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21st Austria weekly - UBM, Frequentis (04/07/2023)


UBM: The real estate developer UBM has placed its 7% UBM Green Bond 2023-2027 (ISIN AT0000A35FE2). The company will invest the 50 Mio. Euro in sustainable projects. Patric Thate, CFO of UBM Development AG: “Our ability to raise capital on the bond market – also in difficult times – is a major competitive advantage, and these funds will allow us to react very quickly to market opportunities.“ The UBM Green Bond 2023 was offered in Austria, Germany and Luxembourg by way of a public offer with prospectus and in other countries through a private placement for subscription. Demand was characterised by a particularly high share of retail investors. The planned value date is 10 July 2023. Plans call for listing the Green Bond for official trading in the corporates prime segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange.
UBM: weekly performance: -2.29%

Frequentis: Frequentis purchased 100% of the Norwegian software company GuardREC ATC, which develops recorder solutions for the air traffic control (ATC) market. The company has many years of knowledge and experience in safety- and operation-critical applications. The seller was the Norwegian EMBRON Group. "Our market studies revealed great potential in the recorder market, and by bringing together the expertise of our existing Frequentis DIVOS product and GuardREC ATC, we send a strong strategic signal to the market that we extend our feature capabilities to meet customer needs,” said Norbert Haslacher, CEO Frequentis. “Based on the long-standing international expertise of the Frequentis DIVOS team, we will be able to integrate the GuardREC solution not only for our air traffic management (ATM) customers, but also for Frequentis Public Transport, Maritime, and Defence markets. GuardREC’s goal to make recording and replaying data easy and secure is a perfect fit for our mission, 'For a Safer World'".
Frequentis: weekly performance: 3.27%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (04/07/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - UBM, Frequentis (04/07/2023)

09.07.2023, 1984 Zeichen

UBM: The real estate developer UBM has placed its 7% UBM Green Bond 2023-2027 (ISIN AT0000A35FE2). The company will invest the 50 Mio. Euro in sustainable projects. Patric Thate, CFO of UBM Development AG: “Our ability to raise capital on the bond market – also in difficult times – is a major competitive advantage, and these funds will allow us to react very quickly to market opportunities.“ The UBM Green Bond 2023 was offered in Austria, Germany and Luxembourg by way of a public offer with prospectus and in other countries through a private placement for subscription. Demand was characterised by a particularly high share of retail investors. The planned value date is 10 July 2023. Plans call for listing the Green Bond for official trading in the corporates prime segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange.
UBM: weekly performance: -2.29%

Frequentis: Frequentis purchased 100% of the Norwegian software company GuardREC ATC, which develops recorder solutions for the air traffic control (ATC) market. The company has many years of knowledge and experience in safety- and operation-critical applications. The seller was the Norwegian EMBRON Group. "Our market studies revealed great potential in the recorder market, and by bringing together the expertise of our existing Frequentis DIVOS product and GuardREC ATC, we send a strong strategic signal to the market that we extend our feature capabilities to meet customer needs,” said Norbert Haslacher, CEO Frequentis. “Based on the long-standing international expertise of the Frequentis DIVOS team, we will be able to integrate the GuardREC solution not only for our air traffic management (ATM) customers, but also for Frequentis Public Transport, Maritime, and Defence markets. GuardREC’s goal to make recording and replaying data easy and secure is a perfect fit for our mission, 'For a Safer World'".
Frequentis: weekly performance: 3.27%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (04/07/2023)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #792: ATX zum Ultimo etwas fester, Immofinanz liefert gut und dank Thomas Rybnicek heisst es Handle with Care



Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, voestalpine, Amag, Immofinanz, CA Immo, EuroTeleSites AG, Frequentis, Rosgix, Warimpex, Wienerberger, Kapsch TrafficCom, AT&S, Frauenthal, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Polytec Group, Wolftank-Adisa, Porr, Oberbank AG Stamm, UBM, Palfinger, Zumtobel, Addiko Bank, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.

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