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Dow Jones-Mover: Apple, Microsoft, DOW, UnitedHealth, Travelers Companies, American Express, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Goldman Sachs, VISA und Wal-Mart

Magazine aktuell

#gabb aktuell

26.08.2020, 9932 Zeichen

    SK last day   L&S- Indikation
Apple AAPL 419.35   (24.08.)
428.30/ 428.50
Microsoft MSFT 182.22   (24.08.)
184.84/ 184.96
UnitedHealth UNH 261.15   (25.08.)
263.75/ 265.30
Travelers Companies PA9 97.05   (25.08.)
97.84/ 98.61
VISA 3V64 175.20   (25.08.)
176.36/ 176.64
Wal-Mart WMT 111.40   (25.08.)
110.48/ 110.78
Goldman Sachs GOS 176.12   (25.08.)
174.56/ 174.94
Walgreens Boots Alliance WBA 33.80   (24.08.)
33.42/ 33.49
American Express AEC1 84.81   (25.08.)
83.70/ 83.87
DOW 2OY 39.41   (25.08.)
38.75/ 39.01
26.08 11:30
MaAnBu | MAB2509
MAx's two-way approach
https://newsfilter.io/quote/AAPL:US is planning to add augmented reality content to its Apple TV+ streaming video service, seeking new ways to attract and retain subscribers and drive interest in AR technology. In the new feature, elements of a TV show, like characters or objects, would be displayed on a viewer’s phone or tablet and integrated into the surrounding environment. For example, someone watching a moon-walking scene in the Apple show “For All Mankind” might be able to see a virtual lunar rover on their device’s display, seemingly perched atop their living room coffee table. The option would serve as bonus content akin to the director commentary or trailer that accompany a movie download and would be accessed from Apple’s TV app on the iPhone or iPad. The AR feature is expected to debut next year, ahead of an Apple headset in 2022 that will be built around augmented and virtual reality, said the people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to discuss the plan publicly. (https://newsfilter.io/a/93755a24a400bc42861feb83dc74bd54)
25.08 16:13
NFolio | NFSGF200
NF - Sustainable Growth SEL...
Teilverkauf und Realisierung der bisherigen Gewinne nach der Rally der letzten Wochen.   Möge der Markt mit mir sein.
25.08 13:32
MarioNo14 | CASHLESS
cashless payments
https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/banken-versicherungen/mobiles-bezahlen-sparkassen-verknuepfen-apple-pay-mit-girocard/26124724.html?ticket=ST-2341440-2fYyBYwks3zQLkrLsrt9-ap4 (...)bislang konnte Apple Pay nur in Verbindung mit einer Kredit- oder Debitkarte von Anbietern wie Mastercard oder Visa verwendet werden. Nun kommen rund 46 Millionen Sparkassen-Cards, wie die Girocard bei Sparkassen heißt, hinzu. Das sind immerhin knapp die Hälfte der rund 100 Millionen Girocards in Deutschland insgesamt.(...) „Trotz des Booms für kontaktlose Bezahlverfahren in der Coronakrise ist das Smartphone als Zahlungsmittel noch nicht im Alltag der meisten Verbraucher angekommen“ (...) Das liege auch daran, dass die Bezahldienste von Apple und Google bislang nur in Verbindung mit einer Kreditkarte funktionierten. „Die meisten Verbraucher in Deutschland bezahlen lieber mit der Girocard, bei der Ausgaben direkt vom Konto abgebucht werden.“ Dass die Sparkassen jetzt die Verknüpfung der Girocard mit Apple Pay ermöglichen, könnte sich als bedeutender Meilenstein für die Akzeptanz des Smartphones als Zahlungsmittel erweisen.  
26.08 11:33
MaAnBu | MAB2509
MAx's two-way approach
Microsoft became an early front runner in the race to acquire the U.S. operations of TikTok from the Chinese parent company Bytedance (BNDCE). The talks began after President Donald Trump signed an executive order giving TikTok 90 days to find a buyer, or else the app will be blocked from operating in the U.S. Concerns are swirling that the app may be logging information on each user and transmitting that data back to the Chinese government. Microsoft has warned that it will walk away from the deal if it isn’t closed by Sept. 15.
24.08 08:33
DummyTrader | IRM20FNI
FNI Triple Three Growth Shares
Zoom wird bald in Smart Display Devices von Google und Amazon fest integriert. Damit schließen der Videokommunikationsspezialist und die beiden IT Riesen eine Partnerschaft, welche die Unternehmen in eine optimale Position bringt, um vom anhaltenden Home-Office Boom zu profitieren. Die Integration von Zoom in die Geräte „Amazon Echo Show“ und Googles „Nest Hub Max“ soll bis Ende dieses Jahres erfolgen. Diese Partnerschaft setzt Microsoft mit seiner Home-Office Software „Teams“ unter Druck und berührt somit gleich drei Werte unseres Portfolios. Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich werden von uns daher mit größter Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt.
26.08 12:42
MavTrade | QUAL1412
