23.03.2025, 2928 Zeichen
Semperit: In the 2024 financial year, the Semperit Group increased its EBITDA by 21.1% to EUR 84.9 million and turned its earnings after tax into a profit of EUR 11.5 million, compared with EUR –17.1 million loss in the same period of the previous year. With stable revenues of EUR 676.6 million (–0.8%), the EBITDA margin increased by 2.3 percentage points to 12.5%, mainly due to the cost-cutting program initiated as early as 2023. “As expected, it was a challenging year, but one in which we achieved a very decent result. We fully withdrew from the glove business in 2024 and are now focusing 100% on executing our strategy as a specialist in elastomer products for industrial customers. The integration of Rico proceeded well, our set-up with two strong divisions introduced in 2023 proved successful, and we increased our profitability. We thus achieved all milestones and kept what we promised despite headwinds from the market,” says Semperit CEO Karl Haider. “The market environment will remain difficult in the first half of the year. Thanks to our early cost savings, which will have added up to more than EUR 18 million since 2023, we are very well positioned and, due to our investments in production expansions, we are excellently prepared for the next upturn,” Haider continued.
Semperit: weekly performance:
Verbund: Following extraordinarily high earnings in financial year 2023 due to the gas price shock immediately after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, earnings declined in financial year 2024 due to lower wholesale prices. EBITDA fell by 22.5% year-on-year to €3,480.3m. The Group result was down 17.2% to €1,875.3m, and the Group result after adjustment for non-recurring effects declined by 24.5% year-on-year to €1,975.5m. The water supply, which was well above average, had a positive effect on earnings. The hydro coefficient for the run-of-river power plants came to 1.09, or 11 percentage points above the prior-year figure and 9 percentage points above the long-term average. Earnings were hard-hit by the sharp drop in futures prices for wholesale electricity that were relevant for the reporting period. Spot market prices also declined in financial year 2024. The average sales price achieved by VERBUND for its own generation from hydropower thus fell by €49.1/MWh to €118.0/MWh. Despite higher generation from photovoltaic installations and wind power plants, the earnings contribution from the New renewables segment also declined due to lower sales prices. By contrast, a significantly improved earnings contribution from the Sales segment compared with 2023 had a positive effect, partly due to lower procurement costs, while the contribution from the Grid segment suffered due to a drop in earnings at Gas Connect Austria GmbH and Austrian Power Grid AG.
Verbund: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (20/03/2025)
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