08.09.2024, 1046 Zeichen
Immofinanz: Austrian based real estate company IMMOFINANZ AG and its core shareholder CPI Property Group SA (“CPIPG”) have agreed upon to enter into negotiations for the acquisition of the remaining shares in S IMMO AG by IMMOFINANZ. Currently, IMMOFINANZ directly holds approx. 50.60% of S IMMO and CPIPG directly holds 38.37%. The potential transaction would involve 28,241,094 shares in S IMMO (approx. 38.37%) as CPIPG's remaining stake in S IMMO. A transaction would take place at a fair market price taking into account as an upper limit the cash compensation of EUR 22.05 per share to be paid to the minority shareholders of S IMMO pursuant to the initiated squeeze-out procedure and a discount to be negotiated. CPIPG is expected to provide long-term financing to IMMOFINANZ for a portion of the purchase price. Upon completion of a purchase and the squeeze-out IMMOFINANZ would be 100% shareholder of S IMMO.
Immofinanz: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (04/09/2024)
kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 69/365: Save the Date - der Termin für den Börsentag Wien 2026 steht bereits fest
Immofinanz, Stop Shop, PV-Anlagen, Foto: Immofinanz
, (© Aussender) >> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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Die Agrana Beteiligungs-AG ist ein Nahrungsmittel-Konzern mit Sitz in Wien. Agrana erzeugt Zucker, Stärke, sogenannte Fruchtzubereitungen und Fruchtsaftkonzentrate sowie Bioethanol. Das Unternehmen veredelt landwirtschaftliche Rohstoffe zu vielseitigen industriellen Produkten und beliefert sowohl lokale Produzenten als auch internationale Konzerne, speziell die Nahrungsmittelindustrie.
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