aktien sorgen die Raiffeisen Centrobank AG als Specialist sowie die Market Maker Hudson River Trading Europe, Baader Bank AG, Erste Group Bank AG, Hauck & Aufhäuser, Société Générale S.A., Tower Research Capital, Virtu Financial Ireland Limited und Wood & Company Financial Services, Klick auf Institut/Bank öffnet Übersicht.

    MWD-LWD-Tool SBO (Bild: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, ) © Aussender

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    Akt. Indikation:  36.90 / 37.00
    Uhrzeit:  16:59:18
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.00%
    Letzter SK:  36.95 ( 3.21%)



    1. MWD-LWD-Tool SBO (Bild: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, ) , (© Aussender)   >> Öffnen auf

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Porr, Strabag, OMV, Austriacard Holdings AG, Pierer Mobility, RHI Magnesita, Uniqa, AT&S, RBI, Wienerberger, voestalpine, Lenzing, Telekom Austria, DO&CO, Gurktaler AG VZ, SBO, SW Umwelttechnik, Agrana, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Amag, Flughafen Wien, Kapsch TrafficCom, Österreichische Post, VIG, Bayer, SAP, Fresenius Medical Care, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank.

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    Österreichische Post
    Die Österreichische Post ist der landesweit führende Logistik- und Postdienstleister. Zu den Hauptgeschäftsbereichen zählen die Beförderung von Briefen, Werbesendungen, Printmedien und Paketen. Das Unternehmen hat Tochtergesellschaften in zwölf europäischen Ländern.

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    MWD-LWD-Tool SBO (Bild: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, ), (© Aussender)


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      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 16-17: Fabasoft(6), Verbund(1)
      Star der Stunde: Frequentis 1.08%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -0.71%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 15-16: Lenzing(3), OMV(3), CA Immo(2), Erste Group(1), voestalpine(1), VIG(1), RBI(1), Kontron(1)
      Star der Stunde: EuroTeleSites AG 1.05%, Rutsch der Stunde: Mayr-Melnhof -0.84%
      Star der Stunde: EuroTeleSites AG 1.05%, Rutsch der Stunde: Polytec Group -1.6%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 13-14: Österreichische Post(1), Strabag(1)
      Star der Stunde: CPI Europe AG 2.07%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -0.7%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 12-13: Fabasoft(1)
      Star der Stunde: Porr 1.52%, Rutsch der Stunde: Lenzing -0.63%

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      Wiener Börse Party #857: Gewinnmitnahmen im ATX, gute Post-Zahlen, morgen sieht man sich beim Börsentag Wien im Austria Center

      Die Wiener Börse Party ist ein Podcastprojekt für von Christian Drastil Comm..Unter dem Motto „Market & Me“ berichtet Christian Drastil über das Tagesgeschehen an der Wiener Börse. Inha...


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