Visa Inc. (NYSE: V) today announced Visa Smarter Stand-in Processing (Smarter STIP), a new capability that uses real-time artificial intelligence (AI) to help financial institutions manage transaction authorizations when service disruptions occur. Using deep learning to analyze past transactions, Smarter STIP generates informed decisions to approve or decline transactions on behalf of issuers in the event that their systems go offline. Visa pioneered the use of AI and neural networks to prevent fraud—Smarter STIP builds on that track record, and is the first in a suite of new AI-powered innovations coming to VisaNet, Visa’s global processing network. “Consumers expect instant and uninterrupted access to their funds—failure to meet that expectation can be costly,” says Jack Forestell, executive vice president and chief product officer, Visa. “Stand-in processing has always been a vital assurance to our clients that when the unexpected occurs, we’ve got their back. By adding AI, that capability becomes smarter, stronger, and more dynamic.” Addressing the challenge of downtime  Whether it’s scheduled maintenance or an unexpected outage, service downtime is disruptive for financial institutions and their customers. When stand-in processing is not in place, the potential impacts can be profound: lost revenue due to failed transactions, poor cardholder experience resulting in call volume spikes to customer service centers, damage to reputation, and even scrutiny from regulators. Visa’s new Smarter STIP service builds on Visa’s existing STIP capability by using deep learning to analyze past transactions down to the cardholder level. Thus the transaction decision that Smarter STIP provides is based on unique insights derived from the cardholder’s past purchasing behavior, rather than solely on static rules applied across an entire card portfolio. With this added intelligence, Visa is able to provide a transaction decision on the issuer’s behalf that more closely mirrors the issuer’s own decision making process—with the potential to decrease transaction declines for cardholders by up to 50% in some cases.1 Harnessing AI for the Payments Ecosystem Visa Smarter STIP is one of several new real-time deep learning capabilities designed to solve long-standing challenges and pain points for buyers, sellers, and financial institutions. These enhanced services are made possible by the investments Visa has made to optimize its core infrastructure. This includes a scalable, high-performing, GPU-based platform designed to support the rapid deployment of deep learning capabilities. “AI is one of the most transformative technologies of our time, giving us the power to build data-driven products that deliver new levels of insight and personalization. With one of the largest and richest data sets in the world, Visa is extremely well positioned to unlock the full potential of AI for our clients and cardholders, and at massive scale,” says Rajat Taneja, president of technology at Visa. “We’ve made significant investments in our infrastructure, making it possible to harness this data more deeply across all facets of VisaNet. Our data, combined with low-latency architecture and our unique modeling capabilities, make our technology platform among the most powerful for AI.”​ Global adoption already underway  Smarter STIP will be available in October 2020 and has generated interest from a range of financial institutions around the world. “At UBS, we believe in building a better future for our customers by harnessing the power of innovation and collaboration—a continuous process that relies on innovative thinking and transformative technologies and capabilities, developed both in-house and by our partners,” says Stefan Uebelhart, Head of UBS Card Center. “We are very pleased to launch Visa’s Smarter STIP service, as this is an example where the power of collaboration, transformative technologies and innovation come together to provide an improved experience for our cardholders. In our quest to build a better future for our customers, we see Visa as a valued partner and intend to work together in the innovation space.” “As a leader in interest-free shopping platforms in Australia and New Zealand, Latitude Financial is constantly exploring new technology and innovation so we can deliver the best possible service to our customers,” said Latitude’s Chief Commercial Officer, Paul Varro. “Visa’s Smarter STIP service helps us substantially improve transaction approval rates. This is a great outcome, cleverly bringing together AI with our historical authorisation learnings, new datasets, and Visa’s experience in transaction processing to provide a rich customer experience, all the time.”
25.08 17:26
oekethic | 28122011
oekethic Nachhaltigkeit
Aus meiner Sicht dürfte die Konsolidierungsphase nun ihr Ende finden - kurzfristig rechne ich mit Kursen um die 181 EUR. Weitere Zukäufe sind geplant.
Walgreens Boots Alliance
25.08 06:57
Aktien im Schlussverkauf
Gestern zu US-Börsenbeginn günstig aufgestockt, nachdem das real money Wikifolio "Aktien im Schlussverkauf" vor dem ex Dividendentermin 18.8.2020 abgebaut hatte (US-Dividenden werden ivon Wikifolio nicht gut gescbrieben).

