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21st Austria weekly - Immofinanz, S Immo, AT&S, ÖBAG, Semperit, CA Immo, UBM, Andritz, Pierer Mobility (10/01/2022)


Immofinanz: For the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Immofinanz the price offered by S Immo AG for the Immofinanz share does not reflect the current value of the company, the clearly positive development of business in 2021 despite the corona pandemic, and the attractive future growth potential. The Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Works Council of Immofinanz today issued statements in which they indicate that the offer price of Euro 23.00 per share is viewed as not sufficiently attractive. The Executive Board and Supervisory Board therefore recommend that shareholders not accept the partial offer by S Immo for approximately 10% of the outstanding Immofinan shares. "The offer price for the approximately 25% shareholding targeted by S Immo is clearly lower than the premium paid for comparative transactions in the European real estate sector", explained Immofinanz Executive Board members Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 1.69%

AT&SThe AT&S Management has decided to issue a deeply subordinated bond with an indefinite term and an early redemption option by AT&S after five years. HSBC Bank plc, Morgan Stanley Europe SE have been mandated as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners, Erste Group Bank AG has been mandated as Joint Bookrunner. AT&S targets an issue volume of at least Euro 300 mn up to benchmark size. The issue will be directed exclusively to professional and institutional investors and the Bonds will have a minimum denomination of Euro 100,000. The issue is expected to settle in January 2022. The potential proceeds of the issue shall support the strategic investment program as the basis for the planned, long- term profitable growth. Furthermore, the potential proceeds are intended to strengthen AT&S's capital base and to optimize the balance sheet structure via an IFRS equity instrument.
AT&S: weekly performance: -3.56%

ÖBAG: The Austrian state-owned holding company ÖBAG, with holdings e.g. in OMV, Verbund, A1 Telekom Austria, will operate with a new management structure as of February: Edith Hlawati is going to introduce an "Extended Management Board" when she takes up her position as CEO, thus further strengthening ÖBAG's industry expertise and intensifying the control function via the respective supervisory boards of the portfolio companies. It is planned that the two Executive Directors represent ÖBAG in the supervisory boards of the listed portfolio companies and safeguard the shareholder interests there. At the same time, they are to accompany the companies in the current transformation processes with their expertise. Within ÖBAG, all significant, cross-portfolio decisions shall be presented to the new body and decided jointly. "With this measure, we are advancing the previous four-eyes principle to a six-eyes principle for all significant decisions," says Edith Hlawati.

Semperit: The Supervisory Board of Semperit AG Holding appointed the internationally experienced top manager and Doctor of Chemistry Karl Haider (56) as Chairman of the Executive Board of Semperit AG Holding. He will assume his new role on 11 January 2022. His mandate will expire on 31 March 2025.
Semperit: weekly performance: -1.79%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (10/01/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Immofinanz, S Immo, AT&S, ÖBAG, Semperit, CA Immo, UBM, Andritz, Pierer Mobility (10/01/2022)

16.01.2022, 3312 Zeichen

Immofinanz: For the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Immofinanz the price offered by S Immo AG for the Immofinanz share does not reflect the current value of the company, the clearly positive development of business in 2021 despite the corona pandemic, and the attractive future growth potential. The Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Works Council of Immofinanz today issued statements in which they indicate that the offer price of Euro 23.00 per share is viewed as not sufficiently attractive. The Executive Board and Supervisory Board therefore recommend that shareholders not accept the partial offer by S Immo for approximately 10% of the outstanding Immofinan shares. "The offer price for the approximately 25% shareholding targeted by S Immo is clearly lower than the premium paid for comparative transactions in the European real estate sector", explained Immofinanz Executive Board members Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 1.69%

AT&SThe AT&S Management has decided to issue a deeply subordinated bond with an indefinite term and an early redemption option by AT&S after five years. HSBC Bank plc, Morgan Stanley Europe SE have been mandated as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners, Erste Group Bank AG has been mandated as Joint Bookrunner. AT&S targets an issue volume of at least Euro 300 mn up to benchmark size. The issue will be directed exclusively to professional and institutional investors and the Bonds will have a minimum denomination of Euro 100,000. The issue is expected to settle in January 2022. The potential proceeds of the issue shall support the strategic investment program as the basis for the planned, long- term profitable growth. Furthermore, the potential proceeds are intended to strengthen AT&S's capital base and to optimize the balance sheet structure via an IFRS equity instrument.
AT&S: weekly performance: -3.56%

ÖBAG: The Austrian state-owned holding company ÖBAG, with holdings e.g. in OMV, Verbund, A1 Telekom Austria, will operate with a new management structure as of February: Edith Hlawati is going to introduce an "Extended Management Board" when she takes up her position as CEO, thus further strengthening ÖBAG's industry expertise and intensifying the control function via the respective supervisory boards of the portfolio companies. It is planned that the two Executive Directors represent ÖBAG in the supervisory boards of the listed portfolio companies and safeguard the shareholder interests there. At the same time, they are to accompany the companies in the current transformation processes with their expertise. Within ÖBAG, all significant, cross-portfolio decisions shall be presented to the new body and decided jointly. "With this measure, we are advancing the previous four-eyes principle to a six-eyes principle for all significant decisions," says Edith Hlawati.

Semperit: The Supervisory Board of Semperit AG Holding appointed the internationally experienced top manager and Doctor of Chemistry Karl Haider (56) as Chairman of the Executive Board of Semperit AG Holding. He will assume his new role on 11 January 2022. His mandate will expire on 31 March 2025.
Semperit: weekly performance: -1.79%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (10/01/2022)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #696: Auszeichungen für dad.at, Liane Hirner und die Bawag, Senat der Wirtschaft rügt die Grüne Planwirtschaft



Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Zumtobel, Bawag, Austriacard Holdings AG, Lenzing, Warimpex, Rosgix, Porr, Telekom Austria, Rosenbauer, ATX, ATX TR, ams-Osram, AT&S, CA Immo, OMV, FACC, Gurktaler AG VZ, S Immo, Oberbank AG Stamm, Flughafen Wien, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Immofinanz, Österreichische Post, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Rheinmetall, Vonovia SE.

Random Partner

Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG
Die Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG ist mit einem betreuten Vermögen von mehr als 22 Mrd. Euro und über 230 Mitarbeitenden (per 30.6.2019) Österreichs führende Vermögensverwaltungsbank. Die eigenständige österreichische Vollbank ist darüber hinaus auch in den Ländern Zentral- und Osteuropas, in Italien und Deutschland tätig. Als 100-prozentige Tochter der Liechtensteinischen Landesbank AG (LLB), Vaduz profitiert die LLB Österreich zusätzlich von der Stabilität und höchsten Bonität ihrer Eigentümerin.

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