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Company Information
Leoben -
AT&S, a world leader in the high-tech microelectronics industry, will invest 500 million euros in the Leoben location over the next few years\nNew R&D center - production expansion for small series and prototypes\nA total of up to 700 new employees will be hired\nLeoben, 15 October 2021 - In view of the ongoing boom in demand in the
microelectronics sector and ever-new performance requirements for electronic
systems, AT&S has decided to put an even stronger focus on research and
development. Therefore, the company is investing in a new R&D center for
substrate and packaging solutions for the global semiconductor industry at its
location in Leoben-Hinterberg. In addition, another technology upgrade of the
production facilities will be implemented. The investments totaling EUR 500
million are planned up to 2025. The investment total includes previously
communicated investments in a technology upgrade and the new AT&S office
"Leoben is the central hub of AT&S. Starting here, AT&S has grown to become a
global group and today is one of the key players in the high-end printed circuit
board and IC substrate business," says
Hannes Androsch, Chairman of the AT&S
Supervisory Board. "While we invest heavily in other countries and only recently
announced our new location in Kulim/Malaysia, it is exactly these investments in
Asia that not only secure our locations and their employees, but also ensure
that the site in Leoben is expanded and around 700 highly qualified jobs are
being created." Precursors for IC substrates are already produced in Leoben
today and subsequently further processed into high-end final products at the
facilities in Chongqing/China and in the future also in Kulim/Malaysia. To meet
the growing demand, the production facilities are upgraded and an additional
production building of roughly 18,000 m2 will be built.
An essential part of the investment will also be used for a new research center
including the production of small series and prototypes. With the new, state-of-
the-art R&D center, AT&S addresses both customers in the high-end semiconductor
segment and international research institutions. "The technologies used here are
unparalleled in Europe and give AT&S a unique selling proposition on the
market," says AT&S CEO
Andreas Gerstenmayer. Research and development at this
level of technology will enable us to offer our customers innovative solutions
for future product generations even more proactively and to take on a pioneering
role in the industry.
"In addition, this investment is a clear commitment to the location in Leoben
and will make a contribution to a competitive microelectronics industry in
Europe." This AT&S project conforms with the European Chip Act, which was
announced by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, in mid-
September. The goal is to jointly create a European state-of-the-art chip
ecosystem in order to safeguard security of supply in Europe and to develop new
market for European breakthrough technologies.
The investment now announced will also go hand in hand with a significant
increase in the number of employees at AT&S. An additional 700 employees will be
required by 2025, including engineers in various disciplines, specialists and
university graduates for business and technical fields as well as qualified
skilled workers.
The Minister of Economic Affairs Margarete Schramböck underlines the importance
of the investment for the Austrian location: "We need a location that offers
Austrians economic security for the next generations. We achieve this by
investing in modern, digital key industries that offer jobs, enhance regions and
thus strengthen the location in the long term. AT&S is doing all of this with
the planned investment. As a federal government, we have succeeded in supporting
this investment financially with the help of the IPCEI Microelectronics and thus
investing in one of the most important future industries. "
"With this investment, AT&S underlines Styria's position as one of the leading
regions in innovation and research in Europe. The positive development of
microelectronics as one of our economic strengths is also inseparably linked
with the company. By now, 80 percent of the value added in Austria in this
sector is generated in the south of the country. The further expansion of AT&S
in Leoben is therefore an invaluable asset for Styria as a business location",
says Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, Minister for Economic Affairs of the Styrian
Provincial Government.
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft
Fabriksgasse 13
A-8700 Leoben
phone: 03842 200-0
mail: ir@ats.net
WWW: www.ats.net
ISIN: AT0000969985
indexes: ATX GP, ATX, WBI, VÖNIX
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/18136/aom
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