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Just start Now! (Adina Zimmermann via Runplugged Runkit)

Magazine aktuell

#gabb aktuell

17.08.2018, 2682 Zeichen

It’s already the middle of August. Crazy right? Time just flies by and all the things you promised yourself you would do are somehow still on your to do list…

We only "begin" things or tasks we do not like on the first of...

“Well, whatever”, you think. “The next month will come soon” and then you will finally start the workout you where pushing to the next day, and then to the next, and the next. I was exactly like that. Every new change or thing I wanted to try out, I started on a Monday, or on the first of the following month. But why is this? Why do we need a clean start? Does it make us feel better? Or is it just to push the task further and further away? I guess it is the pushing away thing. Because, when you have something you can’t wait to try out, for example, like when you buy new running shoes, you do not wait until the next Monday or month. No! You get home, put them right on and hit the trails.

This means, that we only “begin” things or tasks we do not like on the first of… 

The classic "I will start my workout on Monday" kind of girl

I for example, am the classic “I will start my workout on Monday” kind of girl. Every week I am telling myself the same big lie. (And I guess I am not alone with this one ) But, especially for trail running, it is so important to have a stable, well-trained body to minimize the risk of injuries. And in order to really improve your trail running performance, it’s important to include strength and balance exercises into your regimen two to three times per week.

So maybe now you think “Gee, thanks Adina for this long talk, but how can I overcome my “pushing things further away” thing?”

Well let’s stay at the workout example. The thing that really helped me, was that I really really know how important workout is for my trail running. Even if I train just a little bit, I can feel that my body get’s stronger and I can push myself harder. But, I needed a little trick as well. So I decided to participate at my first trail running race next year.

Yes I’ve never done one before and needless to say I am pretty much scared as well as excited. But this one made the trick. As soon as I decided which run I’m going to do, I got to work.

You will start right away!

So the important thing is, always having the goal, why you’re doing something, in front of your eyes. Either literally, with a picture you put on your wall our just by closing your eyes. And when you’re really committed to that goal you will not wail until the first of the next month in order to reach it. 

Trust me! You will start right away!

P.S. If you always wanted to start with trail running. The time is now! Join the next workshops here: https://bit.ly/2LKrGW8

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Treasury & Finance Convention Podcast: Mariella Gittler (Moderation)



1. © Marek Kalisz   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:CA Immo, Immofinanz, Polytec Group, Warimpex, Austriacard Holdings AG, Lenzing, EuroTeleSites AG, Mayr-Melnhof, Cleen Energy, Frequentis, EVN, Verbund, Telekom Austria, ams-Osram, Gurktaler AG VZ, Kostad, Linz Textil Holding, Marinomed Biotech, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, Amag, Agrana, Erste Group, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Siemens Energy.

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>> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

© Marek Kalisz


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    Just start Now! (Adina Zimmermann via Runplugged Runkit)

    17.08.2018, 2682 Zeichen

    It’s already the middle of August. Crazy right? Time just flies by and all the things you promised yourself you would do are somehow still on your to do list…

    We only "begin" things or tasks we do not like on the first of...

    “Well, whatever”, you think. “The next month will come soon” and then you will finally start the workout you where pushing to the next day, and then to the next, and the next. I was exactly like that. Every new change or thing I wanted to try out, I started on a Monday, or on the first of the following month. But why is this? Why do we need a clean start? Does it make us feel better? Or is it just to push the task further and further away? I guess it is the pushing away thing. Because, when you have something you can’t wait to try out, for example, like when you buy new running shoes, you do not wait until the next Monday or month. No! You get home, put them right on and hit the trails.

    This means, that we only “begin” things or tasks we do not like on the first of… 

    The classic "I will start my workout on Monday" kind of girl

    I for example, am the classic “I will start my workout on Monday” kind of girl. Every week I am telling myself the same big lie. (And I guess I am not alone with this one ) But, especially for trail running, it is so important to have a stable, well-trained body to minimize the risk of injuries. And in order to really improve your trail running performance, it’s important to include strength and balance exercises into your regimen two to three times per week.

    So maybe now you think “Gee, thanks Adina for this long talk, but how can I overcome my “pushing things further away” thing?”

    Well let’s stay at the workout example. The thing that really helped me, was that I really really know how important workout is for my trail running. Even if I train just a little bit, I can feel that my body get’s stronger and I can push myself harder. But, I needed a little trick as well. So I decided to participate at my first trail running race next year.

    Yes I’ve never done one before and needless to say I am pretty much scared as well as excited. But this one made the trick. As soon as I decided which run I’m going to do, I got to work.

    You will start right away!

    So the important thing is, always having the goal, why you’re doing something, in front of your eyes. Either literally, with a picture you put on your wall our just by closing your eyes. And when you’re really committed to that goal you will not wail until the first of the next month in order to reach it. 

    Trust me! You will start right away!

    P.S. If you always wanted to start with trail running. The time is now! Join the next workshops here: https://bit.ly/2LKrGW8

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Treasury & Finance Convention Podcast: Mariella Gittler (Moderation)



    1. © Marek Kalisz   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:CA Immo, Immofinanz, Polytec Group, Warimpex, Austriacard Holdings AG, Lenzing, EuroTeleSites AG, Mayr-Melnhof, Cleen Energy, Frequentis, EVN, Verbund, Telekom Austria, ams-Osram, Gurktaler AG VZ, Kostad, Linz Textil Holding, Marinomed Biotech, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, Amag, Agrana, Erste Group, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Siemens Energy.

    Random Partner

    Palfinger zählt zu den international führenden Herstellern innovativer Hebe-Lösungen, die auf Nutzfahrzeugen und im maritimen Bereich zum Einsatz kommen. Der Konzern verfügt über 5.000 Vertriebs- und Servicestützpunkte in über 130 Ländern in Europa, Nord- und Südamerika sowie Asien.

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

    © Marek Kalisz


    Die Useletter "Morning Xpresso" und "Evening Xtrakt" heben sich deutlich von den gängigen Newslettern ab. Beispiele ansehen bzw. kostenfrei anmelden. Wichtige Börse-Infos garantiert.

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      Star der Stunde: Pierer Mobility 1.13%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -1.43%
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