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21st Austria weekly - ams Osram (25/03/2022)


ams Osram: ams Osram, a global leader in optical solutions, announced the agreement to sell the independent and dedicated AMLS (Automotive Lighting Systems GmbH) business to Plastic Omnium (Euronext: POM) for a purchase price of EUR 65 million. The transaction represents a further step in the implementation of ams OSRAM's previously communicated strategy to focus on dedicated strategic core technology and divesting businesses that are not seen as core to the corporate strategy. ams Osram will continue to be a key supplier of automotive LED and optical components to Plastic Omnium. This transaction does not include other ams Osram technologies and products for automotive OEM and the automotive aftermarket.
AMS: weekly performance: 5.11%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (25/03/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - ams Osram (25/03/2022)

27.03.2022, 834 Zeichen

ams Osram: ams Osram, a global leader in optical solutions, announced the agreement to sell the independent and dedicated AMLS (Automotive Lighting Systems GmbH) business to Plastic Omnium (Euronext: POM) for a purchase price of EUR 65 million. The transaction represents a further step in the implementation of ams OSRAM's previously communicated strategy to focus on dedicated strategic core technology and divesting businesses that are not seen as core to the corporate strategy. ams Osram will continue to be a key supplier of automotive LED and optical components to Plastic Omnium. This transaction does not include other ams Osram technologies and products for automotive OEM and the automotive aftermarket.
AMS: weekly performance: 5.11%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (25/03/2022)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

SportWoche Podcast #136: Formelaustria Young Driver Programme als Investment, Kart-Talente & Sim-Racer zu F4-Racern machen



Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, Warimpex, Semperit, Austriacard Holdings AG, Addiko Bank, Immofinanz, Verbund, VIG, CA Immo, Flughafen Wien, Uniqa, AT&S, Cleen Energy, Kostad, Porr, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, UBM, DO&CO, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, OMV, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Wienerberger, Zalando, SAP.

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Aluflexpack AG
Das Kerngeschäft der Aluflexpack AG (Aluflexpack) umfasst die Entwicklung und Herstellung hochwertiger flexibler Primärverpackungen im industriellen Ausmaß mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Aluminium basierten Verpackungen wie zum Beispiel Aluminium-Kaffeekapseln, Standbodenbeutel, Alu-Schalen, Deckel, Verpackungen für die Süßwarenindustrie und Durchdrückpackungen für den Pharmabereich.

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