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21st Austria weekly - ams Osram, Zumtobel (05/04/2023)


Porr: The construction company BBT SE has awarded the contract for the construction of the Pfons-Brenner tunnel section to a consortium of Porr Bau GmbH and Graz-based MARTI GmbH and MARTI Tunnel AG. The contract is worth EUR 959m, this is the largest construction lot in Austrian history, Porr stated. “We are delighted to be tackling this project of the century with our partner MARTI”, said PORR CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss. “The Brenner Base Tunnel is a key response to the core issue of mobility that Europe needs to address”.
Porr: weekly performance: -3.02%

ams Osram: ams Osram, an Austrian based global leader in optical solutions, announced today that the disposal of the Digital Systems business in Europe and Asia to Inventronics, a supplier of LED drivers, has closed.  The Digital Systems business in Europe and Asia employs around 600 people and operates widely across a large number of European and Asian countries. Inventronics is a publicly traded company headquartered in Hangzhou, China. Inventronics maintains global operations including manufacturing facilities in China, India and Mexico in addition to distribution centers in the US and the Netherlands. Sales offices in major markets around the world service customers in more than 100 countries.
AMS: weekly performance: -10.57%

Zumtobel: The lightning group Zumtobel was once again awarded an EcoVadis Gold Medal. Despite an increased rating scale and stricter criteria, the Gold status was maintained. The new score puts the company among the top one percent in the industry comparison. With the leap from Silver to Gold at the end of 2021, the renewed award of the Gold Medal by EcoVadis confirms that the Zumtobel Group is on the right path with its sustainability agenda. The evaluation by an independent and globally operating rating agency is of great relevance for our company. We see that we have taken the right and successful path with our sustainability activities. Our sustainability team and all departments involved are making a great contribution to the accomplishment of our sustainability goals, which not only benefits the environment, but also our customers and partners", says Alfred Felder, CEO of the Zumtobel Group.
Zumtobel: weekly performance: 1.42%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (05/04/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - ams Osram, Zumtobel (05/04/2023)

09.04.2023, 2329 Zeichen

Porr: The construction company BBT SE has awarded the contract for the construction of the Pfons-Brenner tunnel section to a consortium of Porr Bau GmbH and Graz-based MARTI GmbH and MARTI Tunnel AG. The contract is worth EUR 959m, this is the largest construction lot in Austrian history, Porr stated. “We are delighted to be tackling this project of the century with our partner MARTI”, said PORR CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss. “The Brenner Base Tunnel is a key response to the core issue of mobility that Europe needs to address”.
Porr: weekly performance: -3.02%

ams Osram: ams Osram, an Austrian based global leader in optical solutions, announced today that the disposal of the Digital Systems business in Europe and Asia to Inventronics, a supplier of LED drivers, has closed.  The Digital Systems business in Europe and Asia employs around 600 people and operates widely across a large number of European and Asian countries. Inventronics is a publicly traded company headquartered in Hangzhou, China. Inventronics maintains global operations including manufacturing facilities in China, India and Mexico in addition to distribution centers in the US and the Netherlands. Sales offices in major markets around the world service customers in more than 100 countries.
AMS: weekly performance: -10.57%

Zumtobel: The lightning group Zumtobel was once again awarded an EcoVadis Gold Medal. Despite an increased rating scale and stricter criteria, the Gold status was maintained. The new score puts the company among the top one percent in the industry comparison. With the leap from Silver to Gold at the end of 2021, the renewed award of the Gold Medal by EcoVadis confirms that the Zumtobel Group is on the right path with its sustainability agenda. The evaluation by an independent and globally operating rating agency is of great relevance for our company. We see that we have taken the right and successful path with our sustainability activities. Our sustainability team and all departments involved are making a great contribution to the accomplishment of our sustainability goals, which not only benefits the environment, but also our customers and partners", says Alfred Felder, CEO of the Zumtobel Group.
Zumtobel: weekly performance: 1.42%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (05/04/2023)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Amag, Frequentis, Austriacard Holdings AG, Rosenbauer, EVN, FACC, OMV, SBO, AT&S, Telekom Austria, Athos Immobilien, Cleen Energy, Gurktaler AG VZ, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Marinomed Biotech, Wolford, Polytec Group, Semperit, Porr, Zumtobel, RHI Magnesita, EuroTeleSites AG, Flughafen Wien, Kostad, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Pierer Mobility, UBM, Strabag.

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