03.12.2023, 3093 Zeichen
Wolftank: Wolftank Group, specializing in energy and environmental technologies, has obtained a major contract from Siram Veolia to design and build a hydrogen refueling infrastructure for a railway company near Lake Iseo in northern Italy, on a total tender base of EUR 19.5 mn. This significant order assigned by Siram Veolia marks another milestone in Wolftank Group’s growing portfolio in public transport refueling.
Wolftank-Adisa: weekly performance:
Immofinanz: Immofinanz Group recorded strong growth in both rental income and operating results in the first three quarters of 2023 due to acquisitions, the full consolidation of S Immo and successful asset management. Rental income rose by 79.4% year-on-year to EUR 389.2 million; the results of asset management, at EUR 323.7 million, were even 92.2% higher than in the previous year. The results of operations increased to EUR 209.1 million and sustainable FFO 1 from the standing investment business more than doubled to EUR 214.4 million. “The results show that we are in a resilient position and are operating successfully with our strategy. Despite the challenging market environment, we performed strongly with acquisitions, the full consolidation of S IMMO and our asset management and recorded significant growth in all operating key figures. We also continued to improve our financial basis, which puts us in a solid position for the future,” says Radka Doehring, member of the Immofinanz Executive Board.
Immofinanz: weekly performance:
CA Immo: CA Immo, the real estate company specializing in high-quality office space, can report a good operating performance for the first three quarters of 2023. The results show, among other things, a significant increase in rental income (+9%) and high income from the sale of non-strategic properties (sales result of €158m, FFO II +88%), which led to an increase in the operating result (EBITDA) of 129% compared to the previous year´s figure. In total, CA Immo generated a consolidated net profit of €61.1m, which was around 77% below the previous year's figure, primarily due to the non-cash-effective, market-related negative result from revaluation. High liquidity, a solid equity ratio of 47.9% and a balanced maturity profile of long-term liabilities ensure stability even in this uncertain market situation and increase the scope for active portfolio management.
CA Immo: weekly performance:
VIG: Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) generated a total premium volume of EUR 10,619 million over the first three quarters. This equates to an 11.4% increase year on year. A significant increase in premiums was achieved in all segments. The Group’s solvency ratio at the end of the third quarter of 2023 was 303.8% (including transitional measures) and thus increased further compared to 282% in the first half of 2023. VIG is confident that the Group will achieve profit before taxes at the upper end of the EUR 700–750 million range for 2023 as a whole.
VIG: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/11/2023)
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