21st Austria weekly - Frequentis, KTM (17/03/2025)


Frequentis: The Norwegian railway operator, Bane NOR, has chosen Frequentis to upgrade its railway dispatcher terminals with the DICORA x20 system, significantly enhancing railway communications. The contract also includes ongoing support and maintenance. From 1 January 2025, Frequentis started to fulfil the extended maintenance service of Bane NOR’s current Fixed Terminal System. The new DICORA x20 terminals featuring the latest advancements are set to be delivered to Bane NOR’s live system by Q2 2025.
Frequentis: weekly performance: 5.75%

KTM: Production at the motorcycle manufacturer KTM in Mattighofen restarted on Monday after being halted since December 13th. The four production lines are scheduled to start up on Monday, at least in single-shift operation. Full capacity is expected to be reached within three months. Production will be ramped up gradually, according to KTM. Although the restructuring plan was accepted by creditors, and a cash injection from Indian co-owner Bajaj will enable the factory to restart, the search for an investor is still ongoing.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance: 9.01%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/03/2025)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Frequentis, KTM (17/03/2025)

23.03.2025, 1205 Zeichen

Frequentis: The Norwegian railway operator, Bane NOR, has chosen Frequentis to upgrade its railway dispatcher terminals with the DICORA x20 system, significantly enhancing railway communications. The contract also includes ongoing support and maintenance. From 1 January 2025, Frequentis started to fulfil the extended maintenance service of Bane NOR’s current Fixed Terminal System. The new DICORA x20 terminals featuring the latest advancements are set to be delivered to Bane NOR’s live system by Q2 2025.
Frequentis: weekly performance: 5.75%

KTM: Production at the motorcycle manufacturer KTM in Mattighofen restarted on Monday after being halted since December 13th. The four production lines are scheduled to start up on Monday, at least in single-shift operation. Full capacity is expected to be reached within three months. Production will be ramped up gradually, according to KTM. Although the restructuring plan was accepted by creditors, and a cash injection from Indian co-owner Bajaj will enable the factory to restart, the search for an investor is still ongoing.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance: 9.01%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/03/2025)

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