About: boerse-social.com liefert auf Basis der L&S-Indikationen die Gewinner und Verlierer intraday oder ausserhalb der Handelszeiten. Ergänzt durch Trader-Kommentare aus dem wikifolio-Universum und die bekannten Übersichtsgrafiken aus dem Börse Social Network.

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Song #56:: Unser Unsro, das Lied, das die europäische Finanz- und Währungskrise löst (Nicht King Kong)


Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Agrana, RHI Magnesita, Austriacard Holdings AG, Flughafen Wien, Addiko Bank, Rosgix, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Wienerberger, Bawag, AT&S, Österreichische Post, Palfinger, Semperit, Cleen Energy, Pierer Mobility, UBM, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, CA Immo, Erste Group, EVN, Immofinanz, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Symrise, Siemens Healthineers, BMW.

Random Partner

Die Uniqa Group ist eine führende Versicherungsgruppe, die in Österreich und Zentral- und Osteuropa tätig ist. Die Gruppe ist mit ihren mehr als 20.000 Mitarbeitern und rund 40 Gesellschaften in 18 Ländern vor Ort und hat mehr als 10 Millionen Kunden.

>> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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Börse Social Club Board
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    #gabb #1643

    Featured Partner Video

    Börsepeople im Podcast S13/12: Emily Erker

    Emily Erker ist LinkedIn Top Voice 2022 und Top LinkedIn Influencer Austria (das sind so ca. 50 Leute, ich bin auch dabei, sie ist aber stärker). Emily hat +18k FollowerInnen auf LinkedIn (um ...

    Books josefchladek.com

    Gregor Radonjič
    Self published

    Kristina Syrchikova
    The Burial Dress
    Self published

    Valie Export
    Veralg Droschl

    Mimi Plumb
    TBW Books

    Stefania Rössl & Massimo Sordi (eds.)
    Index Naturae

    Dow Jones-Mover: Apple, Microsoft, DOW, UnitedHealth, Travelers Companies, American Express, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Goldman Sachs, VISA und Wal-Mart

