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annual result
.) Group's net profit for the year amounts to EUR 20.7 million (2014: EUR
22.4 million) .) Dividend proposal for shareholders' meeting: EUR 4.0 per share
(2014: EUR 3.0 per share)
In 2015 C-QUADRAT Investment AG realized another highly successful financial
year, the second-best in its 25-year history. Above all, this success reflected
healthy core business, further growth in the volume of assets under its
management thanks to the performance of C-QUADRAT's funds and the expansion of
its sales activities.
As of the balance sheet date, C-QUADRAT Investment AG had increased the
total volume of assets under its management by approx. 4% to EUR 5.4 billion.
Due to a changeover of commission payment procedures - funds of C-QUADRAT
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft have been outsourced to external management companies
- an annual comparison of the total revenue from regular management fees and
performance-related management fees for the years 2014 and 2015 is not
possible. All in all, total revenues remained at a high level (2015: EUR 83.8
million; 2014: EUR 94.9 million). Moreover, the solid performance of the funds
of C- QUADRAT and its subsidiaries once again generated considerable
performance- related management fees, in the amount of EUR 31.2 million. Net
fee and commission income excluding performance-related management fees
increased to EUR 22.4 million (2014: EUR 21.2 million)
In terms of costs, personnel expenses were reduced by 5% to EUR 11.0
million, while other administrative expenses and other operating expenses have
declined by 1.2% to EUR 9.6 million.
The associates likewise once again all provided significant contributions to
consolidated earnings. Net income from associates amounted to EUR 7.4 million.
In overall terms, in 2015 a net profit for the year (after taxes) of EUR
20.7 million (2014: EUR 22.4 million) was realized.
Earnings per share amount to EUR 4.59 (2014: EUR 5.05). The dividend
proposal is EUR 4.0 per share (2014: EUR 3.0 per share). Dividend day has been
moved from May 23, 2016 to June 22, 2016. The updated financial calendar is
available at www.c-quadrat.at in the Investor Relations section.
C-QUADRAT founder and management board member
Alexander Schütz says of these
results: "In 2015, C-QUADRAT achieved the second-best result in its 25-year
history. Thanks to the continuing growth in the volume of assets managed by the
C-QUADRAT Group, the company maintained a strong revenue base. We have not
quite achieved our cost-cutting goals and will continue to pursue them in 2016.
We will continue to follow our company's dual strategy of organic and inorganic
With immediate effect, the 2015 consolidated financial statements and the
standalone financial statements of C-QUADRAT Investment AG may be downloaded
from the Investor Relations section of its website www.c-quadrat.at.
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Schottenfeldgasse 20
A-1070 Wien
phone: +43 1 515 66-0
FAX: +43 1 515 66-159
mail: c-quadrat@investmentfonds.at
WWW: www.c-quadrat.com
sector: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000613005
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Frankfurt, Wien language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/3309/aom
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C-Quadrat Investment AG
Letzter SK: 0.00 ( 0.00%)
C Quadrat am Fonds Kongress
, (© Martina Draper/photaq) >> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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