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Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
Zwtl.: Bergheim -
Yesterday, PALFINGER has signed a contract to acquire Hinz Försäljnings
AB. The acquisition of PALFINGER's second largest global independent
distribution partner headquartered in Sweden strengthens its presence as an
Austrian technology and mechanical engineering company in Sweden's core market.
With its 5 service points, 45 service partners, 71 employees and sales (2019) of
about EUR 44.0 Mio., Hinz Försäljnings AB is PALFINGER's most important Swedish
sales partner. In the Northern European core market, the company sells a major
part of PALFINGER's product range, including naval cranes and services. In 46
years of collaboration, Hinz AB, founded in 1973 by Bertil Hinz, has sold more
than 11,000 PALFINGER and EPSILON cranes in Sweden.
100-Percent Acquisition
This acquisition begins a new kind of collaboration. Based on the successful,
long-standing and trusting relationship they have had, the owners of PALFINGER
decided to make an offer to purchase the company. The transaction is for 100
percent ownership of the company Hinz Försäljnings AB, which belongs entirely to
Hinz Holding AB. Magnus Hinz and Magnus Rosberg will remain and continue in
their roles as Sales Manager and Managing Director. Non-disclosure of the
purchase price has been agreed to. The contract of sale shall go into effect in
the coming weeks once conditions and terms currently being determined are
A Secured Future
This purchase ensures the continued existence of Hinz Försäljnings AB, the
second-largest independent dealer in the worldwide PALFINGER distribution
network, in its entirety and with all employees at all locations. "The new
ownership structure guarantees that Hinz Försäljnings AB, as the most important
player in the Swedish market, remains the same and has a future," says Magnus
Excellent Sales Structure
With this acquisition, PALFINGER secures an excellent sales and service
structure, proximity to local customers and the essential contacts with Swedish
truck manufacturers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). This is one
important part of further strengthening the PALFINGER distribution network.
"Acquiring our long-standing partner is a vital step towards providing our
Scandinavian customers with even more intensive and comprehensive support -
keeping in line with our brand promise: Creating value and growing together,"
Andreas Klauser. The contract for the takeover was signed
on the 30th November 2020 in Borlänge.
The international mechanical engineering firm of PALFINGER is the global leader
for innovative crane and lifting solutions. With a workforce of approximately
11,000, 35 manufacturing sites and a worldwide network of dealerships and
maintenance centers at over 5,000 locations, PALFINGER is always close to the
As the leader in its engineering field, the company aims to ensure its partners'
business success in the long term by providing solutions and products that
remain economically and ecologically viable in the future. Its broad product and
model portfolio allows PALFINGER to take digitalization and the deployment of
artificial intelligence to new levels.
As a global company with strong roots in its home region, PALFINGER is convinced
that thinking and acting in the interests of sustainability plays a vital role
in successful business operations. This is why the company assumes social,
ecological and economic responsibility along the entire value chain.
PALFINGER AG has been listed on the Vienna stock exchange since 1999 and in 2019
achieved record revenue of EUR 1.75 billion.
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Palfinger AG
Lamprechtshausener Bundesstraße 8
A-5020 Salzburg
phone: 0662/2281-81101
FAX: 0662/2281-81070
mail: ir@palfinger.com
WWW: www.palfinger.ag
ISIN: AT0000758305
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/1659/aom
BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch
Zertifikat des Tages: Erste Group Immo-Zertifikat NTR als 2. Kauf ins Real Money Depot bei dad.at und die Begründung
Akt. Indikation: 23.55 / 23.70
Uhrzeit: 07:51:46
Veränderung zu letztem SK: 0.11%
Letzter SK: 23.60 ( -0.42%)
Zu "ESG - Was Investoren erwarten" diskutierten Andreas Posavac (IHS Markit), Vanda Heinen (Union Investment Institutional GmbH), Bernd Deeken (Berenberg), Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff (Kirchhoff Consult AG), Stefan Merz (Deloitte), Hannes Roither (Palfinger AG) und Michael Oplustil (Uniqa AG)
, (© CIRA/APA-Fotoservice/Bargad Fotograf/in: Nadine Bargad) >> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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