    26.08.2020, 9932 Zeichen

        SK last day   L&S- Indikation
    Apple AAPL 419.35   (24.08.)
    428.30/ 428.50
    Microsoft MSFT 182.22   (24.08.)
    184.84/ 184.96
    UnitedHealth UNH 261.15   (25.08.)
    263.75/ 265.30
    Travelers Companies PA9 97.05   (25.08.)
    97.84/ 98.61
    VISA 3V64 175.20   (25.08.)
    176.36/ 176.64
    Wal-Mart WMT 111.40   (25.08.)
    110.48/ 110.78
    Goldman Sachs GOS 176.12   (25.08.)
    174.56/ 174.94
    Walgreens Boots Alliance WBA 33.80   (24.08.)
    33.42/ 33.49
    American Express AEC1 84.81   (25.08.)
    83.70/ 83.87
    DOW 2OY 39.41   (25.08.)
    38.75/ 39.01
    26.08 11:30
    MaAnBu | MAB2509
    MAx's two-way approach
    https://newsfilter.io/quote/AAPL:US is planning to add augmented reality content to its Apple TV+ streaming video service, seeking new ways to attract and retain subscribers and drive interest in AR technology. In the new feature, elements of a TV show, like characters or objects, would be displayed on a viewer’s phone or tablet and integrated into the surrounding environment. For example, someone watching a moon-walking scene in the Apple show “For All Mankind” might be able to see a virtual lunar rover on their device’s display, seemingly perched atop their living room coffee table. The option would serve as bonus content akin to the director commentary or trailer that accompany a movie download and would be accessed from Apple’s TV app on the iPhone or iPad. The AR feature is expected to debut next year, ahead of an Apple headset in 2022 that will be built around augmented and virtual reality, said the people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to discuss the plan publicly. (https://newsfilter.io/a/93755a24a400bc42861feb83dc74bd54)
    25.08 16:13
    NFolio | NFSGF200
    NF - Sustainable Growth SEL...
    Teilverkauf und Realisierung der bisherigen Gewinne nach der Rally der letzten Wochen.   Möge der Markt mit mir sein.
    25.08 13:32
    MarioNo14 | CASHLESS
    cashless payments
    https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/banken-versicherungen/mobiles-bezahlen-sparkassen-verknuepfen-apple-pay-mit-girocard/26124724.html?ticket=ST-2341440-2fYyBYwks3zQLkrLsrt9-ap4 (...)bislang konnte Apple Pay nur in Verbindung mit einer Kredit- oder Debitkarte von Anbietern wie Mastercard oder Visa verwendet werden. Nun kommen rund 46 Millionen Sparkassen-Cards, wie die Girocard bei Sparkassen heißt, hinzu. Das sind immerhin knapp die Hälfte der rund 100 Millionen Girocards in Deutschland insgesamt.(...) „Trotz des Booms für kontaktlose Bezahlverfahren in der Coronakrise ist das Smartphone als Zahlungsmittel noch nicht im Alltag der meisten Verbraucher angekommen“ (...) Das liege auch daran, dass die Bezahldienste von Apple und Google bislang nur in Verbindung mit einer Kreditkarte funktionierten. „Die meisten Verbraucher in Deutschland bezahlen lieber mit der Girocard, bei der Ausgaben direkt vom Konto abgebucht werden.“ Dass die Sparkassen jetzt die Verknüpfung der Girocard mit Apple Pay ermöglichen, könnte sich als bedeutender Meilenstein für die Akzeptanz des Smartphones als Zahlungsmittel erweisen.  
    26.08 11:33
    MaAnBu | MAB2509
    MAx's two-way approach
    Microsoft became an early front runner in the race to acquire the U.S. operations of TikTok from the Chinese parent company Bytedance (BNDCE). The talks began after President Donald Trump signed an executive order giving TikTok 90 days to find a buyer, or else the app will be blocked from operating in the U.S. Concerns are swirling that the app may be logging information on each user and transmitting that data back to the Chinese government. Microsoft has warned that it will walk away from the deal if it isn’t closed by Sept. 15.
    24.08 08:33
    DummyTrader | IRM20FNI
    FNI Triple Three Growth Shares
    Zoom wird bald in Smart Display Devices von Google und Amazon fest integriert. Damit schließen der Videokommunikationsspezialist und die beiden IT Riesen eine Partnerschaft, welche die Unternehmen in eine optimale Position bringt, um vom anhaltenden Home-Office Boom zu profitieren. Die Integration von Zoom in die Geräte „Amazon Echo Show“ und Googles „Nest Hub Max“ soll bis Ende dieses Jahres erfolgen. Diese Partnerschaft setzt Microsoft mit seiner Home-Office Software „Teams“ unter Druck und berührt somit gleich drei Werte unseres Portfolios. Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich werden von uns daher mit größter Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt.
    26.08 12:42
    MavTrade | QUAL1412
    Visa Inc. (NYSE: V) today announced Visa Smarter Stand-in Processing (Smarter STIP), a new capability that uses real-time artificial intelligence (AI) to help financial institutions manage transaction authorizations when service disruptions occur. Using deep learning to analyze past transactions, Smarter STIP generates informed decisions to approve or decline transactions on behalf of issuers in the event that their systems go offline. Visa pioneered the use of AI and neural networks to prevent fraud—Smarter STIP builds on that track record, and is the first in a suite of new AI-powered innovations coming to VisaNet, Visa’s global processing network. “Consumers expect instant and uninterrupted access to their funds—failure to meet that expectation can be costly,” says Jack Forestell, executive vice president and chief product officer, Visa. “Stand-in processing has always been a vital assurance to our clients that when the unexpected occurs, we’ve got their back. By adding AI, that capability becomes smarter, stronger, and more dynamic.” Addressing the challenge of downtime  Whether it’s scheduled maintenance or an unexpected outage, service downtime is disruptive for financial institutions and their customers. When stand-in processing is not in place, the potential impacts can be profound: lost revenue due to failed transactions, poor cardholder experience resulting in call volume spikes to customer service centers, damage to reputation, and even scrutiny from regulators. Visa’s new Smarter STIP service builds on Visa’s existing STIP capability by using deep learning to analyze past transactions down to the cardholder level. Thus the transaction decision that Smarter STIP provides is based on unique insights derived from the cardholder’s past purchasing behavior, rather than solely on static rules applied across an entire card portfolio. With this added intelligence, Visa is able to provide a transaction decision on the issuer’s behalf that more closely mirrors the issuer’s own decision making process—with the potential to decrease transaction declines for cardholders by up to 50% in some cases.1 Harnessing AI for the Payments Ecosystem Visa Smarter STIP is one of several new real-time deep learning capabilities designed to solve long-standing challenges and pain points for buyers, sellers, and financial institutions. These enhanced services are made possible by the investments Visa has made to optimize its core infrastructure. This includes a scalable, high-performing, GPU-based platform designed to support the rapid deployment of deep learning capabilities. “AI is one of the most transformative technologies of our time, giving us the power to build data-driven products that deliver new levels of insight and personalization. With one of the largest and richest data sets in the world, Visa is extremely well positioned to unlock the full potential of AI for our clients and cardholders, and at massive scale,” says Rajat Taneja, president of technology at Visa. “We’ve made significant investments in our infrastructure, making it possible to harness this data more deeply across all facets of VisaNet. Our data, combined with low-latency architecture and our unique modeling capabilities, make our technology platform among the most powerful for AI.”​ Global adoption already underway  Smarter STIP will be available in October 2020 and has generated interest from a range of financial institutions around the world. “At UBS, we believe in building a better future for our customers by harnessing the power of innovation and collaboration—a continuous process that relies on innovative thinking and transformative technologies and capabilities, developed both in-house and by our partners,” says Stefan Uebelhart, Head of UBS Card Center. “We are very pleased to launch Visa’s Smarter STIP service, as this is an example where the power of collaboration, transformative technologies and innovation come together to provide an improved experience for our cardholders. In our quest to build a better future for our customers, we see Visa as a valued partner and intend to work together in the innovation space.” “As a leader in interest-free shopping platforms in Australia and New Zealand, Latitude Financial is constantly exploring new technology and innovation so we can deliver the best possible service to our customers,” said Latitude’s Chief Commercial Officer, Paul Varro. “Visa’s Smarter STIP service helps us substantially improve transaction approval rates. This is a great outcome, cleverly bringing together AI with our historical authorisation learnings, new datasets, and Visa’s experience in transaction processing to provide a rich customer experience, all the time.”
    25.08 17:26
    oekethic | 28122011
    oekethic Nachhaltigkeit
    Aus meiner Sicht dürfte die Konsolidierungsphase nun ihr Ende finden - kurzfristig rechne ich mit Kursen um die 181 EUR. Weitere Zukäufe sind geplant.
    Walgreens Boots Alliance
    25.08 06:57
    FoxSr | AKTIEOKT
    Aktien im Schlussverkauf
    Gestern zu US-Börsenbeginn günstig aufgestockt, nachdem das real money Wikifolio "Aktien im Schlussverkauf" vor dem ex Dividendentermin 18.8.2020 abgebaut hatte (US-Dividenden werden ivon Wikifolio nicht gut gescbrieben).

