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21st Austria weekly - Vienna Airport, AT&S (21/01/2020)


Vienna Airport: The year 2019 was characterised by strong passenger growth. 39.5 million travellers (+15.0%) were registered by the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport and the foreign strategic investments in Malta Airport and Kosice Airport). Vienna Airport itself handled a total of 31.7 million passengers (+17.1%), comprising a new all-time high. The growth curve will likely flatten out in 2020, but the outlook continues to be positive. The Flughafen Wien Group expects a 3-4% rise in passenger volume along with an increase in revenue, EBITDA and the net profit. The total number of passengers at Vienna Airport is anticipated to climb by 3-5% in the year 2020. Günther Ofner, Member of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG, comments: “2019 was a strong year for Flughafen Wien AG. Shareholders and employees can expect a considerable dividend increase with a higher payout ratio of 60%. Despite the weaker growth in flight traffic in 2020, we expect revenue to climb to more than Euro 870 mn and the net profit to increase to more than Euro 180 mn. Vienna Airport continues to develop very favourably, and the Airport City is expanding. The new Office Park 4 with more than 26,000 m² of office space will commence operations in May 2020, and the interest in the airport as a business location remains high. This year about 25,000 people will be employed at the airport site. The airport is growing in a responsible manner. In 2019, we further reduced energy consumption per passenger by more than 20% and also succeeded in cutting back on CO2 emissions. A large-scale photovoltaic initiative will be launched starting in 2020, when more than three million kilowatts of electricity will already be generated. The airport plans a ten-fold increase in photovoltaic power generation in the coming years to about 30 million kWh. Vienna Airport will also be CO2 neutral before the year 2030. Our objective is a clear one i.e. to become the leading green airport in all of Europe. We expect positive impetus from the new government programme, above all thanks to the announced decline in the corporate tax rate, the expansion of railway connections to Bratislava and the commitment to a unified European airspace (Single European Sky). This should more than compensate for the negative effects of the higher ticket tax”.
Flughafen Wien: weekly performance: -0.67%

AT&SAT&S, global market leader for high-end printed circuit boards and one of the leading manufacturers of IC substrate, recently completed the NADCAP-certification procedure successfully. Aircraft manufacturers only work with companies that meet these highest quality standards and this is why the so-called NADCAP accreditation has been developed. NADCAP stands for National Aerospace and Defence Contractor Accreditation Program. The accreditation program is conducted by the independent Performance Review Institute (PRI). The goal the global aerospace industry pursues with this certification is to guarantee uniform standards for the quality assurance of production and test procedures for all relevant aircraft components. “In particular, the external auditors emphasized AT&S’s focus on process control, the extensive automation in production, the company’s commitment to meeting customer requirements and its focus on continuous improvement,” says AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer. “This opens doors for us not only in aviation, but also towards space technology.”
AT&S: weekly performance: -1.51%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/01/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Vienna Airport, AT&S (21/01/2020)

26.01.2020, 3560 Zeichen

Vienna Airport: The year 2019 was characterised by strong passenger growth. 39.5 million travellers (+15.0%) were registered by the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport and the foreign strategic investments in Malta Airport and Kosice Airport). Vienna Airport itself handled a total of 31.7 million passengers (+17.1%), comprising a new all-time high. The growth curve will likely flatten out in 2020, but the outlook continues to be positive. The Flughafen Wien Group expects a 3-4% rise in passenger volume along with an increase in revenue, EBITDA and the net profit. The total number of passengers at Vienna Airport is anticipated to climb by 3-5% in the year 2020. Günther Ofner, Member of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG, comments: “2019 was a strong year for Flughafen Wien AG. Shareholders and employees can expect a considerable dividend increase with a higher payout ratio of 60%. Despite the weaker growth in flight traffic in 2020, we expect revenue to climb to more than Euro 870 mn and the net profit to increase to more than Euro 180 mn. Vienna Airport continues to develop very favourably, and the Airport City is expanding. The new Office Park 4 with more than 26,000 m² of office space will commence operations in May 2020, and the interest in the airport as a business location remains high. This year about 25,000 people will be employed at the airport site. The airport is growing in a responsible manner. In 2019, we further reduced energy consumption per passenger by more than 20% and also succeeded in cutting back on CO2 emissions. A large-scale photovoltaic initiative will be launched starting in 2020, when more than three million kilowatts of electricity will already be generated. The airport plans a ten-fold increase in photovoltaic power generation in the coming years to about 30 million kWh. Vienna Airport will also be CO2 neutral before the year 2030. Our objective is a clear one i.e. to become the leading green airport in all of Europe. We expect positive impetus from the new government programme, above all thanks to the announced decline in the corporate tax rate, the expansion of railway connections to Bratislava and the commitment to a unified European airspace (Single European Sky). This should more than compensate for the negative effects of the higher ticket tax”.
Flughafen Wien: weekly performance: -0.67%

AT&SAT&S, global market leader for high-end printed circuit boards and one of the leading manufacturers of IC substrate, recently completed the NADCAP-certification procedure successfully. Aircraft manufacturers only work with companies that meet these highest quality standards and this is why the so-called NADCAP accreditation has been developed. NADCAP stands for National Aerospace and Defence Contractor Accreditation Program. The accreditation program is conducted by the independent Performance Review Institute (PRI). The goal the global aerospace industry pursues with this certification is to guarantee uniform standards for the quality assurance of production and test procedures for all relevant aircraft components. “In particular, the external auditors emphasized AT&S’s focus on process control, the extensive automation in production, the company’s commitment to meeting customer requirements and its focus on continuous improvement,” says AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer. “This opens doors for us not only in aviation, but also towards space technology.”
AT&S: weekly performance: -1.51%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/01/2020)

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Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 15/365: zertifikateforum.at als Fundus für Wissensinhalte, heute zb neu "EU & Kapitalmarkt"



Aktien auf dem Radar:Lenzing, Austriacard Holdings AG, Kapsch TrafficCom, Pierer Mobility, AT&S, Agrana, Erste Group, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Bawag, voestalpine, Frequentis, Andritz, EVN, Semperit, Polytec Group, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Stadlauer Malzfabrik AG, Wienerberger, Warimpex, UBM, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Flughafen Wien, Amag, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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