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21st Austria weekly - Palfinger, Immofinanz, S Immo, SBO, Verbund, Strabag (18/03/2020)


Palfinger: Palfinger, a leading international manufacturer of innovative lifting solutions for use on commercial vehicles, announced that in view of the current developments in connection with the COVID-19 crisis, which are beginning to have an impact on the market, the supply chain and individual plants, the company is expecting massive reductions in demand and production, and consequently profitability in the first half and full year 2020 to be well below 2019 and 2018. Depending on the duration and impact of the COVID-19 crisis, the appropriation of profits and dividend payment for the 2019 financial year will also be re-evaluated. The proposal for a dividend payment of EUR 0.71 per share, which was initially submitted for the planned but cancelled Annual General Meeting in March 2020, will be reconsidered in line with liquidity requirements. A corresponding proposal for a resolution will be published when the Annual General Meeting for the 2019 financial year is convened again.
Palfinger: weekly performance: -12.28%

Immofinanz:  Oliver Schumy, CEO of Immofinanz, leaves the Company as member of the Executive Board. The premature termination is based on mutual agreement due to personal reasons. As of 19 March 2020, the Executive Board of the Company is thus composed of the members Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer, who will continue all agendas.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: -21.60%

S Immo: In the financial year 2019, the real estate company S Immo AG reached a group result of Euro 213.3 mn and thereby achieved a record high. EPRA NAV per share increased from Euro 21.25 per share as of 31 December 2018 to Euro 26.45 per share as of 31 December 2019. FFO I of Euro 64.7 mn – corresponding to Euro 0,98 per share – also achieved a record high. CEO  Ernst Vejdovszky: ”In 2019, we have reached excellent operative results and have taken some important measures. With the issuance of two further corporate bonds we significantly extended the maturity of our financial liabilities. Moreover, in January 2020 we have carried out a very successful capital increase and thereby strengthened our liquidity and equity structure enormously. In the current challenging situation, we benefit from these measures.” Friedrich Wachernig, member of S Immo AG’s Management Board, says: “It is impossible for us to predict the economic impacts of the current corona crisis, but we have to expect that it will affect us significantly, especially in the hotel and retail sector. 2020 is certainly not expected to be another record year. However, S Immo is well positioned, we have a strong, crisis-tested team, a broadly diversified and high-quality portfolio – almost a quarter of our rental income is generated from our residential properties – as well as a comfortable cash cushion. Our strong equity structure certainly offers us opportunities, if the corona crisis ends in a few months. As entrepreneurs, we do not plan only a year ahead, instead we are already thinking about 2021.”
S Immo: weekly performance: -18.42%

SBO: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO) generated a sound result in 2019. In yearly comparison, sales increased by 6.0 % to Euro 445.3 mn (2018: Euro 420.2 mn). Bookings amounted to Euro 467.2 mn, following Euro 481.9 mn in 2018. Profit from operations (EBIT) arrived at Euro 60.2 mn (2018: 46.9 mn). The previous year's figure includes a non-cash, retroactive restatement of the goodwill of a subsidiary in the amount of Euro 23.9 m. The Executive Board will propose to the 2020 Annual General Meeting to increase the dividend for the 2019 financial year to Euro 1.20 per share (2018: Euro 1.00).
SBO: weekly performance: 17.92%

Verbund: The results posted by Austrian utility company Verbund for financial year 2019 saw a considerable improvement. This growth is mainly due to a sharp rise in average sales prices attributable to higher price levels for wholesale electricity. The average sales price for our own generation from hydropower increased by Euro 9.7/MWh to Euro 39.0/MWh. Generation from hydropower was also up year-on-year. The hydro coefficient for the run-of-river power plants came to 1.01, or 7 percentage points above the prior-year figure and 1 percentage point above the long-term average. The earnings contribution from the Grid segment likewise improved compared with the prior-year reporting period as a result of higher temporary additional revenue. EBITDA, the operating result before depreciation and amortisation, increased by 36.9% to Euro 1,183.5 mn and the Group result was up 28.1% on the previous year to Euro 554.8 mn. A dividend of Euro 0.69 per share for financial year 2019 will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 28 April 2020.
Verbund: weekly performance: 13.86%

Strabag: Strabag, the largest Austrian construction company, is halting its regular construction operations in Austria effective today. The order applies until further notice and at least as long as the 98th Directive of the Federal Minister of Social Affairs in accordance with Section 2 of the federal law on provisional measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (COVID-19-Maßnahmengesetz) applies – i.e. until 22 March 2020. Approximately 1,000 construction sites will be affected. “The restrictions on public life associated with the coronavirus prevention measures are having an enormous impact on our construction operations. After weighing all the interests and, above all, due to our responsibility to society, we feel compelled to take this drastic step,” said Strabag SE CEO Thomas Birtel.
Strabag: weekly performance: -27.35%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/03/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Palfinger, Immofinanz, S Immo, SBO, Verbund, Strabag (18/03/2020)