    About: boerse-social.com liefert auf Basis der L&S-Indikationen die Gewinner und Verlierer intraday oder ausserhalb der Handelszeiten. Ergänzt durch Trader-Kommentare aus dem wikifolio-Universum und die bekannten Übersichtsgrafiken aus dem Börse Social Network.

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Song #56:: Unser Unsro, das Lied, das die europäische Finanz- und Währungskrise löst (Nicht King Kong)


    Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Agrana, RHI Magnesita, Austriacard Holdings AG, Flughafen Wien, Addiko Bank, Rosgix, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Wienerberger, Bawag, AT&S, Österreichische Post, Palfinger, Semperit, Cleen Energy, Pierer Mobility, UBM, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, CA Immo, Erste Group, EVN, Immofinanz, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Symrise, Siemens Healthineers, BMW.

    Random Partner

    Die Uniqa Group ist eine führende Versicherungsgruppe, die in Österreich und Zentral- und Osteuropa tätig ist. Die Gruppe ist mit ihren mehr als 20.000 Mitarbeitern und rund 40 Gesellschaften in 18 Ländern vor Ort und hat mehr als 10 Millionen Kunden.

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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    Börse Social Club Board
    >> mehr
      #gabb #1643

      Featured Partner Video

      Börsepeople im Podcast S13/12: Emily Erker

      Emily Erker ist LinkedIn Top Voice 2022 und Top LinkedIn Influencer Austria (das sind so ca. 50 Leute, ich bin auch dabei, sie ist aber stärker). Emily hat +18k FollowerInnen auf LinkedIn (um ...

      Books josefchladek.com

      Jerker Andersson
      Found Diary
      Self published

      Martin Frey & Philipp Graf
      Spurensuche 2023
      Self published

      Regina Anzenberger

      Kristina Syrchikova
      The Burial Dress
      Self published

      On the Verge