06.02.2022, 1496 Zeichen
Andritz: International technology group Andritzhas successfully started up a PrimeFlow AT headbox with dilution control at the Casalino Carta Srl. mill in Rocca Grimalda (Alessandria), Italy. The aim of the rebuild was to improve the basis weight profiles and formation of the PM1 packaging paper machine, which has a production speed of 305 to 570 m/min and a width of 2.9 m at the pope reel.
Andritz: weekly performance:
S Immo: CEE Immobilien GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of S Immo AG, and CPI Property Group ("CPI") have agreed that CPI undertakes to increase the price offered in its anticipatory mandatory takeover offer to 23,00 Euro per Immofinanz share on a cum-dividend basis. The improved CPI Offer is to be published after clearance by the Austrian Takeover Commission and available to the holders of all outstanding ordinary shares of Immofinanz AG (as well as the holders of the convertible bonds due 2024 correspondingly). Against this undertaking CEE Immobilien GmbH has irrevocably undertaken to transfer all of its shares in Immofinanz to CPI (currently 17,543,937, i.e. roughly 12.69% of the registered capital of Immofinanz) as well as any shares potentially acquired through its partial offer for shares in Immofinanz as soon as the CPI Offer become unconditional (antitrust clearance), but not earlier than the initial settlement of the CPI Offer.
S Immo: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (31/01/2022)
Wiener Börse Party #846: ATX unverändert, Trophy-Aufträge für Kontron und Porr, Amag im Medaillenspiegel von Saalbach vorne
Andritz liefert Anlage an Holmen Iggesund Paperboard Ltd., UK © Holmen Iggesund
, (© Aussendung) >> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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