6440 Zeichen
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hereby we would like to inform you about the resolutions and voting results of
the Annual General Meeting, which took place on 25 May 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at
the Vienna Stadthalle, Halle F, A-1150 Vienna, Roland Rainer Platz 1.
The share capital of the company amounts to EUR 1,449,274,500 and is divided
into 664,500,000 bearer shares without par value.
Agenda Item 1: Presentation of the adopted financial statements and the
management report as well as the consolidated financial statements including
the consolidated management report and the corporate governance report, the
proposal for utilisation of the net profit and the Supervisory Board report on
the fiscal year 2015.
No resolution required.
Agenda Item 2: Resolution on the utilisation of the net profit shown in the
financial statements for the fiscal year 2015.
The following resolution was passed:
"Distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.05 per eligible no par value share. The
rest will be carried forward onto new account."
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,079,630 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,074,375
Contra: 5,255
Abstentions: 3,723
Agenda Item 3: Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Management
Board for the fiscal year 2015.
The following resolution was passed:
"The members of the Management Board are granted discharge for the fiscal year
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,083,133 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,027,197
Contra: 55,936
Abstentions: 0
Agenda Item 4: Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Supervisory
Board for the fiscal year 2015.
The following resolutions were passed:
"Ing Rudolf Kemler is granted discharge for the fiscal year 2015."
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,068,832 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,004,317
Contra: 64,515
Abstentions: 14,301
"The further members of the Supervisory Board are granted discharge for the
fiscal year 2015."
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,083,133 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,027,648
Contra: 55,485
Abstentions: 0
Agenda Item 5: Resolution on the compensation for the members of the
Supervisory Board for the fiscal year 2015.
The following resolution was passed:
"The remuneration for elected members of the Supervisory Board for the fiscal
year 2015 is determined as follows:
- for the chairman EUR 30,000
- for each of the deputy chairmen EUR 22,500
- for every further member of the Supervisory Board EUR 15,000
The attendance fee for each member of the Supervisory Board per meeting shall
amount to EUR 300 until further notice."
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,084,508 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,084,508
Contra: 0
Abstentions: 3,523
Agenda Item 6: Elections to the Supervisory Board
The following resolutions were passed:
Peter Hagen, born on 12.12.1959, is elected as a member of the Supervisory
Board. He is elected until the end of the Annual General Meeting resolving upon
the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the fiscal year 2018."
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,097,670 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,081,393
Contra: 16,277
Abstentions: 0
"Alejandro Cantú Jiménez J.D, born on 26.04.1972, is elected as a member of the
Supervisory Board. He is elected until the end of the Annual General Meeting
resolving upon the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the fiscal year
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,097,505 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 593,580,630
Contra: 16,516,875
Abstentions: 165
"Mag. iur. Stefan Pinter, born on 15.04.1978, is elected as a member of the
Supervisory Board. He is elected until the end of the Annual General Meeting
resolving upon the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the fiscal year
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,096,472 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 594,046,825
Contra: 16,049,647
Abstentions: 1,198
"Mag. iur. Reinhard Kraxner, born on 07.05.1970, is elected as a member of the
Supervisory Board. He is elected until the end of the Annual General Meeting
resolving upon the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the fiscal year
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,097,700 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 594,048,151
Contra: 16,049,549
Abstentions: 0
Agenda Item 7: Election of the auditors of the financial statements and of the
consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2016.
The following resolution was passed:
"Ernst & Young Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft m.b.H, Vienna, is elected as
company auditor and group auditor for the fiscal year 2016."
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast as well as total number of
valid votes cast: 610,080,479 Proportion of the share capital represented by
these votes: 91.81%
Pro: 610,055,479
Contra: 25,000
Abstentions: 17,229
Agenda Item 8: Management report on share buy-back effected, number of treasury
shares held and use of treasury shares.
No resolution required.
For further information on the Annual General Meeting please visit our website
under www.telekomaustria.com/en/ir/annual-general-meeting
Matthias Stieber
Director Investor Relations
Phone: +43 (0)50 664 47500
E-mail: matthias.stieber@telekomaustria.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Telekom Austria AG
Lassallestrasse 9
A-1020 Wien
mail: investor.relations@telekomaustria.com
WWW: www.telekomaustria.com/ir
sector: Telecommunications
ISIN: AT0000720008
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2161/aom
BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch
kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 4/365: Vermögenssteuern - eine Einordnung von Finanzminister Gunter Mayr
Telekom Austria
Akt. Indikation: 8.00 / 8.04
Uhrzeit: 13:03:53
Veränderung zu letztem SK: 0.00%
Letzter SK: 8.02 ( 0.50%)
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