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21st Austria weekly - Lenzing, Andritz, Amag, Warimepx, Strabag, Polytec (27/04/2023)


Lenzing: Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, signed a contract for the acquisition of the 43 MW biomass power plant of Energie 42 Beteiligungs GmbH located in the Heiligenkreuz business park (Burgenland). The execution of the transaction is in particular subject to regulatory approvals and is expected in the second quarter of 2023. This strategic investment will significantly reduce the dependence on fossil energy at the Lenzing production site in Heiligenkreuz. Around 50 percent of the natural gas currently used can be replaced by energy from renewable sources in the future.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -0.67%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has started the 2023 business year with unchanged high growth dynamics despite a slowing global economy. Revenue and operating result both increased significantly by well over 20 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the same period of the previous year. Net income improved by almost 50 percent to 104.5 million euros. Order intake reached a favorable level of 2.4 billion euros but was 6.5 percent below the figure for the first quarter of 2022, when the booking of two large-scale orders had provided an exceptional peak.
Andritz: weekly performance: -3.37%

Strabag SE, the publicly listed European technology group for construction services, looks back at a challenging twelve months in 2022: Output and order backlog reached new record levels at the end of the year. The EBIT margin, meanwhile, returned to normal as expected following the exceptionally high level of the previous year. At 4.2%, however, it clearly remains in line with the set target of generating at least 4% from 2022 onwards. The company ecorded a 10% higher output of € 17.7 billion in the 2022 financial year (2021: € 16.1 billion). Despite rising construction costs and the accelerated interest rate turnaround, Strabag succeeded in growing the order backlog by 6% year-on-year to achieve a new year-end record of € 23.7 billion.
Strabag: weekly performance: 2.73%

Amag: AMAG Austria Metall AG, supplier of high-quality aluminium cast and flat rolled products, increased revenues in first quarter to EUR 404.8 million (Q1/2022: EUR 399.0 million), primarily due to higher shipment volumes in the Metal Division. In detail, shipment volumes of 110,400 tonnes posted growth of around 6 % compared to the same quarter of the previous year (Q1/2022: 104,600 tonnes). After record quarterly earnings in the previous year, AMAG Group again achieved a very good level of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounting to EUR 60.8 million (Q1/2022: EUR 68.0 million).
Amag: weekly performance: -1.14%

Polytec: Polytec, leading developer and manu­facturer of high-quality plastic components, reported consolidated sales revenues in the 2022 financial of EUR 601.4 million and thus 8.2% higher than in the previous year (EUR 555.9 million). The sales revenues include the partial passing on of additional costs, whereby the production volume shrunk and therefore direct comparability is only possible to a limited extent. The reductions in call-off numbers and repeated cancellations at short notice, as well as the very high price level of materials and energy in particular, have had a seriously detrimental impact upon the earnings situation of the company since March 2022. In 2022, Polytec's EBIT amounted to EUR 0.7 million (2021: EUR 12.3 million). The result after taxes amounted to minus EUR 2.2 million (2021: EUR 7.0 million). In the medium-term, the group considers itself to be in an extremely solid strategic position with regard to its ability to transform the changes in the automotive sector into increasing economic success for itself.
Polytec Group: weekly performance: 1.20%

Warimpex: The real estate developer Warimpex Group achieved a positive operational performance in 2022. Performance improvements for offices (plus 64 per cent) and hotels (plus 92 per cent) were the most significant drivers of the increase in total revenues to EUR 45.1 million (plus 69 per cent). The profit for the period for the Warimpex Group increased from EUR 12.0 million to EUR 42.9 million. The positive development can be attributed primarily to higher occupancy at the office properties in Poland and the first-time full consolidation of an office property in St. Petersburg. "Due to the uncertain economic conditions, we have decided not to propose a dividend for 2022 to the Annual General Meeting,” commented Warimpex CEO Franz Jurkowitsch.
Warimpex: weekly performance: 1.63%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (27/04/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Lenzing, Andritz, Amag, Warimepx, Strabag, Polytec (27/04/2023)

