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21st Austria weekly - Strabag, Marinomed (30/08/2019)


Strabag: Austrian based construction group Strabag generated an output volume of Euro 7,506.99 mn in the first half of 2019. This upward movement of 9 % was driven in particular by Germany as a whole, by building construction in Austria, by the execution of the order backlog in Hungary and by a large-scale project in the United Kingdom. The consolidated group revenue grew by 11 % to Euro 6,979,07 mn. The order backlog as at 30 June 2019 weakened slightly by 3 % compared to the same period of the previous year. Declines were recorded in Austria, Germany and, on the whole, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This development was partially offset by the substantial expansion of an existing contract in the United Kingdom.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 47 % to Euro 294.74 mn in the first half of 2019. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to Euro 61.00 mn after Euro 20.03 million in the same period of the previous year. This increase is attributable to the development of the International + Special Divisions segment. CEO Thomas Birtel: “The earnings grew even more strongly than the output volume, and the order backlog remained – once again thanks to numerous large orders – almost stable at a very high level. We are better positioned today than ever. Just now, when things are going well for our company, we are taking precautions so we can continue to achieve our goals in the long term – for example, our goal of achieving an EBIT margin of 4 % by 2022.
Strabag: weekly performance: -0.17%

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, a globally active biopharmaceutical company with headquarters in Vienna, increased its revenues in the first half year to Euro 1.66 mn (H1/2018: Euro 1.52 mn). As a result of the high expenses for R&D as well as for the IPO, the operating result (EBIT) in the first half of the year was Euro -4.06 mn and below the prior year's period figure of Euro -1.78 mn. The half-year result for 2019 was Euro -4.90 mn, following Euro -2.05 mn in the first half of 2018. This also included one-off extraordinary effects, such as valuation effects of the convertible bond and IPO costs. “Our goal is the creation of long-term value. We want to achieve this by investing in a strong technology portfolio that we aim to exploit and commercialise. Our half-year result was negative as planned because of these investments in the future. With our clinically validated Marinosolv® platform and our well-established Carragelose® business, we are well on our way to capitalise on the strong growth prospects in the cough, cold and allergy segment and to achieve our long-term goals”, says Andreas Grassauer, CEO of Marinomed.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -1.02%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/08/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Strabag, Marinomed (30/08/2019)

01.09.2019, 2851 Zeichen

Strabag: Austrian based construction group Strabag generated an output volume of Euro 7,506.99 mn in the first half of 2019. This upward movement of 9 % was driven in particular by Germany as a whole, by building construction in Austria, by the execution of the order backlog in Hungary and by a large-scale project in the United Kingdom. The consolidated group revenue grew by 11 % to Euro 6,979,07 mn. The order backlog as at 30 June 2019 weakened slightly by 3 % compared to the same period of the previous year. Declines were recorded in Austria, Germany and, on the whole, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This development was partially offset by the substantial expansion of an existing contract in the United Kingdom.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 47 % to Euro 294.74 mn in the first half of 2019. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to Euro 61.00 mn after Euro 20.03 million in the same period of the previous year. This increase is attributable to the development of the International + Special Divisions segment. CEO Thomas Birtel: “The earnings grew even more strongly than the output volume, and the order backlog remained – once again thanks to numerous large orders – almost stable at a very high level. We are better positioned today than ever. Just now, when things are going well for our company, we are taking precautions so we can continue to achieve our goals in the long term – for example, our goal of achieving an EBIT margin of 4 % by 2022.
Strabag: weekly performance: -0.17%

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, a globally active biopharmaceutical company with headquarters in Vienna, increased its revenues in the first half year to Euro 1.66 mn (H1/2018: Euro 1.52 mn). As a result of the high expenses for R&D as well as for the IPO, the operating result (EBIT) in the first half of the year was Euro -4.06 mn and below the prior year's period figure of Euro -1.78 mn. The half-year result for 2019 was Euro -4.90 mn, following Euro -2.05 mn in the first half of 2018. This also included one-off extraordinary effects, such as valuation effects of the convertible bond and IPO costs. “Our goal is the creation of long-term value. We want to achieve this by investing in a strong technology portfolio that we aim to exploit and commercialise. Our half-year result was negative as planned because of these investments in the future. With our clinically validated Marinosolv® platform and our well-established Carragelose® business, we are well on our way to capitalise on the strong growth prospects in the cough, cold and allergy segment and to achieve our long-term goals”, says Andreas Grassauer, CEO of Marinomed.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -1.02%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/08/2019)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, Polytec Group, CA Immo, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, voestalpine, RBI, Österreichische Post, Semperit, SBO, Rosenbauer, AT&S, Cleen Energy, EuroTeleSites AG, Porr, Wolford, DO&CO, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Pierer Mobility, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.

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