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21st Austria weekly - Telekom Austria, Rosenbauer, CA Immo, Wolftank (12/09/2023)


Telekom Austria:  The listing and commencement of trading of the shares of EuroTeleSites AG on the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange is expected to take place on or about September 22, 2023. As already announced, The EuroTeleSites shares will be allocated on the basis of the respective deposit balances in Telekom Austria shares at the end of the last trading day before the allocation date, which is expected to be September 21, 2023. Shareholders of Telekom Austria AG will receive one additional EuroTeleSites share for every four Telekom Austria shares held (the number of Telekom Austria shares held by each shareholder will remain unchanged by the spin-off).
Telekom Austria: weekly performance: 8.33%

Rosenbauer: Rosenbauer International AG, leading manufacturer of systems for firefighting and disaster protection, is currently examining the issuance of a hybrid bond and has mandated Raiffeisen International Bank AG and M.M. Warburg & Co Bank AG for this purpose. A possible issue is intended to strengthen the equity base in the short term and finance further growth in the US.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance: -0.64%

CA Immo: Together with the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Kai Wegner, members of the Bundestag and the Berlin House of Representatives as well as representatives of the investor and project developer CA Immo and the future exclusive tenant Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone for the Upbeat high-rise complex in Berlin's Europacity took place. The building complex will have around 35,000 m² of rental space. CA Immo is developing the high-quality office tower in close cooperation with DKB as a consistently sustainable and fully digitalised property. CA Immo's total investment amounts to approx. 300 m euros. Construction of the complex is scheduled for completion at the turn of 2025/2026. Keegan Viscius, CEO of CA Immo: "The Upbeat is already our tenth building in the Europacity. Berlin is one of the most attractive real estate markets in Germany and our early strategic focus on this market has once again proven to be correct with the conclusion of the 15-year lease for this building. With completion at the turn of 2025/2026, the Upbeat will make a significant contribution to our rental income and also further improve our key figures - e.g. FFO 1 - significantly."
CA Immo: weekly performance: 0.00%

Wolftank: Wolftank Group, specialized in technologies for energy and environmental solutions, acquires an additional 40 percent and one share of the stakes and thus the majority in the Italian environmental services provider Petroltecnica SpA. Since July 2020, the Group had held ten percent of the company along with an option to acquire a simple majority of the company's capital and had the right to nominate the Chairman of the Supervisory Board as well as one member of the Management Board. The purchase price of the additional stake amounts to approximately EUR 4 million.
Wolftank-Adisa: weekly performance: 5.26%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (12/09/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Telekom Austria, Rosenbauer, CA Immo, Wolftank (12/09/2023)

17.09.2023, 3093 Zeichen

Telekom Austria:  The listing and commencement of trading of the shares of EuroTeleSites AG on the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange is expected to take place on or about September 22, 2023. As already announced, The EuroTeleSites shares will be allocated on the basis of the respective deposit balances in Telekom Austria shares at the end of the last trading day before the allocation date, which is expected to be September 21, 2023. Shareholders of Telekom Austria AG will receive one additional EuroTeleSites share for every four Telekom Austria shares held (the number of Telekom Austria shares held by each shareholder will remain unchanged by the spin-off).
Telekom Austria: weekly performance: 8.33%

Rosenbauer: Rosenbauer International AG, leading manufacturer of systems for firefighting and disaster protection, is currently examining the issuance of a hybrid bond and has mandated Raiffeisen International Bank AG and M.M. Warburg & Co Bank AG for this purpose. A possible issue is intended to strengthen the equity base in the short term and finance further growth in the US.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance: -0.64%

CA Immo: Together with the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Kai Wegner, members of the Bundestag and the Berlin House of Representatives as well as representatives of the investor and project developer CA Immo and the future exclusive tenant Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone for the Upbeat high-rise complex in Berlin's Europacity took place. The building complex will have around 35,000 m² of rental space. CA Immo is developing the high-quality office tower in close cooperation with DKB as a consistently sustainable and fully digitalised property. CA Immo's total investment amounts to approx. 300 m euros. Construction of the complex is scheduled for completion at the turn of 2025/2026. Keegan Viscius, CEO of CA Immo: "The Upbeat is already our tenth building in the Europacity. Berlin is one of the most attractive real estate markets in Germany and our early strategic focus on this market has once again proven to be correct with the conclusion of the 15-year lease for this building. With completion at the turn of 2025/2026, the Upbeat will make a significant contribution to our rental income and also further improve our key figures - e.g. FFO 1 - significantly."
CA Immo: weekly performance: 0.00%

Wolftank: Wolftank Group, specialized in technologies for energy and environmental solutions, acquires an additional 40 percent and one share of the stakes and thus the majority in the Italian environmental services provider Petroltecnica SpA. Since July 2020, the Group had held ten percent of the company along with an option to acquire a simple majority of the company's capital and had the right to nominate the Chairman of the Supervisory Board as well as one member of the Management Board. The purchase price of the additional stake amounts to approximately EUR 4 million.
Wolftank-Adisa: weekly performance: 5.26%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (12/09/2023)

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Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, voestalpine, Amag, Flughafen Wien, Immofinanz, CA Immo, Andritz, Frequentis, Marinomed Biotech, Polytec Group, AT&S, FACC, Uniqa, Warimpex, Wienerberger, Rosenbauer, Cleen Energy, SW Umwelttechnik, Porr, Oberbank AG Stamm, Kapsch TrafficCom, DO&CO, Addiko Bank, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, OMV, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria.

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