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#gabb aktuell

30.09.2019, 4032 Zeichen

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Vienna - - Value-creating growth step in the Nordic facade market - Wienerberger acquires two brick producers and the distributor Egernsund, one of the most recognized brick brands in Denmark - Focus on growth in the Nordic facade business
Wienerberger has strengthened its market position in the attractive Nordic facade market through value-creating acquisitions. Wienerberger has acquired Vesterled and Helligsø, two brick producers with a long-standing tradition in the Nordic countries operating highly efficient production sites in Denmark. Moreover, Wienerberger has acquired Egernsund, the distributor of one of the most recognized brick brands in Denmark. Commenting on the most recent acquisitions, Heimo Scheuch, CEO of Wienerberger Group, said "With these acquisitions, we are taking a significant step toward further growth and strengthening our position in the Nordic facade market. We are enhancing our portfolio through innovative solutions and by expanding our distribution platform we further improve our services for our customers. As a result, we are creating the best possible foundations for continued profitable growth in the region by offering innovative and sustainable facade solutions." Synergies are expected to be generated in distribution, production and administration.
Vesterled operates a highly efficient production site for facing bricks and ceramic accessories at Sønderborg in southern Denmark. Helligsø has a production site in Northern Jutland in the north of the country. The product portfolios of the two producers comprise innovative, high-quality facing bricks and ceramic accessories for residential construction as well as commercial and public building projects. The products are marketed via Egernsund, a distribution company operating under one of the most-recognized brick brands in Denmark and which ideally complements Wienerberger's existing market presence.
Wienerberger currently operates two production sites in each of Denmark and Sweden, and one in Finland, employing a regional labor force of approximately 200. Wienerberger and the newly acquired companies generate combined revenues of EUR 95 million in this strategically important region. By strengthening its position in the Nordic facade market, Wienerberger ensures that a satisfactory level of profitability will be achieved on a sustainable basis.
The acquisitions are part of a value-creating growth strategy, meet Wienerberger's investment criteria, and directly contribute to the Group's net profit. The contracting parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The closing of the transaction is subject to approval by the German Federal Cartel Office.
Wienerberger Group Wienerberger is the world's largest producer of bricks (Porotherm, Terca) and the market leader in clay roof tiles (Koramic, Tondach) in Europe as well as concrete pavers (Semmelrock) in Central and Eastern Europe. In pipe systems (Steinzeug-Keramo ceramic pipes and Pipelife plastic pipes), the company is one of the leading suppliers in Europe. With its total of 195 production sites, the Wienerberger Group generated revenues of EUR 3.3 billion and EBITDA of EUR 470 million in 2018.
Wienerberger AG is a pure free float company, whereby the majority of shares are held by Austrian and international institutional investors. Additional information on the shareholder structure is provided under https:// wienerberger.com/en/investors/share [https://wienerberger.com/en/investors/ share]
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Wienerberger AG Wienerbergerstraße 11 A-1100 Wien phone: +43 1 60 192-0 FAX: +43 1 60 192-10159 mail: office@wienerberger.at WWW: www.wienerberger.at ISIN: AT0000831706 indexes: ATX stockmarkets: Wien language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/594/aom

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Börsepeople im Podcast S16/03: Thomas Soltau

Akt. Indikation:  26.82 / 26.88
Uhrzeit:  11:02:41
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  -1.00%
Letzter SK:  27.12 ( -0.66%)



1. Karin Steinbichler hat wesentlich zur Professionalisierung der internen und externen Kommunikation der Wienerberger Gruppe beigetragen und wichtige Impulse zur Modernisierung unseres kommunikativen Auftritts gesetzt. Ich danke ihr dafür und wünsche ihr viel Erfolg. Heimo Scheuch, CEO Wienerberger   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, voestalpine, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, Immofinanz, CA Immo, Andritz, AT&S, Zumtobel, OMV, Amag, Linz Textil Holding, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, DO&CO, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Bayer, DAIMLER TRUCK HLD..., Deutsche Telekom, Münchener Rück, Henkel, Infineon.

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Strabag SE ist ein europäischer Technologiekonzern für Baudienstleistungen. Das Angebot umfasst sämtliche Bereiche der Bauindustrie und deckt die gesamte Bauwertschöpfungskette ab. Durch das Engagement der knapp 72.000 MitarbeiterInnen erwirtschaftet das Unternehmen jährlich eine Leistung von rund 14 Mrd. Euro (Stand 06/17).

>> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 10-11: Kontron(5), Erste Group(1)
    Star der Stunde: DO&CO 1.38%, Rutsch der Stunde: Pierer Mobility -13.71%
    BSN MA-Event Vonovia SE
    BSN MA-Event Henkel
    BSN MA-Event Commerzbank
    Star der Stunde: AT&S 1.26%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -7.96%
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 8-9: VIG(1), Kontron(1)
    Rouman zu Strabag
    #gabb #1739

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    Börsepeople im Podcast S15/20: Oliver Olbrich

    Oliver Olbrich ("Double O, "the one and only") und ich kennen uns seit einem halben Leben aus dem Mediengeschäft und jetzt wollen wir alle Börsepeople die mitmachen wollen, digitalisieren. Diese Fo...