22.03.2020, 5681 Zeichen

Palfinger: Palfinger, a leading international manufacturer of innovative lifting solutions for use on commercial vehicles, announced that in view of the current developments in connection with the COVID-19 crisis, which are beginning to have an impact on the market, the supply chain and individual plants, the company is expecting massive reductions in demand and production, and consequently profitability in the first half and full year 2020 to be well below 2019 and 2018. Depending on the duration and impact of the COVID-19 crisis, the appropriation of profits and dividend payment for the 2019 financial year will also be re-evaluated. The proposal for a dividend payment of EUR 0.71 per share, which was initially submitted for the planned but cancelled Annual General Meeting in March 2020, will be reconsidered in line with liquidity requirements. A corresponding proposal for a resolution will be published when the Annual General Meeting for the 2019 financial year is convened again.
Palfinger: weekly performance: -12.28%

Immofinanz:  Oliver Schumy, CEO of Immofinanz, leaves the Company as member of the Executive Board. The premature termination is based on mutual agreement due to personal reasons. As of 19 March 2020, the Executive Board of the Company is thus composed of the members Dietmar Reindl and Stefan Schönauer, who will continue all agendas.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: -21.60%

S Immo: In the financial year 2019, the real estate company S Immo AG reached a group result of Euro 213.3 mn and thereby achieved a record high. EPRA NAV per share increased from Euro 21.25 per share as of 31 December 2018 to Euro 26.45 per share as of 31 December 2019. FFO I of Euro 64.7 mn – corresponding to Euro 0,98 per share – also achieved a record high. CEO  Ernst Vejdovszky: ”In 2019, we have reached excellent operative results and have taken some important measures. With the issuance of two further corporate bonds we significantly extended the maturity of our financial liabilities. Moreover, in January 2020 we have carried out a very successful capital increase and thereby strengthened our liquidity and equity structure enormously. In the current challenging situation, we benefit from these measures.” Friedrich Wachernig, member of S Immo AG’s Management Board, says: “It is impossible for us to predict the economic impacts of the current corona crisis, but we have to expect that it will affect us significantly, especially in the hotel and retail sector. 2020 is certainly not expected to be another record year. However, S Immo is well positioned, we have a strong, crisis-tested team, a broadly diversified and high-quality portfolio – almost a quarter of our rental income is generated from our residential properties – as well as a comfortable cash cushion. Our strong equity structure certainly offers us opportunities, if the corona crisis ends in a few months. As entrepreneurs, we do not plan only a year ahead, instead we are already thinking about 2021.”
S Immo: weekly performance: -18.42%

SBO: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO) generated a sound result in 2019. In yearly comparison, sales increased by 6.0 % to Euro 445.3 mn (2018: Euro 420.2 mn). Bookings amounted to Euro 467.2 mn, following Euro 481.9 mn in 2018. Profit from operations (EBIT) arrived at Euro 60.2 mn (2018: 46.9 mn). The previous year's figure includes a non-cash, retroactive restatement of the goodwill of a subsidiary in the amount of Euro 23.9 m. The Executive Board will propose to the 2020 Annual General Meeting to increase the dividend for the 2019 financial year to Euro 1.20 per share (2018: Euro 1.00).
SBO: weekly performance: 17.92%

Verbund: The results posted by Austrian utility company Verbund for financial year 2019 saw a considerable improvement. This growth is mainly due to a sharp rise in average sales prices attributable to higher price levels for wholesale electricity. The average sales price for our own generation from hydropower increased by Euro 9.7/MWh to Euro 39.0/MWh. Generation from hydropower was also up year-on-year. The hydro coefficient for the run-of-river power plants came to 1.01, or 7 percentage points above the prior-year figure and 1 percentage point above the long-term average. The earnings contribution from the Grid segment likewise improved compared with the prior-year reporting period as a result of higher temporary additional revenue. EBITDA, the operating result before depreciation and amortisation, increased by 36.9% to Euro 1,183.5 mn and the Group result was up 28.1% on the previous year to Euro 554.8 mn. A dividend of Euro 0.69 per share for financial year 2019 will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 28 April 2020.
Verbund: weekly performance: 13.86%

Strabag: Strabag, the largest Austrian construction company, is halting its regular construction operations in Austria effective today. The order applies until further notice and at least as long as the 98th Directive of the Federal Minister of Social Affairs in accordance with Section 2 of the federal law on provisional measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (COVID-19-Maßnahmengesetz) applies – i.e. until 22 March 2020. Approximately 1,000 construction sites will be affected. “The restrictions on public life associated with the coronavirus prevention measures are having an enormous impact on our construction operations. After weighing all the interests and, above all, due to our responsibility to society, we feel compelled to take this drastic step,” said Strabag SE CEO Thomas Birtel.
Strabag: weekly performance: -27.35%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/03/2020)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Warimpex, CA Immo, Bawag, Austriacard Holdings AG, Lenzing, Amag, Telekom Austria, DO&CO, Rosenbauer, Cleen Energy, S Immo, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, Marinomed Biotech, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Immofinanz, Mayr-Melnhof, Österreichische Post, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Verizon.

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