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21st Austria weekly - KTM (06/06/2019)


KTM: KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH, a subsidiary of KTM AG, has increased its stake in Motorcycle Distributors Australia Pty Ltd from 26% to 100%. With the full takeover of the shares, the sales subsidiaries in Australia - Butmac Pty Ltd for the brand KTM and HQVA Pty Ltd for the brand Husqvarna - as well as in New Zealand - KTM Motorcycle Distributors NZ - become wholly owned subsidiaries of the KTM-Group and strengthened its presence in Australia and New Zealand. Since 1994, Butmac Pty Ltd has been the exclusive importer and distributor of KTM for the Australian and New Zealand market.In recent years the brands Husqvarna Motorcycles and WP Suspension were added to the portfolio. Now selling more than 10,000 KTM and Husqvarna motorcycle units combined, the Australian and New Zealand business has become the third largest market in the world and therefore Motorcycle Distributors Australia Pty Ltd the third largest subsidiary of KTM. "I am extremely proud to have seen the KTM and Husqvarna Motorcycle brands go from strength to strength in both the Australian and New Zealand markets. We have built strong relationships with our dealers and our customers and this has been the key to our success. Becoming a factory owned subsidiary will increase the level of support that we can offer our dealer network, our staff and our customers, so I am excited about the next chapter," says Jeff Leisk, General Manager of Motorcycle Distributors Australia Pty Ltd. "The change of ownership is a significant development for both the company and the market, but there will be no impact on KTM-Group staff or the established dealer networks for KTM, Husqvarna Motorcycles and WP Suspension", continues Hubert Trunkenpolz, CSO, KTM Industries AG.
KTM Industries: weekly performance: -0.96%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (06/06/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - KTM (06/06/2019)

09.06.2019, 1867 Zeichen

KTM: KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH, a subsidiary of KTM AG, has increased its stake in Motorcycle Distributors Australia Pty Ltd from 26% to 100%. With the full takeover of the shares, the sales subsidiaries in Australia - Butmac Pty Ltd for the brand KTM and HQVA Pty Ltd for the brand Husqvarna - as well as in New Zealand - KTM Motorcycle Distributors NZ - become wholly owned subsidiaries of the KTM-Group and strengthened its presence in Australia and New Zealand. Since 1994, Butmac Pty Ltd has been the exclusive importer and distributor of KTM for the Australian and New Zealand market.In recent years the brands Husqvarna Motorcycles and WP Suspension were added to the portfolio. Now selling more than 10,000 KTM and Husqvarna motorcycle units combined, the Australian and New Zealand business has become the third largest market in the world and therefore Motorcycle Distributors Australia Pty Ltd the third largest subsidiary of KTM. "I am extremely proud to have seen the KTM and Husqvarna Motorcycle brands go from strength to strength in both the Australian and New Zealand markets. We have built strong relationships with our dealers and our customers and this has been the key to our success. Becoming a factory owned subsidiary will increase the level of support that we can offer our dealer network, our staff and our customers, so I am excited about the next chapter," says Jeff Leisk, General Manager of Motorcycle Distributors Australia Pty Ltd. "The change of ownership is a significant development for both the company and the market, but there will be no impact on KTM-Group staff or the established dealer networks for KTM, Husqvarna Motorcycles and WP Suspension", continues Hubert Trunkenpolz, CSO, KTM Industries AG.
KTM Industries: weekly performance: -0.96%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (06/06/2019)

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Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 69/365: Save the Date - der Termin für den Börsentag Wien 2026 steht bereits fest



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