22.10.2023, 3135 Zeichen
Andritz: International technology group Andritz will relocate and upgrade a fiberline for Yueyang Forest & Paper to produce premium quality fibers for its new paper machine. The P-RC APMP (Pre-Conditioning Refiner Chemical Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp) line was originally supplied by Andritz in 2011 to the mill in Yuanjiang city, Hunan province. Andritz will now transfer it to Yueyang city, Hunan province, where it will process mixed hardwood for the production of printing and writing papers.
Andritz: weekly performance:
voestalpine: The Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG has appointed Carola Richter as Head of the Metal Forming Division with effect from April 1, 2024. The internationally experienced manager will become the first woman to join the six-member Management Board of voestalpine AG. Her term of office will be three years, as is the case with other first-time appointments. Carola Richter succeeds Peter Schwab, who, after ten years on the Management Board, will not be extending his mandate for personal reasons and will conclude his service on March 31, 2024.
voestalpine: weekly performance:
FACC: Last week, FACC AG received the coveted Best Practice Supplier Award 2023 from the British engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce for its outstanding delivery performance. The award was presented to FACC at the Rolls-Royce Supplier Conference in Silverstone (UK). The outstanding delivery performance and excellent supplier management were highlighted in particular. "This award from our long-standing partner Rolls-Royce makes us very proud - it represents the commitment of our entire crew to deliver top performance every day and to meet the requirements of our customers in the best possible way," emphasized CEO Robert Machtlinger. A special honor for FACC this year was also the nomination for the Rolls-Royce Award "Supplier of the Year": Among all suppliers worldwide of Rolls-Royce, FACC was honored in Silverstone as one of the top 3 supplier companies.
FACC: weekly performance:
Immofinanz: Real estate company Immofinanz is increasing the focus on the sustainable expansion of its real estate portfolio. Nine of its buildings in Austria were successfully certified under the renowned BREEAM standard. With approximately 77,200 sqm of space, the company is setting a strong sign for environmentally friendly properties in the office and retail segments. The certified buildings provide excellent opportunities for working and shopping, but also set new standards for energy efficiency, environmental compatibility and health promotion. They underscore Immofinanz‘s reaction to the growing market demand for sustainable properties and create future-oriented solutions for office and retail space. “This is further proof of our commitment to sustainability and our efforts to offer our tenants and customers the most modern and environmentally friendly working and shopping worlds“, commented Katrin Gögele-Celeda, Immofinanz Country Manager Austria & Adriatic.
Immofinanz: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (19/10/2023)
Börsepeople im Podcast S18/05: Alexander J. Rüdiger
Aktien auf dem Radar:Porr, OMV, VIG, Rosenbauer, Austriacard Holdings AG, Pierer Mobility, Uniqa, EuroTeleSites AG, SBO, Lenzing, Bawag, Andritz, Polytec Group, voestalpine, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, FACC, BKS Bank Stamm, RHI Magnesita, Zumtobel, Palfinger, Strabag, Agrana, Amag, Flughafen Wien, Kapsch TrafficCom, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Mercedes-Benz Group, HeidelbergCement, Hannover Rück.
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