29.11.2020, 2922 Zeichen
S Immo: The listed real estate investment company S Immo AG increased rental income by 3.7% to Euro 91.5 mn in the third quarter of 2020. Total revenues declined by 15.9% to Euro 129.9m (Q3 2019: Euro 154.5m). There were also higher valuation allowances on receivables, causing expenses for valuation allowances and write-downs on trade receivables to deteriorate to Euro -3.5 mn (Q3 2019: Euro -0.5m). EBITDA declined by 15.5% as against the previous year to Euro 57.3m (Q3 2019: Euro 67.8m). The result from property valuation remained positive in year-to-date terms and amounted to Euro 3.4m (Q3 2019: EUR 137.3m). Consequently, EBIT amounted to Euro 53.9m (Q3 2019: Euro 198.8m). Net income for the first three quarters of 2020 amounted to Euro 22.3m (Q3 2019: Euro 158.9m).Gross profit declined to Euro 71.5 mn (Q3 2019: Euro 82.5m). Ernst Vejdovszky, CEO of S IMMO AG, commented: “2020 is a challenge in many respects. So we are all the more pleased that there were several positive developments in the third quarter. Despite all the upheaval, we remained profitable. At the same time, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are impacting us in various areas. We are working hard to keep the impact to a minimum and return to growth in 2021.” Friedrich Wachernig, member of S Immo AG’s Management Board, remains confident: “It was clear that the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to new, and in some cases unfortunately severe, restrictions in the autumn and winter months – we are experiencing the feared second wave. But one thing is for sure: This crisis will also pass. Until then, our motto is: We will keep working with full commitment. We will manage our properties, look into acquisition options and prepare to take advantage of the coming opportunities. With this in mind, we are highly confident in our ability to bring our company back on track for growth in 2021.”
S Immo: weekly performance:
Fabasoft: In the first six months of the 2020/2021 fiscal year the software company Fabasoft Group recorded sales revenue of Euro 27.7 mn (Euro 22.4 mn in the corresponding period of the previous year). EBITDA was Euro 10.949 mn (6.545 mn in the corresponding period of the previous year) EBIT was Euro 8.124 mn ( 4.075 mn in the corresponding period of the previous year). According to the company, these figures reflect an increase in the recurring revenue from software and services, an extremely strong project business field, as well as high licence revenue from one-off licences. These licence revenue from one-off licences in particular do not follow any regular pattern and are subject to very sharp quarterly fluctuations. The balance of cash and cash equivalents changed in the period under review from Euro 26.085mn as at 30 September 2019 to Euro 39.085 mn as at 30 September 2020.
Fabasoft: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (24/11/2020)
Börsepeople im Podcast S15/21: Florian Laszlo
Aktien auf dem Radar:Warimpex, Polytec Group, Agrana, Addiko Bank, Immofinanz, Austriacard Holdings AG, Marinomed Biotech, FACC, Amag, Österreichische Post, Andritz, AT&S, Cleen Energy, DO&CO, Linz Textil Holding, Porr, Wienerberger, ATX TR, EuroTeleSites AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Zumtobel, Palfinger, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, DAX, Bayer.
Raiffeisen Zertifikate
Raiffeisen Zertifikate ist der führende österreichische Anbieter, der mit über 5.000 Anlage- und Hebelprodukten seit mehr als 20 Jahren in der DACH-Region genauso wie in vielen Märkten Zentral- und Osteuropas zu Hause ist. Einfach kompetent und schnell Marktentwicklungen handelbar zu machen, dafür steht Raiffeisen Zertifikate - Egal ob auf Aktien, Aktien-Indizes, Rohstoffe oder einzelne Themen basierend. Raiffeisen Zertifikate ist eine Marke der Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
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