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21st Austria weekly - Palfinger, Bawag (30/07/2019)


Palfinger: Lifting solutions company Palfinger continued its growth in the first half of 2019: Double-digit increases in revenue and earnings were achieved. Revenue rose by 11.4 per cent from Euro 801.9 mn in the first half of 2018 to Euro 893.4 min in the reporting period, reaching yet another record level for a first-half reporting period. EBIT grew by 17.2 per cent from Euro 71.0 mn to Euro 83.3 mn in the first half of 2019, resulting in an EBIT margin of 9.3 per cent, which is higher than the previous year’s figure of 8.9 per cent. The consolidated net result showed a year-on-year increase of 23.7 per cent from Euro 35.2 mn to Euro 43.6 mn. CEO Andreas Klauser: “To put it in a nutshell, our report on the first half of 2019 is highly positive. In the LAND units, incoming orders were at a good level and our production facilities worked at full capacity utilization. Our new Globla Palfinger Organization (GPO) structure is becoming well established. It helps us to act quickly and efficiently. This is already noticeable in our results. In the segment SEA, we were able to largely complete the restructuring process. At the same time, the market started to recover and we have been generating more and more orders. We will intensify the integration of this segment into the GPO structure”. The outlook for 2019 as a whole remains positive. On the basis of current market trends the company expects another record year: The management reckons with an increase in revenue to Euro 1.7 bn and an EBIT margin of 9 per cent. For the years to come, Palfinger sees continued growth potential, also in new products and new business models.
Palfinger: weekly performance: -7.33%

Bawag: Banking group Bawag today reports a strong profit before tax of Euro 287 mn and net profit of Euro 219 mn, up 6% and 8% respectively versus the prior year, for the first half 2019. The increase was primarily driven by higher operating income. The Bank delivered a return on tangible common equity of 13.8%, a cost-income ratio of 42.9% and a CET1 ratio of 15.1%. On a pro forma basis the return on tangible common equity was 17.8%, with a CET1 ratio of 12.7%. CEO  Anas Abuzaakouk: “Bawag Group delivered strong results in the first half 2019 with a profit before tax of Euro 287 million and a net profit of Euro 219 million. In addition to our strong operating performance, we closed on our leasing and factoring acquisitions from 2018 and continued to make progress across various operational and strategic initiatives. The recently closed acquisitions complement our Retail & SME business in Germany and emphasize our focus on building out our Retail & SME business across the DACH region. We are on track to deliver on all of our targets in 2019 as we continue to adapt to the changing operating environment. While the market environment for European financials continues to be challenging, the fundamentals of the bank remain strong. We will continue to focus on the things that we control, driving operational excellence, and continuing to pursue disciplined and profitable growth".
Bawag: weekly performance: -3.55%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/07/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Palfinger, Bawag (30/07/2019)

04.08.2019, 3190 Zeichen

Palfinger: Lifting solutions company Palfinger continued its growth in the first half of 2019: Double-digit increases in revenue and earnings were achieved. Revenue rose by 11.4 per cent from Euro 801.9 mn in the first half of 2018 to Euro 893.4 min in the reporting period, reaching yet another record level for a first-half reporting period. EBIT grew by 17.2 per cent from Euro 71.0 mn to Euro 83.3 mn in the first half of 2019, resulting in an EBIT margin of 9.3 per cent, which is higher than the previous year’s figure of 8.9 per cent. The consolidated net result showed a year-on-year increase of 23.7 per cent from Euro 35.2 mn to Euro 43.6 mn. CEO Andreas Klauser: “To put it in a nutshell, our report on the first half of 2019 is highly positive. In the LAND units, incoming orders were at a good level and our production facilities worked at full capacity utilization. Our new Globla Palfinger Organization (GPO) structure is becoming well established. It helps us to act quickly and efficiently. This is already noticeable in our results. In the segment SEA, we were able to largely complete the restructuring process. At the same time, the market started to recover and we have been generating more and more orders. We will intensify the integration of this segment into the GPO structure”. The outlook for 2019 as a whole remains positive. On the basis of current market trends the company expects another record year: The management reckons with an increase in revenue to Euro 1.7 bn and an EBIT margin of 9 per cent. For the years to come, Palfinger sees continued growth potential, also in new products and new business models.
Palfinger: weekly performance: -7.33%

Bawag: Banking group Bawag today reports a strong profit before tax of Euro 287 mn and net profit of Euro 219 mn, up 6% and 8% respectively versus the prior year, for the first half 2019. The increase was primarily driven by higher operating income. The Bank delivered a return on tangible common equity of 13.8%, a cost-income ratio of 42.9% and a CET1 ratio of 15.1%. On a pro forma basis the return on tangible common equity was 17.8%, with a CET1 ratio of 12.7%. CEO  Anas Abuzaakouk: “Bawag Group delivered strong results in the first half 2019 with a profit before tax of Euro 287 million and a net profit of Euro 219 million. In addition to our strong operating performance, we closed on our leasing and factoring acquisitions from 2018 and continued to make progress across various operational and strategic initiatives. The recently closed acquisitions complement our Retail & SME business in Germany and emphasize our focus on building out our Retail & SME business across the DACH region. We are on track to deliver on all of our targets in 2019 as we continue to adapt to the changing operating environment. While the market environment for European financials continues to be challenging, the fundamentals of the bank remain strong. We will continue to focus on the things that we control, driving operational excellence, and continuing to pursue disciplined and profitable growth".
Bawag: weekly performance: -3.55%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (30/07/2019)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Austriacard Holdings AG, Immofinanz, Addiko Bank, Mayr-Melnhof, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Wienerberger, EVN, Lenzing, Österreichische Post, FACC, Bawag, Rosgix, Palfinger, OMV, SBO, Athos Immobilien, AT&S, BKS Bank Stamm, Cleen Energy, Linz Textil Holding, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Telekom Austria, Oberbank AG Stamm, Polytec Group, UBM, Agrana.

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Addiko Group
Die Addiko Gruppe besteht aus der Addiko Bank AG, der österreichischen Mutterbank mit Sitz in Wien (Österreich), die an der Wiener Börse notiert und sechs Tochterbanken, die in fünf CSEE-Ländern registriert, konzessioniert und tätig sind: Kroatien, Slowenien, Bosnien & Herzegowina (wo die Addiko Gruppe zwei Banken betreibt), Serbien und Montenegro.

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