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21st Austria weekly - CA Immmo, Burgenland Holding, ams (21/08/2019)


CA Immo: In the first six months of 2019, rental income for real estate company CA Immo rose by a significant 18.9% to Euro 111.4 mn.  Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose by 4.3% to Euro 82.7 mn. The revaluation result of Euro 114.8 m on the key date was above the previous year’s reference value (€ 48.7 m in 2018). The largest contributions to the revaluation gain in terms of amount came from value adjustments linked to construction progress on the development projects Cube and MY.B in Berlin, one site in Frankfurt and the portfolios in the Czech Republic and Hungary on the basis of positive market developments. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were Euro 195.8 m, 30.7% above the previous year’s result.  Andreas Quint, CEO of CA Immo, said: “Our excellent operational start to 2019 follows logically on from a strong period of expansion last year – and we will continue to pursue our strategy of profitable expansion in 2019. The two office projects in Berlin that we plan to complete in the second half of 2019 and transfer to the portfolio were thus 93% and 100% pre-let respectively by the end of June. This year we are also commencing development of another office high-rise in a prime location in Berlin. Before construction work even starts, this is fully let to KPMG.” 
CA Immo: weekly performance: -0.63%

Burgenland Holding: The supervisory board of Energie Burgenland AG, in which Burgenland Holding AG holds a 49% stake, has in today's meeting approved the early cessation of the US Cross Border Lease of Energie Burgenland AG's networks entered into in 2001. The anticipated short-term expenditurewillbeoffsetbyexpectedprofits;inthemediumterm,theexpectedcessation,whichincludesgrantedcollateral,shouldhave a positive effect on the financial results of Energie Burgenland AG. For the 2018/19 financial year of Energie Burgenland AG, which ends on 30 September 2019, a stable financial result on the level of the previous year's financial result is expected.

ams: ams, a leading worldwide supplier of high performance sensor solutions, is pleased to announce that Osram Licht AG has waived the standstill agreement entered into by ams AG and Osram on 4 June 2019 following the receipt of ams' proposal on 11 August 2019. This now enables ams to formally launch the takeover offer for Osram pursuant to the terms announced on 11 August 2019. The Offer period is expected to commence prior to 5 September 2019 when the offer from Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group would have expired. “We are pleased to launch the takeover offer which will enable the compelling combination of ams and Osram. Our strategy is built around growth for which a highly qualified workforce and a long-term commitment to Germany are essential. We look forward to leveraging the expertise and experience of Osrams’s employees in all areas,” says Alexander Everke, CEO of ams.
AMS: weekly performance: 0.68%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/08/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - CA Immmo, Burgenland Holding, ams (21/08/2019)

25.08.2019, 3026 Zeichen

CA Immo: In the first six months of 2019, rental income for real estate company CA Immo rose by a significant 18.9% to Euro 111.4 mn.  Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose by 4.3% to Euro 82.7 mn. The revaluation result of Euro 114.8 m on the key date was above the previous year’s reference value (€ 48.7 m in 2018). The largest contributions to the revaluation gain in terms of amount came from value adjustments linked to construction progress on the development projects Cube and MY.B in Berlin, one site in Frankfurt and the portfolios in the Czech Republic and Hungary on the basis of positive market developments. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were Euro 195.8 m, 30.7% above the previous year’s result.  Andreas Quint, CEO of CA Immo, said: “Our excellent operational start to 2019 follows logically on from a strong period of expansion last year – and we will continue to pursue our strategy of profitable expansion in 2019. The two office projects in Berlin that we plan to complete in the second half of 2019 and transfer to the portfolio were thus 93% and 100% pre-let respectively by the end of June. This year we are also commencing development of another office high-rise in a prime location in Berlin. Before construction work even starts, this is fully let to KPMG.” 
CA Immo: weekly performance: -0.63%

Burgenland Holding: The supervisory board of Energie Burgenland AG, in which Burgenland Holding AG holds a 49% stake, has in today's meeting approved the early cessation of the US Cross Border Lease of Energie Burgenland AG's networks entered into in 2001. The anticipated short-term expenditurewillbeoffsetbyexpectedprofits;inthemediumterm,theexpectedcessation,whichincludesgrantedcollateral,shouldhave a positive effect on the financial results of Energie Burgenland AG. For the 2018/19 financial year of Energie Burgenland AG, which ends on 30 September 2019, a stable financial result on the level of the previous year's financial result is expected.

ams: ams, a leading worldwide supplier of high performance sensor solutions, is pleased to announce that Osram Licht AG has waived the standstill agreement entered into by ams AG and Osram on 4 June 2019 following the receipt of ams' proposal on 11 August 2019. This now enables ams to formally launch the takeover offer for Osram pursuant to the terms announced on 11 August 2019. The Offer period is expected to commence prior to 5 September 2019 when the offer from Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group would have expired. “We are pleased to launch the takeover offer which will enable the compelling combination of ams and Osram. Our strategy is built around growth for which a highly qualified workforce and a long-term commitment to Germany are essential. We look forward to leveraging the expertise and experience of Osrams’s employees in all areas,” says Alexander Everke, CEO of ams.
AMS: weekly performance: 0.68%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/08/2019)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #700: XL zum Jubiläum feat. Aktienforum-Präsidentin, IVA-Input, Immofinanz-Idee und Tojner-Gesamtsicht



Aktien auf dem Radar:Warimpex, CA Immo, RHI Magnesita, Austriacard Holdings AG, Addiko Bank, Polytec Group, Immofinanz, EVN, Kapsch TrafficCom, Lenzing, Verbund, VIG, Pierer Mobility, Marinomed Biotech, Frequentis, SBO, DO&CO, Stadlauer Malzfabrik AG, Wolford, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Semperit, Amag, Erste Group, Flughafen Wien, Österreichische Post, Rosenbauer, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.

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