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21st Austria weekly - Porr, Immofinanz, Wienerberger, S Immo, ams Osram (30/03/2023)


Porr: With a strong backlog of over EUR 8.2 bn, the construction company Porr starts the new business year 2023 with confidence. Group revenue reached EUR 5,786m (+11.9%). In the 2022 business year, PORR was able to increase its production output to EUR 6,226m, with growth of 8.7%. Earnings before taxes (EBT) rose by a hefty 28.9% to EUR 110.0m and were also significantly above the pre-crisis level of 2019. On the basis of the full order books, the Executive Board expects output in 2023 to at least match the level of the previous year along with a further improvement in earnings. The assessment of how the business will perform is based on the current goals in the individual segments as well as the opportunities and risks arising in the respective markets. Both the geopolitical situation and the situation regarding energy supply have stabilised recently. However, should these issues intensify again, this could have a negative impact on PORR and its business activities. Any assessment of economic development is therefore subject to forecasting risks.
Porr: weekly performance: 4.01%

Wienerberger: Rating agency Moody's raises Wienerberger to investment grade rating. The upgrade of the rating to investment grade Baa3 reflects Wienerberger's strong performance in recent years and underlines the successful transformation into a comprehensive supplier of ecological and smart solutions for renovation, new builds and infrastructure management. The rating agency also anticipates Wienerberger to continue to focus its organic and inorganic growth on robust end markets, thereby reducing the cyclicality of its business profile.
Wienerberger: weekly performance: 6.30%

S Immo: Robust operating figures and a significant increase in rental income with record EBITDA and gross profit demonstrate the stability of S IMMO's business model in a highly volatile macroeconomic environment. Rental income for the 2022 financial year amounted to EUR 155.7m (2021: EUR 131.3m), around 19% higher than the previous year's level. After several years of high valuation gains, the property valuation result was negative at EUR -78.4m (2021: EUR 198.7m). Consolidated net income declined substantially year-on-year to EUR 18.9m as a result of the non-cash property valuation effects (2021: EUR 230.6m). Against the backdrop of a crisis-ridden market environment that makes forecasts difficult, S IMMO is concentrating on its core business and working intensively to optimise its portfolio and its structures. The focus will remain on disposals in Germany and the acquisition of further profitable and high-quality office properties in Austria and CEE. 
S Immo: weekly performance: 2.63%

ams Osram: ams OSRAM, leader in optical solutions, announces that Rainer Irle has been appointed as CFO of ams OSRAM as of 1 July 2023. Rainer Irle (53) has been CFO of Siltronic AG, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hyperpure silicon wafers for the semiconductor industry, since 2013. Ingo Bank, CFO of ams OSRAM, will leave the company at the end of April. In the interim, the newly appointed CEO Aldo Kamper, who will join the company as of 1 April 2023, will act as CFO of ams OSRAM. 
AMS: weekly performance: 10.56%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/03/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Porr, Immofinanz, Wienerberger, S Immo, ams Osram (30/03/2023)

02.04.2023, 3294 Zeichen

Porr: With a strong backlog of over EUR 8.2 bn, the construction company Porr starts the new business year 2023 with confidence. Group revenue reached EUR 5,786m (+11.9%). In the 2022 business year, PORR was able to increase its production output to EUR 6,226m, with growth of 8.7%. Earnings before taxes (EBT) rose by a hefty 28.9% to EUR 110.0m and were also significantly above the pre-crisis level of 2019. On the basis of the full order books, the Executive Board expects output in 2023 to at least match the level of the previous year along with a further improvement in earnings. The assessment of how the business will perform is based on the current goals in the individual segments as well as the opportunities and risks arising in the respective markets. Both the geopolitical situation and the situation regarding energy supply have stabilised recently. However, should these issues intensify again, this could have a negative impact on PORR and its business activities. Any assessment of economic development is therefore subject to forecasting risks.
Porr: weekly performance: 4.01%

Wienerberger: Rating agency Moody's raises Wienerberger to investment grade rating. The upgrade of the rating to investment grade Baa3 reflects Wienerberger's strong performance in recent years and underlines the successful transformation into a comprehensive supplier of ecological and smart solutions for renovation, new builds and infrastructure management. The rating agency also anticipates Wienerberger to continue to focus its organic and inorganic growth on robust end markets, thereby reducing the cyclicality of its business profile.
Wienerberger: weekly performance: 6.30%

S Immo: Robust operating figures and a significant increase in rental income with record EBITDA and gross profit demonstrate the stability of S IMMO's business model in a highly volatile macroeconomic environment. Rental income for the 2022 financial year amounted to EUR 155.7m (2021: EUR 131.3m), around 19% higher than the previous year's level. After several years of high valuation gains, the property valuation result was negative at EUR -78.4m (2021: EUR 198.7m). Consolidated net income declined substantially year-on-year to EUR 18.9m as a result of the non-cash property valuation effects (2021: EUR 230.6m). Against the backdrop of a crisis-ridden market environment that makes forecasts difficult, S IMMO is concentrating on its core business and working intensively to optimise its portfolio and its structures. The focus will remain on disposals in Germany and the acquisition of further profitable and high-quality office properties in Austria and CEE. 
S Immo: weekly performance: 2.63%

ams Osram: ams OSRAM, leader in optical solutions, announces that Rainer Irle has been appointed as CFO of ams OSRAM as of 1 July 2023. Rainer Irle (53) has been CFO of Siltronic AG, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hyperpure silicon wafers for the semiconductor industry, since 2013. Ingo Bank, CFO of ams OSRAM, will leave the company at the end of April. In the interim, the newly appointed CEO Aldo Kamper, who will join the company as of 1 April 2023, will act as CFO of ams OSRAM. 
AMS: weekly performance: 10.56%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/03/2023)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #737: ATX stark, Porr, Wienerberger, AT&S gesucht, Umsatzschub Pierer Mobility, runder Geburtstag Gerhard Randa



Aktien auf dem Radar:CA Immo, Immofinanz, Polytec Group, Warimpex, Austriacard Holdings AG, Addiko Bank, EuroTeleSites AG, Zumtobel, Wiener Privatbank, Strabag, Semperit, AT&S, Cleen Energy, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Marinomed Biotech, Porr, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Pierer Mobility, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger.

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CA Immo
CA Immo ist der Spezialist für Büroimmobilien in zentraleuropäischen Hauptstädten. Das Unternehmen deckt die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette im gewerblichen Immobilienbereich ab: Vermietung und Management sowie Projektentwicklung mit hoher in-house-Baukompetenz. Das 1987 gegründete Unternehmen notiert im ATX der Wiener Börse.

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