30.04.2023, 4710 Zeichen

Lenzing: Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, signed a contract for the acquisition of the 43 MW biomass power plant of Energie 42 Beteiligungs GmbH located in the Heiligenkreuz business park (Burgenland). The execution of the transaction is in particular subject to regulatory approvals and is expected in the second quarter of 2023. This strategic investment will significantly reduce the dependence on fossil energy at the Lenzing production site in Heiligenkreuz. Around 50 percent of the natural gas currently used can be replaced by energy from renewable sources in the future.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -0.67%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has started the 2023 business year with unchanged high growth dynamics despite a slowing global economy. Revenue and operating result both increased significantly by well over 20 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the same period of the previous year. Net income improved by almost 50 percent to 104.5 million euros. Order intake reached a favorable level of 2.4 billion euros but was 6.5 percent below the figure for the first quarter of 2022, when the booking of two large-scale orders had provided an exceptional peak.
Andritz: weekly performance: -3.37%

Strabag SE, the publicly listed European technology group for construction services, looks back at a challenging twelve months in 2022: Output and order backlog reached new record levels at the end of the year. The EBIT margin, meanwhile, returned to normal as expected following the exceptionally high level of the previous year. At 4.2%, however, it clearly remains in line with the set target of generating at least 4% from 2022 onwards. The company ecorded a 10% higher output of € 17.7 billion in the 2022 financial year (2021: € 16.1 billion). Despite rising construction costs and the accelerated interest rate turnaround, Strabag succeeded in growing the order backlog by 6% year-on-year to achieve a new year-end record of € 23.7 billion.
Strabag: weekly performance: 2.73%

Amag: AMAG Austria Metall AG, supplier of high-quality aluminium cast and flat rolled products, increased revenues in first quarter to EUR 404.8 million (Q1/2022: EUR 399.0 million), primarily due to higher shipment volumes in the Metal Division. In detail, shipment volumes of 110,400 tonnes posted growth of around 6 % compared to the same quarter of the previous year (Q1/2022: 104,600 tonnes). After record quarterly earnings in the previous year, AMAG Group again achieved a very good level of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounting to EUR 60.8 million (Q1/2022: EUR 68.0 million).
Amag: weekly performance: -1.14%

Polytec: Polytec, leading developer and manu­facturer of high-quality plastic components, reported consolidated sales revenues in the 2022 financial of EUR 601.4 million and thus 8.2% higher than in the previous year (EUR 555.9 million). The sales revenues include the partial passing on of additional costs, whereby the production volume shrunk and therefore direct comparability is only possible to a limited extent. The reductions in call-off numbers and repeated cancellations at short notice, as well as the very high price level of materials and energy in particular, have had a seriously detrimental impact upon the earnings situation of the company since March 2022. In 2022, Polytec's EBIT amounted to EUR 0.7 million (2021: EUR 12.3 million). The result after taxes amounted to minus EUR 2.2 million (2021: EUR 7.0 million). In the medium-term, the group considers itself to be in an extremely solid strategic position with regard to its ability to transform the changes in the automotive sector into increasing economic success for itself.
Polytec Group: weekly performance: 1.20%

Warimpex: The real estate developer Warimpex Group achieved a positive operational performance in 2022. Performance improvements for offices (plus 64 per cent) and hotels (plus 92 per cent) were the most significant drivers of the increase in total revenues to EUR 45.1 million (plus 69 per cent). The profit for the period for the Warimpex Group increased from EUR 12.0 million to EUR 42.9 million. The positive development can be attributed primarily to higher occupancy at the office properties in Poland and the first-time full consolidation of an office property in St. Petersburg. "Due to the uncertain economic conditions, we have decided not to propose a dividend for 2022 to the Annual General Meeting,” commented Warimpex CEO Franz Jurkowitsch.
Warimpex: weekly performance: 1.63%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (27/04/2023)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Amag, Frequentis, Austriacard Holdings AG, Rosenbauer, EVN, FACC, OMV, SBO, AT&S, Telekom Austria, Athos Immobilien, Cleen Energy, Gurktaler AG VZ, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Marinomed Biotech, Wolford, Polytec Group, Semperit, Porr, Zumtobel, RHI Magnesita, EuroTeleSites AG, Flughafen Wien, Kostad, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Pierer Mobility, UBM, Strabag.

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