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APA-OTS-Meldungen aus dem Finanzsektor in der "BSN Extended Version"
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19.02.2015, 3894 Zeichen

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

annual result/Company Information/Preliminary results 2014 19.02.2015
KEY CORPORATE FIGURES 2014 (prel.) 2013 Change % Revenues in EUR million 785.0 737.9 6% EBIT in EUR million 48.1 42.3 14% EBT in EUR million 47.0 41.7 13% Employees as of December 31 2,941 2,651 11% Order intake in EUR million 820.4 760.6 8% Order backlog as of December 31 in EUR million 670.2 590.1 14%
"In 2014 we set new records again - for revenues and earnings. This is a

validation of the decisions that we made and successfully implemented years ago. One of these was to produce our own American custom chassis, which made a significant contribution to the company's success in the year under review," said Dieter Siegel, CEO of Rosenbauer International AG.
The Rosenbauer Group's revenues reached a top level of EUR 785.0 million in the 2014 financial year (2013: EUR 737.9 million), marking a year-on-year increase of 6%. The main factors contributing to the rise in revenues were US manufacturing and the companies in Spain and Singapore, which increased their delivery levels. The revenues of the recently acquired Rosenbauer UK, based in Holmfirth near Manchester, of more than EUR 3.5 million were included in the consolidated financial statements for the first time.
Result of operations At EUR 48.1 million, EBIT in the 2014 financial year was up 14% on the previous year (2013: EUR 42.3 million), while the EBIT margin climbed from 5.7% to 6.1%. A significant share of this improvement was accounted for by the German and the American segment, the latter of which on account of the further optimization of chassis production at Rosenbauer Motors.
While consolidated earnings developed positively in 2014, the Austria segment posted a decline in earnings due to start-up costs in the plant in Leonding and higher location costs. To counter these effects, measures have already been initiated to compensate for the steady rise in location costs in Austria relative to international standards.
"Our line of approach for the current year is to continue growth and enhance efficiency. We intend to grow sustainably and profitably," stated Dieter Siegel.
Orders The order trend on international export markets was highly satisfactory for the Rosenbauer Group in 2014. Incoming orders rose to a further record level of EUR 820.4 million (2013: EUR 760.6 million) and were therefore once again higher than in the previous year. This is due in part to a follow-up order from Saudi Arabia for EUR 150 million.
At EUR 670.2 million (December 31, 2013: EUR 590.1 million), the order level remained at a high level as of the end of the year despite increased deliveries towards the end of the year as a result of industry factors. This gives the Rosenbauer Group assured capacity utilization at its production facilities in 2015 and good visibility for revenue development in the months ahead.
The figures shown are based on a projection in accordance with IFRS. The final figures for 2014 will be published on April 15, 2015.
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Rosenbauer International AG Paschingerstrasse 90 A-4060 Leonding phone: +43(0)732 6794 568 FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89 mail: ir@rosenbauer.com WWW: www.rosenbauer.com sector: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT0000922554 indexes: WBI, ATX Prime

stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Stuttgart, official market: Wien language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2916/aom

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Börsenradio Live-Blick, Di. 17.9.24: DAX startet stärker, auch Commerzbank gesucht, ein zusätzlicher Player in the Game

Akt. Indikation:  36.80 / 37.50
Uhrzeit:  11:57:16
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.41%
Letzter SK:  37.00 ( -0.27%)



1. Rosenbauer „Seit 1866 ist Rosenbauer ein zuverlässiger Partner der Feuerwehren und bedient die Feuerwehren mit innovativen Produkten. Diese sind bei Flughäfen und Industriebetrieben sowie bei Berufs-   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, CA Immo, Polytec Group, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, Strabag, voestalpine, Rosgix, DO&CO, RBI, Semperit, ams-Osram, Cleen Energy, Marinomed Biotech, EuroTeleSites AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Pierer Mobility, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Deutsche Telekom.

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iMaps Capital
iMaps Capital ist ein Wertpapier- und Investmentunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf aktiv verwaltete Exchange Traded Instruments (ETI). iMaps, mit Sitz auf Malta und Cayman Islands, positioniert sich als Private Label Anbieter und fungiert als Service Provider für Asset Manager und Privatbanken, welche  ETIs zur raschen und kosteneffizienten Emission eines börsegehandelten Investment Produktes nutzen wollen.

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    Star der Stunde: voestalpine 0.48%, Rutsch der Stunde: Immofinanz -4.19%
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    Star der Stunde: Warimpex 3.21%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -3.21%
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 9-10: Porr(5), Kontron(2), Addiko Bank(2), Immofinanz(1), Erste Group(1), Palfinger(1)
    BSN MA-Event Porr
    Star der Stunde: Warimpex 3.21%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -3.89%
    BSN MA-Event Österreichische Post
    #gabb #1689

    Featured Partner Video

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    Leasing ist … ein Steuervorteil. Die Albis Leasing AG "macht das Dach kleiner und mittlerer deutscher Unternehmen ab, und alles, was rausfällt, das finanzieren wir". Darunter kleinere Objektwerte (...

