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21st Austria weekly - Kontron, FACC, voestalpine, Strabag (23/10/2023)


Kontron: IoT company Kontron announced two design wins with combined lifetime revenues of approximately Euro 25 mn. For the first design win, Kontron will supply control systems for gas-powered engines capable of generating up to 10 MW per machine. The generators ensure a reliable energy supply for critical infrastructure, including hospitals and police facilities. In the event of a main supply interruption, these generators automatically take over the energy provision. Revenues amount to around Euro 15 mn over a five-year period. The second design win comes from an existing long-term customer in the energy management area who will equip a second product line with Kontron technology. The leading company in the energy management industry manufactures automation components for industrial drive control applications. In this project, Kontron’s customized system control center handles up to 100 drives, each operating at a different and changing speed as needed. The solution prolongs the lifecycle of an existing application for approximately 3 to 5 years. Lifetime revenues amount to Euro 10 mn, spanning over 5 years.
Kontron: weekly performance: -1.42%

FACC: The groundbreaking ceremony for the plant expansion of FACC in Croatia took place today. The production area of the plant for manufacturing high-tech components for cabin interiors, which opened in 2022, will be tripled and an additional office building constructed. The construction work will be completed in June 2024, and the workforce will almost triple to 600 employees by the end of 2026. FACC AG is investing € 21 million in the expansion of the site in Croatia. In expanding the new plant, FACC is also relying on a high degree of automation and state-of-the-art machinery for the production of lightweight components for passenger aircraft and business jets. A new PV system in pipeline covering an area of 2,000 m2 will provide around two thirds of the annual energy consumption currently required and thus make a significant contribution to sustainable production.
FACC: weekly performance: -1.24%

voestalpine: voestalpine subsidiary Nedcon, headquartered in Doetinchem, the Netherlands, and part of the international steel and technology Group’s Metal Forming Division since 2004, has been a supplier of innovative storage solutions for decades. With the acquisition of warehouse and racking specialist Torri S.P.A. from Vicenza, Italy, the company is now further strengthening its position in this demanding segment. With annual revenue of around EUR 75 million and 135 employees, Torri S.P.A. has been developing, producing and assembling high-quality racking systems and storage platforms for a wide range of industrial applications for over 50 years.
voestalpine: weekly performance: -0.43%

Strabag: Technology Group Strabag invests € 100 million into battery and energy storage company CMBlu Energy. CMBlu Energy is the first company to develop an Organic SolidFlow battery that combines the advantages of two technologies – redox flow batteries and solid state batteries. “The game changer for the energy transition are storage systems that make renewable energies available when needed. We are excited about this European innovative power,“ emphasizes Klemens Haselsteiner, CEO at STRABAG. “With our investment in CMBlu Energy, we are breaking new ground in the construction industry. In order to reach one of the most important goals in our company history – becoming climate-neutral by 2040 – we want to become a full-range supplier for energy services for our construction projects. Together, we will deliver large energy storage projects in a standardized construction design – “warehouses for electricity” – even faster, more efficient and easier,” explains Klemens Haselsteiner.
Strabag: weekly performance: 0.00%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (23/10/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Kontron, FACC, voestalpine, Strabag (23/10/2023)

29.10.2023, 3891 Zeichen

Kontron: IoT company Kontron announced two design wins with combined lifetime revenues of approximately Euro 25 mn. For the first design win, Kontron will supply control systems for gas-powered engines capable of generating up to 10 MW per machine. The generators ensure a reliable energy supply for critical infrastructure, including hospitals and police facilities. In the event of a main supply interruption, these generators automatically take over the energy provision. Revenues amount to around Euro 15 mn over a five-year period. The second design win comes from an existing long-term customer in the energy management area who will equip a second product line with Kontron technology. The leading company in the energy management industry manufactures automation components for industrial drive control applications. In this project, Kontron’s customized system control center handles up to 100 drives, each operating at a different and changing speed as needed. The solution prolongs the lifecycle of an existing application for approximately 3 to 5 years. Lifetime revenues amount to Euro 10 mn, spanning over 5 years.
Kontron: weekly performance: -1.42%

FACC: The groundbreaking ceremony for the plant expansion of FACC in Croatia took place today. The production area of the plant for manufacturing high-tech components for cabin interiors, which opened in 2022, will be tripled and an additional office building constructed. The construction work will be completed in June 2024, and the workforce will almost triple to 600 employees by the end of 2026. FACC AG is investing € 21 million in the expansion of the site in Croatia. In expanding the new plant, FACC is also relying on a high degree of automation and state-of-the-art machinery for the production of lightweight components for passenger aircraft and business jets. A new PV system in pipeline covering an area of 2,000 m2 will provide around two thirds of the annual energy consumption currently required and thus make a significant contribution to sustainable production.
FACC: weekly performance: -1.24%

voestalpine: voestalpine subsidiary Nedcon, headquartered in Doetinchem, the Netherlands, and part of the international steel and technology Group’s Metal Forming Division since 2004, has been a supplier of innovative storage solutions for decades. With the acquisition of warehouse and racking specialist Torri S.P.A. from Vicenza, Italy, the company is now further strengthening its position in this demanding segment. With annual revenue of around EUR 75 million and 135 employees, Torri S.P.A. has been developing, producing and assembling high-quality racking systems and storage platforms for a wide range of industrial applications for over 50 years.
voestalpine: weekly performance: -0.43%

Strabag: Technology Group Strabag invests € 100 million into battery and energy storage company CMBlu Energy. CMBlu Energy is the first company to develop an Organic SolidFlow battery that combines the advantages of two technologies – redox flow batteries and solid state batteries. “The game changer for the energy transition are storage systems that make renewable energies available when needed. We are excited about this European innovative power,“ emphasizes Klemens Haselsteiner, CEO at STRABAG. “With our investment in CMBlu Energy, we are breaking new ground in the construction industry. In order to reach one of the most important goals in our company history – becoming climate-neutral by 2040 – we want to become a full-range supplier for energy services for our construction projects. Together, we will deliver large energy storage projects in a standardized construction design – “warehouses for electricity” – even faster, more efficient and easier,” explains Klemens Haselsteiner.
Strabag: weekly performance: 0.00%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (23/10/2023)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Rosenbauer, EuroTeleSites AG, Strabag, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Zumtobel, OMV, Österreichische Post, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Andritz, Erste Group, Uniqa, RBI, VIG, Mayr-Melnhof, Lenzing, DO&CO, Pierer Mobility, Porr, voestalpine, Austriacard Holdings AG, Marinomed Biotech, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Wienerberger, UBM, RHI Magnesita, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag.

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