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21st Austria weekly - A1 Telekom Austria, Andritz (18/10/2023)


A1 Telekom Austria: A1 Telekom Austria recorded sales revenues of EUR 3,883 million after three quarters, an increase of 5.9 percent compared to the same period last year. The EBITDA after three quarters amounts to 1,442 million euros (+2.6 percent), the EBIT to 713 million euros (+3.9 percent), the net result to 502 million euros (–0.2 percent). The company confirms the existing guidance for 2023. Revenue growth is expected to be around 5%. Alejandro Plater, CEO of A1 Group on the highlights of Q3 2023: “We have seen a solid third quarter affected by one-off effects and FX fluctuations. Group revenues increased by 3% and service revenues grew by 4.5% supported by solid operational development and indexation measures in most of the markets. Despite some headwinds from FX development and a non-operative special factors EBITDA rose by 0.6%. Net result for the third quarter of 2023 was EUR 201 million. With the spin-off and listing of EuroTeleSites we successfully implemented a major strategic milestone. The existing towers assets will be better utilized, we have reduced our financial debt by EUR 1 billion and will be able focus even more on our core business."
Telekom Austria: weekly performance: -2.07%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has received an order from Idex, the leading medium-sized energy services company in France, to supply a third waste treatment line to a waste-to-energy center in Villers-Saint-Paul, which is operated by Idex. This extension will increase the center’s capacity in renewable energy production and thus contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the region near Paris. Start-up of the line is scheduled for 2025.
Andritz: weekly performance: -5.28%

Frequentis: Frequentis, a global supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks, expands its presence in Asia with a new Singapore Office. The new Frequentis Singapore office opened on 13 October, signifying a significant milestone in the company's ongoing commitment to the Asian market. Located in the heart of Singapore's technology hub, One-North, the new office represents a substantial investment in the region and reflects Frequentis' dedication to serving its clients and partners throughout Asia. Frequentis Singapore acts as the Asia hub for the company, with key customers here including the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), and the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA). The collaboration with local system integrators, business partners, and academic institutions plays a crucial role in driving growth in Singapore and making an impact across Southeast Asia.
Frequentis: weekly performance: 8.42%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/10/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - A1 Telekom Austria, Andritz (18/10/2023)

22.10.2023, 2823 Zeichen

A1 Telekom Austria: A1 Telekom Austria recorded sales revenues of EUR 3,883 million after three quarters, an increase of 5.9 percent compared to the same period last year. The EBITDA after three quarters amounts to 1,442 million euros (+2.6 percent), the EBIT to 713 million euros (+3.9 percent), the net result to 502 million euros (–0.2 percent). The company confirms the existing guidance for 2023. Revenue growth is expected to be around 5%. Alejandro Plater, CEO of A1 Group on the highlights of Q3 2023: “We have seen a solid third quarter affected by one-off effects and FX fluctuations. Group revenues increased by 3% and service revenues grew by 4.5% supported by solid operational development and indexation measures in most of the markets. Despite some headwinds from FX development and a non-operative special factors EBITDA rose by 0.6%. Net result for the third quarter of 2023 was EUR 201 million. With the spin-off and listing of EuroTeleSites we successfully implemented a major strategic milestone. The existing towers assets will be better utilized, we have reduced our financial debt by EUR 1 billion and will be able focus even more on our core business."
Telekom Austria: weekly performance: -2.07%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has received an order from Idex, the leading medium-sized energy services company in France, to supply a third waste treatment line to a waste-to-energy center in Villers-Saint-Paul, which is operated by Idex. This extension will increase the center’s capacity in renewable energy production and thus contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the region near Paris. Start-up of the line is scheduled for 2025.
Andritz: weekly performance: -5.28%

Frequentis: Frequentis, a global supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks, expands its presence in Asia with a new Singapore Office. The new Frequentis Singapore office opened on 13 October, signifying a significant milestone in the company's ongoing commitment to the Asian market. Located in the heart of Singapore's technology hub, One-North, the new office represents a substantial investment in the region and reflects Frequentis' dedication to serving its clients and partners throughout Asia. Frequentis Singapore acts as the Asia hub for the company, with key customers here including the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), and the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA). The collaboration with local system integrators, business partners, and academic institutions plays a crucial role in driving growth in Singapore and making an impact across Southeast Asia.
Frequentis: weekly performance: 8.42%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/10/2023)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, Pierer Mobility, EuroTeleSites AG, Agrana, Semperit, Addiko Bank, Amag, Andritz, AT&S, Telekom Austria, SBO, Bawag, Linz Textil Holding, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Wolford, Kapsch TrafficCom, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Erste Group, Palfinger, Rosenbauer, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Austriacard Holdings AG, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Österreichische Post, Uniqa.

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