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    Wienerberger AG strengthens its position in the Nordic countries

    30.09.2019, 4032 Zeichen

    Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
    Company Information
    Vienna - - Value-creating growth step in the Nordic facade market - Wienerberger acquires two brick producers and the distributor Egernsund, one of the most recognized brick brands in Denmark - Focus on growth in the Nordic facade business
    Wienerberger has strengthened its market position in the attractive Nordic facade market through value-creating acquisitions. Wienerberger has acquired Vesterled and Helligsø, two brick producers with a long-standing tradition in the Nordic countries operating highly efficient production sites in Denmark. Moreover, Wienerberger has acquired Egernsund, the distributor of one of the most recognized brick brands in Denmark. Commenting on the most recent acquisitions, Heimo Scheuch, CEO of Wienerberger Group, said "With these acquisitions, we are taking a significant step toward further growth and strengthening our position in the Nordic facade market. We are enhancing our portfolio through innovative solutions and by expanding our distribution platform we further improve our services for our customers. As a result, we are creating the best possible foundations for continued profitable growth in the region by offering innovative and sustainable facade solutions." Synergies are expected to be generated in distribution, production and administration.
    Vesterled operates a highly efficient production site for facing bricks and ceramic accessories at Sønderborg in southern Denmark. Helligsø has a production site in Northern Jutland in the north of the country. The product portfolios of the two producers comprise innovative, high-quality facing bricks and ceramic accessories for residential construction as well as commercial and public building projects. The products are marketed via Egernsund, a distribution company operating under one of the most-recognized brick brands in Denmark and which ideally complements Wienerberger's existing market presence.
    Wienerberger currently operates two production sites in each of Denmark and Sweden, and one in Finland, employing a regional labor force of approximately 200. Wienerberger and the newly acquired companies generate combined revenues of EUR 95 million in this strategically important region. By strengthening its position in the Nordic facade market, Wienerberger ensures that a satisfactory level of profitability will be achieved on a sustainable basis.
    The acquisitions are part of a value-creating growth strategy, meet Wienerberger's investment criteria, and directly contribute to the Group's net profit. The contracting parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The closing of the transaction is subject to approval by the German Federal Cartel Office.
    Wienerberger Group Wienerberger is the world's largest producer of bricks (Porotherm, Terca) and the market leader in clay roof tiles (Koramic, Tondach) in Europe as well as concrete pavers (Semmelrock) in Central and Eastern Europe. In pipe systems (Steinzeug-Keramo ceramic pipes and Pipelife plastic pipes), the company is one of the leading suppliers in Europe. With its total of 195 production sites, the Wienerberger Group generated revenues of EUR 3.3 billion and EBITDA of EUR 470 million in 2018.
    Wienerberger AG is a pure free float company, whereby the majority of shares are held by Austrian and international institutional investors. Additional information on the shareholder structure is provided under https:// wienerberger.com/en/investors/share [https://wienerberger.com/en/investors/ share]
    end of announcement euro adhoc
    issuer: Wienerberger AG Wienerbergerstraße 11 A-1100 Wien phone: +43 1 60 192-0 FAX: +43 1 60 192-10159 mail: office@wienerberger.at WWW: www.wienerberger.at ISIN: AT0000831706 indexes: ATX stockmarkets: Wien language: English
    Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/594/aom

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Börsepeople im Podcast S16/03: Thomas Soltau

    Akt. Indikation:  26.82 / 26.88
    Uhrzeit:  11:02:41
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  -1.00%
    Letzter SK:  27.12 ( -0.66%)



    1. Karin Steinbichler hat wesentlich zur Professionalisierung der internen und externen Kommunikation der Wienerberger Gruppe beigetragen und wichtige Impulse zur Modernisierung unseres kommunikativen Auftritts gesetzt. Ich danke ihr dafür und wünsche ihr viel Erfolg. Heimo Scheuch, CEO Wienerberger   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, voestalpine, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, Immofinanz, CA Immo, Andritz, AT&S, Zumtobel, OMV, Amag, Linz Textil Holding, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, DO&CO, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Bayer, DAIMLER TRUCK HLD..., Deutsche Telekom, Münchener Rück, Henkel, Infineon.

    Random Partner

    Strabag SE ist ein europäischer Technologiekonzern für Baudienstleistungen. Das Angebot umfasst sämtliche Bereiche der Bauindustrie und deckt die gesamte Bauwertschöpfungskette ab. Durch das Engagement der knapp 72.000 MitarbeiterInnen erwirtschaftet das Unternehmen jährlich eine Leistung von rund 14 Mrd. Euro (Stand 06/17).

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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    Die Useletter "Morning Xpresso" und "Evening Xtrakt" heben sich deutlich von den gängigen Newslettern ab. Beispiele ansehen bzw. kostenfrei anmelden. Wichtige Börse-Infos garantiert.

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    (kostenfrei downloaden über http://runplugged.com/spreadit)

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      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 10-11: Kontron(5), Erste Group(1)
      Star der Stunde: DO&CO 1.38%, Rutsch der Stunde: Pierer Mobility -13.71%
      BSN MA-Event Vonovia SE
      BSN MA-Event Henkel
      BSN MA-Event Commerzbank
      Star der Stunde: AT&S 1.26%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -7.96%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 8-9: VIG(1), Kontron(1)
      Rouman zu Strabag
      #gabb #1739

      Featured Partner Video

      Börsepeople im Podcast S15/20: Oliver Olbrich

      Oliver Olbrich ("Double O, "the one and only") und ich kennen uns seit einem halben Leben aus dem Mediengeschäft und jetzt wollen wir alle Börsepeople die mitmachen wollen, digitalisieren. Diese Fo...

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