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Quaterly Report
Vienna -
Revenue in Q1 2017 increased by 4.5% to EUR 229.3 million\nHigh growth in earnings due to successful termination of joint venture transaction\nDevelopment of earnings without one-off effects burdened by higher raw material prices\nTransitional phase started to enhance profitability; outlook remains suspended\nThe publicly listed Semperit Group recorded high positive one-off effects in
the first quarter of 2017 due to the termination of almost all joint venture
activities with the Thai Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Co Ltd Group ("joint
venture transaction"). In its operational business significant negative
earnings effects were recorded due to higher raw material prices, which could
only partially and after a certain time lag be passed on to the market.
Semperit increased corporate revenue by 4.5% from EUR 219.5 million to EUR
229.3 million compared with the same period of previous year. Both the
Industrial and the Medical Sector contributed to this growth in sales with a
strong sales performance and increase in volumes. EBITDA rose to EUR 94.4
million (after EUR 26.7 million in Q1 2016), while EBIT increased to EUR 86.4
million (after EUR 18.6 million). This strong increase was due to the positive
one-off effects from the successful closing of the joint venture transaction on
15 March 2017. The resulting cash inflow amounted to around EUR 190 million
before tax, while the positive one-off effects on the EBITDA and EBIT level
totalled approximately EUR 85 million. Earnings after tax increased to EUR 62.8
million (after EUR 10.1 million), while earnings per share rose to EUR 3.06
(after EUR 0.49).
Irrespective of the one-off effects from the joint venture transaction, the
adjusted EBITDA amounted to EUR 9.6 million in the first quarter of 2017. The
adjusted EBIT was EUR 1.5 million. The adjusted earnings after tax totalled EUR
-2.0 million, while the adjusted earnings per share were EUR -0.1. The
operational decline in earnings without one-off effects in comparison with the
same period of previous year resulted notably from a significant price increase
for important raw material groups, which could only partially be passed on to
the market and with a time lag in the reporting period. These negative earnings
effects could not be offset by the strong sales performance, which led to
volume growth in all segments and accordingly caused significant negative
effects on margins and earnings.
Semperit used the cash inflow from the joint venture transaction to reduce debt
and to finance the current investment programme. Net debt was decreased
significantly by EUR 136.8 million to now EUR 93.8 million (31 December 2016:
EUR 230.6 million). The equity ratio was up by 39.2% (31.8%). Cash and cash
equivalents increased to EUR 243.1 million (EUR 190.2 million) as of 31 March
Industrial Sector: Differentiated development In the Industrial Sector
(Semperflex, Sempertrans and Semperform segments), the production sites of all
three segments were well utilised. Semperflex and Semperform generated further
increases with a very good sales performance, whereas Sempertrans continued to
be burdened by weak demand for heavy conveyor belts. Increases in raw material
prices caused additional margin pressure in all three segments, having an above
average negative effect on the Sempertrans segment.
The Sector revenue increased in the first quarter of 2017 particularly due to a
very strong development in the Semperflex segment of EUR 133.6 million, a 4.9%
increase to EUR 140.1 million. EBITDA declined significantly from EUR 25.1
million to EUR 17.2 million (-31.4%).
Medical Sector: Positive one-off effects The Medical Sector (Sempermed segment)
profited from the positive one-off effects of the joint venture transaction in
the first quarter of 2017. This was offset by negative effects on raw material
prices, persistently high margin pressure as well as generally unsatisfactory
The Sector's revenue increased in the first quarter of 2017 by 3.9% to EUR 89.2
million due to volume growth. EBITDA rose to EUR 78.1 million (after EUR 6.1
million in Q1 2016) due to one-off effects from the joint venture transaction.
The adjusted EBITDA, without the one-off effects attributable to the Sempermed
segment, amounted to zero.
Outlook 2017: Limited visibility/transition phase started The Semperit Group
continues to have a limited visibility for its operational business because of
a very high volatility in the development of raw material prices. Semperit
assumes that the weak market development of the first quarter of 2017 might
partially continue in the upcoming reporting periods, so that considerable
negative effects on operational results in comparison with the previous year
must be expected.
The adjusted EBIT (without one-off effects from the joint venture transaction)
for the 2017 financial year will therefore be significantly below the adjusted
EBIT of 2016 (EUR 41 million after deduction of the earnings contribution from
the Thai SSC/Siam Sempermed Corporation Ltd. at that time). As communicated in
the ad hoc release of 10 April 2017, the long-term earnings outlook for the
Sempermed segment (Medical Sector) must be subjected to a thorough review,
which might result in a significant impairment in this segment.
At the same time, the Management Board has initiated further measures to
increase profitability and review the IT strategy. This might also lead to
significant one-off charges in the following reporting periods.
During this transition phase, the Management Board will focus primarily on
increasing profitability. This shall be achieved by the above-mentioned
measures in addition to a focus on cost reduction and efficiency enhancement in
all segments and on the corporate level.
Due to limited visibility, an outlook for the financial year 2017 can still not
be provided.
Semperit continues to focus on organic growth. Investments in the expansion of
capacities will be continued. Investments in the expansion of capacities will
be continued. Total capital expenditures (CAPEX) of around EUR 80-90 million
(2016: EUR 65 million) have been planned for 2017.
The report on the first quarter of 2017 is available at
www.semperitgroup.com/ir [http://www.semperitgroup.com/ir].
Photo download: https://semperitgroup.picturepark.com/Go/wPXX3GzO [https://
About Semperit The publicly listed company Semperit AG Holding is an
internationally-oriented group that develops, produces, and sells highly
specialised rubber and plastic products in more than 100 countries for the
medical and industrial sectors: examination and surgical gloves, hydraulic and
industrial hoses, conveyor belts, escalator handrails, construction profiles,
cable car rings, and products for railway superstructures. The headquarters of
this traditional Austrian company, which was founded in 1824, are located in
Vienna. The Semperit Group employs around 7,000 people worldwide, including
close to 3,900 in Asia and more than 800 in Austria (Vienna and production site
in Wimpassing, Lower Austria). The group has 22 manufacturing facilities
worldwide and numerous sales offices in Europe, Asia, Australia and America. In
2016, the group generated sales of EUR 852 million and EBITDA of EUR 78
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Semperit AG Holding
Modecenterstrasse 22
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 1 79 777-621
FAX: +43 1 79 777-630
mail: martina.buechele@semperitgroup.com
WWW: www.semperitgroup.com
ISIN: AT0000785555
indexes: ATX GP, WBI, ViDX
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2918/aom
BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch
Wiener Börse Party #843: ATX zieht trotz S&P weiter, Indexfragen bei Erste und Immofinanz, Delisting für Ex-Do&Co-Bremse
Akt. Indikation: 14.08 / 14.28
Uhrzeit: 15:50:57
Veränderung zu letztem SK: 2.01%
Letzter SK: 13.90 ( -0.71%)
Semperit: 1.Halbjahr 2016, Seite 1/3, komplettes Dokument unter http://boerse-social.com/static/uploads/file_1635_semperit_1halbjahr_2016.pdf
>> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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