18.09.2022, 3326 Zeichen
Lenzing: The Lenzing Group, a provider of wood-based specialty fibers, is continuing to expand its global clean electricity portfolio by gradually transitioning to green energy at its production site in Nanjing. This will enable its Chinese subsidiary Lenzing Nanjing Fibers to use electricity derived solely from renewable sources from 2023 onwards and reduce the site’s carbon emissions by 100,000 tonnes annually. Lenzing only recently announced the transition to green electricity at its Indonesian production facility.
Lenzing: weekly performance:
Andritz: Umweltschutz Höpperger has successfully completed the start-up of an ANDRITZ ADuro G-1600S granulator at its e-scrap recycling mill in Pfaffenhofen, Austria. The new ADuro G-1600S granulator is equipped with additional wear protection for higher lifetime. The machine can be maintained easily, reducing downtimes to a minimum and thus achieving higher production. The granulator replaces an existing machine from another supplier. Thomas Höpperger, General Manager, Höpperger Umweltschutz says: „This investment helps us to reduce production downtimes significantly. Thus, we are saving valuable work time. In addition, we benefit from efficient maintenance work and higher productivity.”
Andritz: weekly performance:
Warimpex: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs Aktiengesellschaft was classified as a sanctioned company by the service provider Six Financial Information due to sales of subsidiaries in Russia. Six Financial Information announced this morning that enquiries from the Company will be denied as the Company is not a client of Six Financial Information. Therefore, it is possible that brokers will only trade Warimpex shares on a restricted basis. It is possible that the previous market makers of Warimpex will cease their market making activities. In this case, the Warimpex shares would be traded in the "Standard Market" segment (instead of the previous "Prime Market" segment) until a new market making agreement is concluded. Warimpex emphasized, that it is currently endeavouring to revise what it considers to be an unlawful classification as quickly as possible. Warimpex itself is not on the US sanctions list (OFAC). The European Commission has not imposed any sanctions on Warimpex either.
Warimpex: weekly performance:
S Immo: Austrian based real estate company S Immo decided to realise the value increases achieved in its German residential portfolio. The liquidity shall be invested, particularly in office properties in Hungary and Austria. S Immo expects the acquisitions and portfolio-restructuring to have a significantly positive impact on its key earnings figures from 2023 onwards. Following the majority takeover by CPI Property Group, S Immo is expected to benefit from operational synergies and close cooperation with CPI Property Group. For example, the acquisition of the Hungarian office properties of the CPI Property Group (including Immofinanz is currently being discussed. S Immo will retain its stand-alone profile and business model and remain positioned as the owner of a high-quality real estate portfolio with a focus on office properties in the capital cities in the European Union.
S Immo: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (15/09/2022)
Wiener Börse Party #843: ATX zieht trotz S&P weiter, Indexfragen bei Erste und Immofinanz, Delisting für Ex-Do&Co-Bremse
Aktien auf dem Radar:Rosenbauer, EuroTeleSites AG, Strabag, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Zumtobel, OMV, Österreichische Post, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Andritz, Erste Group, Uniqa, RBI, VIG, Mayr-Melnhof, Lenzing, DO&CO, Pierer Mobility, Porr, voestalpine, Austriacard Holdings AG, Marinomed Biotech, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Wienerberger, UBM, RHI Magnesita, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag.
Die Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG ist eine Immobilienentwicklungs- und Investmentgesellschaft. Im Fokus der Geschäftsaktivitäten stehen der Betrieb und die Errichtung von Hotels in CEE. Darüber hinaus entwickelt Warimpex auch Bürohäuser und andere Immobilien.
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