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EANS-General Meeting: Rosenbauer International AG / Resolutions of the General Meeting

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20.05.2016, 3808 Zeichen

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Results of voting at the 24th Annual General Meeting of Rosenbauer International AG on May 20, 2016 Point 2 of the Agenda: Resolution on the appropriation of net retained profits Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01%
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

Point 3 of the Agenda: Resolution to discharge the members of the Executive Board for the 2015 financial year Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01 %
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

Point 4 of the Agenda: Resolution to discharge the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2015 financial year Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01 %
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

Point 5 of the Agenda: Election of the auditor and Group auditor for the 2016 financial year Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,326 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.00 %
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,326 Votes in favor: 3,933,235. Votes against : 11,091. Abstentions: 116.

Point 6 of the Agenda: Election of a Supervisory Board member Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01 %
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

Point 7 of the Agenda: Resolution on the authorization of the Executive Board a) to acquire treasury shares in accordance with Section 65 (1) item 4 and item 8 and (1a) and (1b) AktG either on or off the stock exchange up to 10% of the share capital while also disapplying the pro rata right of sale, as permitted in such an acquisition (reverse disapplication of shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights), b) to resolve, in accordance with Section 65 (1b) AktG, to sell or use treasury shares by a method of sale other than via the stock exchange or by way of a public offer by analogy with the regulations on the disapplication of shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights, c) to reduce the share capital by withdrawing these treasury shares without a further resolution of the Annual General Meeting, thus suspending the most recent authorization of the Executive Board as per the Annual General Meeting resolution of May 23, 2014 with respect to item 8 of the agenda. Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,082 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.00 %
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,082 Votes in favor: 3,944,082. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

Point 8 of the Agenda: Resolution on the amendment of Article 12 of the Articles of Association Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,082 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.00%
Total number of valid votes: 3,944,082 Votes in favor: 3,944,082 . Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Rosenbauer International AG Paschingerstrasse 90 A-4060 Leonding phone: +43(0)732 6794 568 FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89 mail: ir@rosenbauer.com WWW: www.rosenbauer.com sector: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT0000922554 indexes: WBI, ATX Prime

stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Stuttgart, official market: Wien language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2916/aom

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 9/365: The Story behind Frequentis

Akt. Indikation:  34.70 / 34.90
Uhrzeit:  19:57:12
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  -0.29%
Letzter SK:  34.90 ( 0.58%)



1. Rosenbauer auf der Interschutz, Seite 1/3, komplettes Dokument unter http://boerse-social.com/static/uploads/file_87_rosenbauer_interschutz.pdf   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, RHI Magnesita, Porr, Flughafen Wien, Mayr-Melnhof, FACC, Kapsch TrafficCom, Polytec Group, Verbund, EVN, Wienerberger, AT&S, Lenzing, BKS Bank Stamm, Pierer Mobility, Wolford, Wiener Privatbank, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, EuroTeleSites AG, Agrana, Amag, Rosenbauer, Heid AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Palfinger, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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EuroTeleSites bietet mit seiner langjähriger Erfahrung im Bereich der Telekommunikation, Lösungen und Dienstleistungen zum Bau und der Servicierung von drahtlosen Telekommunikationsnetzwerken in sechs Ländern in der CEE-Region an: Österreich, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Slowenien, der Republik Nordmazedonien und der Republik Serbien. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst über 13.000 Standorte, die hochwertige Wholesale Services für eine breite Palette von Kunden bieten.

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    EANS-General Meeting: Rosenbauer International AG / Resolutions of the General Meeting

    20.05.2016, 3808 Zeichen

    General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
    Results of voting at the 24th Annual General Meeting of Rosenbauer International AG on May 20, 2016 Point 2 of the Agenda: Resolution on the appropriation of net retained profits Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01%
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

    Point 3 of the Agenda: Resolution to discharge the members of the Executive Board for the 2015 financial year Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01 %
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

    Point 4 of the Agenda: Resolution to discharge the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2015 financial year Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01 %
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

    Point 5 of the Agenda: Election of the auditor and Group auditor for the 2016 financial year Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,326 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.00 %
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,326 Votes in favor: 3,933,235. Votes against : 11,091. Abstentions: 116.

    Point 6 of the Agenda: Election of a Supervisory Board member Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,442 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.01 %
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,442 Votes in favor: 3,944,442. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

    Point 7 of the Agenda: Resolution on the authorization of the Executive Board a) to acquire treasury shares in accordance with Section 65 (1) item 4 and item 8 and (1a) and (1b) AktG either on or off the stock exchange up to 10% of the share capital while also disapplying the pro rata right of sale, as permitted in such an acquisition (reverse disapplication of shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights), b) to resolve, in accordance with Section 65 (1b) AktG, to sell or use treasury shares by a method of sale other than via the stock exchange or by way of a public offer by analogy with the regulations on the disapplication of shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights, c) to reduce the share capital by withdrawing these treasury shares without a further resolution of the Annual General Meeting, thus suspending the most recent authorization of the Executive Board as per the Annual General Meeting resolution of May 23, 2014 with respect to item 8 of the agenda. Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,082 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.00 %
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,082 Votes in favor: 3,944,082. Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

    Point 8 of the Agenda: Resolution on the amendment of Article 12 of the Articles of Association Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,944,082 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 58.00%
    Total number of valid votes: 3,944,082 Votes in favor: 3,944,082 . Votes against 0. Abstentions 0.

    end of announcement euro adhoc
    issuer: Rosenbauer International AG Paschingerstrasse 90 A-4060 Leonding phone: +43(0)732 6794 568 FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89 mail: ir@rosenbauer.com WWW: www.rosenbauer.com sector: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT0000922554 indexes: WBI, ATX Prime

    stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Stuttgart, official market: Wien language: English
    Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2916/aom

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 9/365: The Story behind Frequentis

    Akt. Indikation:  34.70 / 34.90
    Uhrzeit:  19:57:12
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  -0.29%
    Letzter SK:  34.90 ( 0.58%)



    1. Rosenbauer auf der Interschutz, Seite 1/3, komplettes Dokument unter http://boerse-social.com/static/uploads/file_87_rosenbauer_interschutz.pdf   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, RHI Magnesita, Porr, Flughafen Wien, Mayr-Melnhof, FACC, Kapsch TrafficCom, Polytec Group, Verbund, EVN, Wienerberger, AT&S, Lenzing, BKS Bank Stamm, Pierer Mobility, Wolford, Wiener Privatbank, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, EuroTeleSites AG, Agrana, Amag, Rosenbauer, Heid AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Palfinger, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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    EuroTeleSites AG
    EuroTeleSites bietet mit seiner langjähriger Erfahrung im Bereich der Telekommunikation, Lösungen und Dienstleistungen zum Bau und der Servicierung von drahtlosen Telekommunikationsnetzwerken in sechs Ländern in der CEE-Region an: Österreich, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Slowenien, der Republik Nordmazedonien und der Republik Serbien. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst über 13.000 Standorte, die hochwertige Wholesale Services für eine breite Palette von Kunden bieten.

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      Star der Stunde: Pierer Mobility 4.59%, Rutsch der Stunde: DO&CO -1.22%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 17-18: Porr(1), Wienerberger(1), voestalpine(1)
      Star der Stunde: Kapsch TrafficCom 1.83%, Rutsch der Stunde: Polytec Group -1.3%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 16-17: Wienerberger(1)
      BSN Vola-Event Kapsch TrafficCom
      BSN MA-Event Siemens Healthineers
      Star der Stunde: Polytec Group 1.1%, Rutsch der Stunde: Pierer Mobility -1.05%
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