2928 Zeichen
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In its “Hot Button Report”, the Canadian non-profit organization Canopy
highlights Lenzing's innovative strength, its active contribution to forest
conservation and high level of transparency.
Company Information
Lenzing - In the "Hot Button Report" issued by the Canadian non-profit
organization Canopy, the Lenzing Group was once again rated number one in the
world, thus confirming its role as the sustainability trailblazer in the textile
industry. In this widely recognized ranking, Canopy grades the world's 32
largest producers of wood-based fibers with respect to their success in
achieving sustainable wood and pulp sourcing. Wood and the pulp derived from it
are the most important raw materials underlying Lenzing's sustainable production
of cellulosic fibers.
"We are extremely proud of this top ranking. It underlines our leading position
as a sustainability trailblazer in the manufacturing sector and in the fiber
industry in particular. It gives our customers the confidence that we have
created the right structures to prevent the sourcing and use of wood from
ancient and endangered forests", says Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group.
"Environmental protection and the prudent use of resources are an integral part
of our responsibility to nature and society", he adds.
Lenzing primarily convinced the non-profit organization Canopy this year thanks
to its innovative strength used to promote the circular economy in the textile
industry, its active contribution towards protecting the forests and preserving
biodiversity as well as its high level of transparency in pulp sourcing.
Lenzing received a total of 26.5 points (up 3.5 points from the previous year)
and was thus given the "light to mid green shirt" rating. This means that in
using the wood-based cellulosic fibers produced by the Lenzing Group, there is
only a very minimal danger that wood is derived from primeval forests and
endangered forest areas. In the Wood and Pulp Policy [
published by Lenzing, the company confirms that it only sources wood and pulp
from non-controversial sources.
Photo download:
https://mediadb.lenzing.com/pinaccess/showpin.do?pinCode=n... [https://
PIN: n4J1nOqwgHs7
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issuer: Lenzing AG
A-4860 Lenzing
phone: +43 7672-701-0
FAX: +43 7672-96301
mail: office@lenzing.com
ISIN: AT0000644505
indexes: WBI, ATX
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
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Stefan Doboczky (Lenzing), Christine Petzwinkler (BSN) - Number One Awards 2018 - Nachhaltigkeit Lenzing
, (© photaq) >> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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