21st Austria weekly - Immofinanz, Valneva, Fabasoft, voestalpine, Lenzing (08/06/2022)


Immofinanz: After the successful completion of the mandatory takeover offer of CPI Property Group on Immofinanz the Supervisory Board and the members of the Executive Board Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer mutually agreed today in relation to the Change of Control Event, that their contract as board members shall end at 08^th of June 2022. Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer will continue to work for the Company as advisors to the Executive and Supervisory Board until 31^st of December 2022. Radka Doehring was appointed as an Executive Board member in April 2022 and takes over the agendas from Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer. They will continue to support her in her new role and future projects.

Valneva: Austrian/French specialty vaccine company Valneva announced its inclusion in the Euronext Tech Leaders Index which was launched yesterday by Euronext.The Euronext Tech Leaders Index is composed of 100+ European Tech companies, which were identified by Euronext either to be leaders in their field or to have a particularly strong growth profile. It aims to strengthen the European Tech sector and be a catalyst for the next generation of Tech leaders.  Thomas Lingelbach, Chief Executive Officer of Valneva said, “We would like to thank Euronext for our inclusion in this new Index which will enhance our visibility as an innovative vaccine company. The dedicated services afforded to us through this initiative will a be a great asset moving forward.”

Fabasoft: Software company Fabasoft AG reported sales in financial year 2021/2022 of Euro 58.3 mn (55.1 mn in the 2020/2021 financial year). The EBITDA decreased to Euro 17.6 mn (vs. Euro 19.6 mn in 2020/2021), and EBIT to Euro 11.5 mn (vs. EUR 13.9 million in 2020/2021). The lower result is explained by higher R&D expenditure, which reflects the sharp rise in personnel costs. At the Annual General Meeting of Fabasoft AG on July 4, 2022, a dividend payment of Euro 0.75 per dividend-entitled share for the 2021/2022 financial year (EUR 0.85 per dividend-entitled share for the 2020/2021 financial year) will be proposed.

voestalpine: voestalpine posted record results in the business year 2021/22 (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022), despite an extremely challenging environment resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, huge rises in the prices of raw materials and energy, and finally the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Revenue rose 36.9% in a year-over-year comparison, to Euro 14.9 bn. The operating result (EBITDA) also developed positively, doubling year over year to Euro 2.3 bn (2020/21: Euro 1.1 bn). Profit from operations (EBIT) was outstanding, rising from around Euro 340 mn in the previous year to Euro 1.5 bn. The EBITDA margin amounted to 15.4%, and the EBIT margin to 9.7%.

Lenzing: The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers for the global textile and nonwoven industries, is celebrating the 25^th anniversary of its site in Heiligenkreuz, Burgenland on June 08, 2022. Since its launch in 1997, the lyocell plant has contributed hugely to the success of the Lenzing Group. The site is also celebrating the successful production of one million tons of wood-based, biodegradable lyocell fibers.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (08/06/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Immofinanz, Valneva, Fabasoft, voestalpine, Lenzing (08/06/2022)

12.06.2022, 3338 Zeichen

Immofinanz: After the successful completion of the mandatory takeover offer of CPI Property Group on Immofinanz the Supervisory Board and the members of the Executive Board Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer mutually agreed today in relation to the Change of Control Event, that their contract as board members shall end at 08^th of June 2022. Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer will continue to work for the Company as advisors to the Executive and Supervisory Board until 31^st of December 2022. Radka Doehring was appointed as an Executive Board member in April 2022 and takes over the agendas from Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer. They will continue to support her in her new role and future projects.

Valneva: Austrian/French specialty vaccine company Valneva announced its inclusion in the Euronext Tech Leaders Index which was launched yesterday by Euronext.The Euronext Tech Leaders Index is composed of 100+ European Tech companies, which were identified by Euronext either to be leaders in their field or to have a particularly strong growth profile. It aims to strengthen the European Tech sector and be a catalyst for the next generation of Tech leaders.  Thomas Lingelbach, Chief Executive Officer of Valneva said, “We would like to thank Euronext for our inclusion in this new Index which will enhance our visibility as an innovative vaccine company. The dedicated services afforded to us through this initiative will a be a great asset moving forward.”

Fabasoft: Software company Fabasoft AG reported sales in financial year 2021/2022 of Euro 58.3 mn (55.1 mn in the 2020/2021 financial year). The EBITDA decreased to Euro 17.6 mn (vs. Euro 19.6 mn in 2020/2021), and EBIT to Euro 11.5 mn (vs. EUR 13.9 million in 2020/2021). The lower result is explained by higher R&D expenditure, which reflects the sharp rise in personnel costs. At the Annual General Meeting of Fabasoft AG on July 4, 2022, a dividend payment of Euro 0.75 per dividend-entitled share for the 2021/2022 financial year (EUR 0.85 per dividend-entitled share for the 2020/2021 financial year) will be proposed.

voestalpine: voestalpine posted record results in the business year 2021/22 (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022), despite an extremely challenging environment resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, huge rises in the prices of raw materials and energy, and finally the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Revenue rose 36.9% in a year-over-year comparison, to Euro 14.9 bn. The operating result (EBITDA) also developed positively, doubling year over year to Euro 2.3 bn (2020/21: Euro 1.1 bn). Profit from operations (EBIT) was outstanding, rising from around Euro 340 mn in the previous year to Euro 1.5 bn. The EBITDA margin amounted to 15.4%, and the EBIT margin to 9.7%.

Lenzing: The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers for the global textile and nonwoven industries, is celebrating the 25^th anniversary of its site in Heiligenkreuz, Burgenland on June 08, 2022. Since its launch in 1997, the lyocell plant has contributed hugely to the success of the Lenzing Group. The site is also celebrating the successful production of one million tons of wood-based, biodegradable lyocell fibers.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (08/06/2022)

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