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21st Austria weekly - Palfinger, CA Immo, (29/10/2018)


Palfinger: The Palfinger Group, leading manufacturers of innovative lifting solutions,  continued to record strong organic growth in the first three quarters of 2018. In the first three quarters of 2018, the Group’s revenue increased by 8.2 per cent from Euro 1,093.1 mn to 1,182.6 mn. The operating result (EBIT) thus increased by 10.7 per cent year on year from Euro 91.9 mn to 101.7 mn. The consolidated net result for the first three quarters of 2018 came to Euro 49.5 mn, which is 1.9 per cent lower than the previous year’s figure of Euro 50.5 mn, primarily as a result of a higher tax rate and the increase in earnings attributable to non-controlling shareholders. “The level of incoming orders was again higher than in the previous year and clearly surpassed our expectations. We are also satisfied with the earnings generated to date: Despite the ongoing restructuring, operating profitability has almost reached the 10 per cent threshold. At present, we are not seeing any slowdown in demand,” commented CEO Andreas Klauser. The management continues to foresee an increase in revenue and operating profitability for 2018. As a result of the further restructuring measures, the higher tax rate and the increase in earnings attributable to non-controlling shareholders the consolidated net result for 2018 is not expected to reach the record levels of 2015 and 2016.
Palfinger: weekly performance: 5.21%

CA Immo: Austrian real estate company CA Immo has signed a further rental agreement for the MY.O office building in Munich, which is currently under construction. At the beginning of 2020, the IT project services provider Pentasys AG will relocate its headquarters from Munich’s Westend to the Schlossviertel Nymphenburg. CA Immo is investing around Euro 96 mn in the MY.O. Construction management for the project will be handled by the CA Immo subsidiary omniCon.
CA Immo: weekly performance: 1.96%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (29/10/2018)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Palfinger, CA Immo, (29/10/2018)

29.10.2018, 1977 Zeichen

Palfinger: The Palfinger Group, leading manufacturers of innovative lifting solutions,  continued to record strong organic growth in the first three quarters of 2018. In the first three quarters of 2018, the Group’s revenue increased by 8.2 per cent from Euro 1,093.1 mn to 1,182.6 mn. The operating result (EBIT) thus increased by 10.7 per cent year on year from Euro 91.9 mn to 101.7 mn. The consolidated net result for the first three quarters of 2018 came to Euro 49.5 mn, which is 1.9 per cent lower than the previous year’s figure of Euro 50.5 mn, primarily as a result of a higher tax rate and the increase in earnings attributable to non-controlling shareholders. “The level of incoming orders was again higher than in the previous year and clearly surpassed our expectations. We are also satisfied with the earnings generated to date: Despite the ongoing restructuring, operating profitability has almost reached the 10 per cent threshold. At present, we are not seeing any slowdown in demand,” commented CEO Andreas Klauser. The management continues to foresee an increase in revenue and operating profitability for 2018. As a result of the further restructuring measures, the higher tax rate and the increase in earnings attributable to non-controlling shareholders the consolidated net result for 2018 is not expected to reach the record levels of 2015 and 2016.
Palfinger: weekly performance: 5.21%

CA Immo: Austrian real estate company CA Immo has signed a further rental agreement for the MY.O office building in Munich, which is currently under construction. At the beginning of 2020, the IT project services provider Pentasys AG will relocate its headquarters from Munich’s Westend to the Schlossviertel Nymphenburg. CA Immo is investing around Euro 96 mn in the MY.O. Construction management for the project will be handled by the CA Immo subsidiary omniCon.
CA Immo: weekly performance: 1.96%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (29/10/2018)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, Frequentis, Rosenbauer, RHI Magnesita, Lenzing, Palfinger, Rosgix, Uniqa, VIG, RBI, Strabag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, UBM, Polytec Group, Porr, Warimpex, SW Umwelttechnik, Oberbank AG Stamm, Wienerberger, Agrana, Amag, Immofinanz, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

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