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    Muga / Ediciones Posibles

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    Helen Levitt
    A Way of Seeing
    The Viking Press

    Rosenbauer International AG / Record levels for revenues, earnings and incoming orders / Revenues rise by 6% to EUR 785.0 million / EBIT increases to EUR 48.1 million

    19.02.2015, 3894 Zeichen

    ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

    annual result/Company Information/Preliminary results 2014 19.02.2015
    KEY CORPORATE FIGURES 2014 (prel.) 2013 Change % Revenues in EUR million 785.0 737.9 6% EBIT in EUR million 48.1 42.3 14% EBT in EUR million 47.0 41.7 13% Employees as of December 31 2,941 2,651 11% Order intake in EUR million 820.4 760.6 8% Order backlog as of December 31 in EUR million 670.2 590.1 14%
    "In 2014 we set new records again - for revenues and earnings. This is a

    validation of the decisions that we made and successfully implemented years ago. One of these was to produce our own American custom chassis, which made a significant contribution to the company's success in the year under review," said Dieter Siegel, CEO of Rosenbauer International AG.
    The Rosenbauer Group's revenues reached a top level of EUR 785.0 million in the 2014 financial year (2013: EUR 737.9 million), marking a year-on-year increase of 6%. The main factors contributing to the rise in revenues were US manufacturing and the companies in Spain and Singapore, which increased their delivery levels. The revenues of the recently acquired Rosenbauer UK, based in Holmfirth near Manchester, of more than EUR 3.5 million were included in the consolidated financial statements for the first time.
    Result of operations At EUR 48.1 million, EBIT in the 2014 financial year was up 14% on the previous year (2013: EUR 42.3 million), while the EBIT margin climbed from 5.7% to 6.1%. A significant share of this improvement was accounted for by the German and the American segment, the latter of which on account of the further optimization of chassis production at Rosenbauer Motors.
    While consolidated earnings developed positively in 2014, the Austria segment posted a decline in earnings due to start-up costs in the plant in Leonding and higher location costs. To counter these effects, measures have already been initiated to compensate for the steady rise in location costs in Austria relative to international standards.
    "Our line of approach for the current year is to continue growth and enhance efficiency. We intend to grow sustainably and profitably," stated Dieter Siegel.
    Orders The order trend on international export markets was highly satisfactory for the Rosenbauer Group in 2014. Incoming orders rose to a further record level of EUR 820.4 million (2013: EUR 760.6 million) and were therefore once again higher than in the previous year. This is due in part to a follow-up order from Saudi Arabia for EUR 150 million.
    At EUR 670.2 million (December 31, 2013: EUR 590.1 million), the order level remained at a high level as of the end of the year despite increased deliveries towards the end of the year as a result of industry factors. This gives the Rosenbauer Group assured capacity utilization at its production facilities in 2015 and good visibility for revenue development in the months ahead.
    The figures shown are based on a projection in accordance with IFRS. The final figures for 2014 will be published on April 15, 2015.
    end of announcement euro adhoc
    issuer: Rosenbauer International AG Paschingerstrasse 90 A-4060 Leonding phone: +43(0)732 6794 568 FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89 mail: ir@rosenbauer.com WWW: www.rosenbauer.com sector: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT0000922554 indexes: WBI, ATX Prime

    stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Stuttgart, official market: Wien language: English
    Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2916/aom

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Börsenradio Live-Blick, Di. 17.9.24: DAX startet stärker, auch Commerzbank gesucht, ein zusätzlicher Player in the Game

    Akt. Indikation:  36.80 / 37.50
    Uhrzeit:  11:57:16
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.41%
    Letzter SK:  37.00 ( -0.27%)



    1. Rosenbauer „Seit 1866 ist Rosenbauer ein zuverlässiger Partner der Feuerwehren und bedient die Feuerwehren mit innovativen Produkten. Diese sind bei Flughäfen und Industriebetrieben sowie bei Berufs-   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, CA Immo, Polytec Group, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, Strabag, voestalpine, Rosgix, DO&CO, RBI, Semperit, ams-Osram, Cleen Energy, Marinomed Biotech, EuroTeleSites AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Pierer Mobility, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Deutsche Telekom.

    Random Partner

    iMaps Capital
    iMaps Capital ist ein Wertpapier- und Investmentunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf aktiv verwaltete Exchange Traded Instruments (ETI). iMaps, mit Sitz auf Malta und Cayman Islands, positioniert sich als Private Label Anbieter und fungiert als Service Provider für Asset Manager und Privatbanken, welche  ETIs zur raschen und kosteneffizienten Emission eines börsegehandelten Investment Produktes nutzen wollen.

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      Star der Stunde: voestalpine 0.48%, Rutsch der Stunde: Immofinanz -4.19%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 10-11: SBO(2)
      Star der Stunde: Warimpex 3.21%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -3.21%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 9-10: Porr(5), Kontron(2), Addiko Bank(2), Immofinanz(1), Erste Group(1), Palfinger(1)
      BSN MA-Event Porr
      Star der Stunde: Warimpex 3.21%, Rutsch der Stunde: Strabag -3.89%
      BSN MA-Event Österreichische Post
      #gabb #1689

      Featured Partner Video

      ALBIS Leasing AG, Sascha Lerchl: "Wir machen das Dach ab. Und alles, was rausfällt, finanzieren wir"

      Leasing ist … ein Steuervorteil. Die Albis Leasing AG "macht das Dach kleiner und mittlerer deutscher Unternehmen ab, und alles, was rausfällt, das finanzieren wir". Darunter kleinere Objektwerte (...

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