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21st Austria weekly - Marinomed, Strabag, Vienna Airport (13/04/2022)


Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, an Austrian science-based biotech company with globally marketed therapeutics, today announced encouraging results for the 2021 financial year. The upfront payment from the first Budesolv licensing agreement and strong demand for Carragelose products helped the Company to generate the highest revenues in its history, while the operating result (EBIT) for the full year also improved considerably once again. The company ended the year with a 43% increase in revenues to 11.6 mn (2020: Euro 8.1 m). As planned, research and development spending rose by 26% to Euro 7.5 m (2020: Euro 5.9 m), the majority of which was used for clinical development projects. The loss for the period improved slightly to Euro -5.9 mn in 2021 (2020: Euro -6.0 mn). Marinomed is aiming to take its innovative approaches to the next level and create sustainable value for patients, public healthcare systems, the company and its stakeholders. Marinomed will work hard in 2022 to further expand its business development efforts in line with the 2025 strategy, develop clinical protocols, and advance its research and development work.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -2.46%

Strabag: The Management Board of Strabag SE has resolved to comply with the request made by the shareholder Haselsteiner-Familien-Privatstiftung to convene an extraordinary General Meeting for 5 May 2022. The sole item on the agenda is the resolution regarding the recall of the Supervisory Board member Hermann Melnikov, who was elected by the Annual General Meeting, and of Supervisory Board member Thomas Bull, who was delegated by the holder of registered share no. 2. Both Supervisory Board members are associated with the shareholder MKAO Rasperia Trading Ltd., which is controlled by Oleg Deripaska. The Management Board thus ensures compliance with the EU sanctions imposed on Oleg Deripaska, in particular the "asset freeze", which blocks the exercise of all rights associated with Rasperia's Strabag SE shares. This action is necessary to avoid adverse consequences and damages to the Strabag SE Group as alone the (indirect) connection to Oleg Deripaska has had a partially negative impact on the group's business activities since the start of the war against Ukraine.
Strabag: weekly performance: -0.69%

Vienna Airport: Vienna Airport continues to record upswing in March: The total of 1,582,004 passengers handled by the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport, Malta Airport and Kosice Airport) and 1,239,741 by Vienna Airport was nearly six times higher than in March 2021. Passenger volume of the Flughafen Wien Group and Vienna Airport was at 55.1% and 52.4% respectively compared to the pre-crisis level of March 2019.
Flughafen Wien: weekly performance: 4.80%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (13/04/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Marinomed, Strabag, Vienna Airport (13/04/2022)

17.04.2022, 2849 Zeichen

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, an Austrian science-based biotech company with globally marketed therapeutics, today announced encouraging results for the 2021 financial year. The upfront payment from the first Budesolv licensing agreement and strong demand for Carragelose products helped the Company to generate the highest revenues in its history, while the operating result (EBIT) for the full year also improved considerably once again. The company ended the year with a 43% increase in revenues to 11.6 mn (2020: Euro 8.1 m). As planned, research and development spending rose by 26% to Euro 7.5 m (2020: Euro 5.9 m), the majority of which was used for clinical development projects. The loss for the period improved slightly to Euro -5.9 mn in 2021 (2020: Euro -6.0 mn). Marinomed is aiming to take its innovative approaches to the next level and create sustainable value for patients, public healthcare systems, the company and its stakeholders. Marinomed will work hard in 2022 to further expand its business development efforts in line with the 2025 strategy, develop clinical protocols, and advance its research and development work.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -2.46%

Strabag: The Management Board of Strabag SE has resolved to comply with the request made by the shareholder Haselsteiner-Familien-Privatstiftung to convene an extraordinary General Meeting for 5 May 2022. The sole item on the agenda is the resolution regarding the recall of the Supervisory Board member Hermann Melnikov, who was elected by the Annual General Meeting, and of Supervisory Board member Thomas Bull, who was delegated by the holder of registered share no. 2. Both Supervisory Board members are associated with the shareholder MKAO Rasperia Trading Ltd., which is controlled by Oleg Deripaska. The Management Board thus ensures compliance with the EU sanctions imposed on Oleg Deripaska, in particular the "asset freeze", which blocks the exercise of all rights associated with Rasperia's Strabag SE shares. This action is necessary to avoid adverse consequences and damages to the Strabag SE Group as alone the (indirect) connection to Oleg Deripaska has had a partially negative impact on the group's business activities since the start of the war against Ukraine.
Strabag: weekly performance: -0.69%

Vienna Airport: Vienna Airport continues to record upswing in March: The total of 1,582,004 passengers handled by the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport, Malta Airport and Kosice Airport) and 1,239,741 by Vienna Airport was nearly six times higher than in March 2021. Passenger volume of the Flughafen Wien Group and Vienna Airport was at 55.1% and 52.4% respectively compared to the pre-crisis level of March 2019.
Flughafen Wien: weekly performance: 4.80%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (13/04/2022)

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