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21st Austria weekly - ams Osram (02/05/2023)


ams Osram: ams Osram, a global leader in optical solutions, reported first quarter financial results. First quarter group revenues were EUR 927 million, 21% lower compared to the previous quarter. The first quarter adjusted group result from operations (EBIT) was EUR 50 million,  compared to EUR 86 million. Aldo Kamper, CEO of ams Osram, commented: "Our markets continue to be demanding and unfavorable demand trends are impacting our business which is reflected in our first quarter results and our outlook. I will work closely with the management team in the upcoming months to define the way forward to address the currently unsatisfactory financial performance and unlock the potential that our business inherently has.”

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (02/05/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - ams Osram (02/05/2023)

07.05.2023, 814 Zeichen

ams Osram: ams Osram, a global leader in optical solutions, reported first quarter financial results. First quarter group revenues were EUR 927 million, 21% lower compared to the previous quarter. The first quarter adjusted group result from operations (EBIT) was EUR 50 million,  compared to EUR 86 million. Aldo Kamper, CEO of ams Osram, commented: "Our markets continue to be demanding and unfavorable demand trends are impacting our business which is reflected in our first quarter results and our outlook. I will work closely with the management team in the upcoming months to define the way forward to address the currently unsatisfactory financial performance and unlock the potential that our business inherently has.”

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (02/05/2023)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #790: ATX schwächer, FMA kommuniziert Rekordstrafe, EVN heute 35 Jahre an der Börse, Socgen Day in Wien



Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, voestalpine, Warimpex, Immofinanz, CA Immo, Addiko Bank, Andritz, Frequentis, AT&S, Zumtobel, OMV, FACC, Uniqa, Strabag, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, Cleen Energy, DO&CO, Marinomed Biotech, UBM, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, Kapsch TrafficCom, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria.

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Die Firma RWT Hornegger & Thor GmbH wurde 1999 von den beiden Geschäftsführern Hannes Hornegger und Reinhard Thor gegründet. Seitdem ist das Unternehmen kontinuierlich, auf einen derzeitigen Stand von ca. 30 Mitarbeitern, gewachsen. Das Unternehmen ist in den Bereichen Werkzeugbau, Formenbau, Prototypenbau und Baugruppenfertigung tätig und stellt des Weiteren moderne Motorkomponenten und Präzisionsteile her.

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