21st Austria weekly - Kontron, AMAG (20/02/2025)


Kontron: Kontron, a leading global provider of IoT Technology, is pleased to announce that it has secured a major contract for 5G automotive IoT connectivity modules for several global automotive manufacturers (OEMs). Valued at approximately $250 million, this agreement further strengthens Kontron's position as a trusted IoT technology partner in the automotive industry. As 5G adoption accelerates, these modules are essential for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. Ramp-up of production will be in 2026. The expected revenues of $250 million will be delivered within 7 years or faster. Kontron is the only European 5G modules supplier worldwide. The achievement was supported by Kontron's strategy, announced in September 2024, to develop and manufacture 5G modules entirely in Europe.
Kontron: weekly performance: 1.96%

AMAG: AMAG Austria Metall AG can look back on a successful financial year in a persistently challenging market environment, thanks to its diverse set-up and high adaptability. The Metal Division once again provided a tailwind.The main reasons for this were the continued stable production in the Canadian smelter, the increased aluminium price and lower average raw material costs, although the significant rise in the alumina price had an increasingly negative impact in the second half of 2024. At EUR 1,448.8 million, revenues were roughly on a par with the previous year (EUR 1,459.2 million). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 179.2 million (2023: EUR 188.4 million). Operating profit (EBIT) amounted EUR 77.1 million (2023: EUR 102.4 million). Net income after taxes totalled EUR 43.2 million in the 2024 financial year (2023: EUR 66.4 million). The Management Board and Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of EUR 1.20 per share to the Annual General Meeting.
Amag: weekly performance: 3.29%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (20/02/2025)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Kontron, AMAG (20/02/2025)

23.02.2025, 1994 Zeichen

Kontron: Kontron, a leading global provider of IoT Technology, is pleased to announce that it has secured a major contract for 5G automotive IoT connectivity modules for several global automotive manufacturers (OEMs). Valued at approximately $250 million, this agreement further strengthens Kontron's position as a trusted IoT technology partner in the automotive industry. As 5G adoption accelerates, these modules are essential for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. Ramp-up of production will be in 2026. The expected revenues of $250 million will be delivered within 7 years or faster. Kontron is the only European 5G modules supplier worldwide. The achievement was supported by Kontron's strategy, announced in September 2024, to develop and manufacture 5G modules entirely in Europe.
Kontron: weekly performance: 1.96%

AMAG: AMAG Austria Metall AG can look back on a successful financial year in a persistently challenging market environment, thanks to its diverse set-up and high adaptability. The Metal Division once again provided a tailwind.The main reasons for this were the continued stable production in the Canadian smelter, the increased aluminium price and lower average raw material costs, although the significant rise in the alumina price had an increasingly negative impact in the second half of 2024. At EUR 1,448.8 million, revenues were roughly on a par with the previous year (EUR 1,459.2 million). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 179.2 million (2023: EUR 188.4 million). Operating profit (EBIT) amounted EUR 77.1 million (2023: EUR 102.4 million). Net income after taxes totalled EUR 43.2 million in the 2024 financial year (2023: EUR 66.4 million). The Management Board and Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of EUR 1.20 per share to the Annual General Meeting.
Amag: weekly performance: 3.29%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (20/02/2025)

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