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21st Austria weekly - Marinomed, EVN, Immofinanz, Strabag (29/05/2019)


Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, a globally active biopharmaceutical company with headquarters in Vienna, reached key strategic milestones in the first quarter 2019 and set the course for accelerated growth. Unlike conventional biotechnology companies, Marinomed is already generating revenues from the sale of products from its Carragelose® platform. Positive sales performance in several markets in the first quarter 2019 could not compensate for the temporarily weaker demand in two core markets, which profited from product launches in the prior year period. Revenues stood at Euro 0.75 mn, after  Euro 0.92 mn in the first quarter 2018. The operating result (EBIT) was negative according to plan and amounted to Euro -2.63 mn, impacted by higher R&D expenses and one-time costs in connection with the IPO (1-3/2018: Euro -1.05 mn). Marinomed expects continuing positive performance for orders and sales in 2019. However, the high research & development expenses mean that it expects operating losses for the fiscal year 2019.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: 0.00%

EVN: Revenue recorded by the EVN Group, an Austrian utility company, remained nearly stable in year-on-year comparison at Euro 1,246.1 mn in the first six months of 2018/19 (previous year: Euro 1,249.0 mn). This development was based on contrary factors: Positive impulses were provided, for example, by increases in renewable generation and heat supplies. These impulses were contrasted by lower revenue from thermal generation, a price- and volume-related decline in the Networks Segment and a change in the calculation method for the so-called “green electricity mark-up“ in Bulgaria which, however, has no effect on profit or loss. The share of results from equity accounted investees with operational nature fell to Euro 4.6 mn in the first half of 2018/19 (previous year: Euro 111.0 mn). This decline reflected the development of business in EVN KG during the first half of 2018/19, which was influenced by higher procurement costs and negative effects from the valuation of hedges as of 31 March 2019, in combination with a lower earnings contribution from RAG. EBITDA declined to Euro 330.3 mn in the first half of 2018/19 (previous year: Euro 470.8 mn). Depreciation and amortisation, including the effects from impairment testing, increased slightly as the result of investments, and EBIT equalled Euro 198.1 mn (previous year: Euro 340.3 mn). Group net result for the period amounted to Euro 129.0 mn (previous year: Euro 229.4 mn).
EVN: weekly performance: -1.07%

Strabag: Construction group Strabag SE today announced the latest outlook on the 2019 full year and, for the first time, the medium-term target for 2022. In the first quarter of 2019, the group increased its output by 19 % to Euro 3.1 bn on a high order backlog and an again very good construction weather. “Following the significant increase in output in the first three months of the financial year, we now assume that the output in 2019 will exceed the previously expected Euro 16.0 billion. The forecast EBIT margin of at least 3.3 % remains unchanged. In the medium term, however, it should continue to grow – we aim to achieve a level of 4 % by 2022,” says CEO Thomas Birtel.
Strabag: weekly performance: 5.92%

Immofinanz: Austrian real estate ompany Immofinanz continues sound prior year development in first quarter of 2019. Rental income improved by 10.5% (including the effects from the initial application of IFRS 16), respectively by 4.1% (excluding IFRS16 effects) to Euro 65.2 mn. Results of operations rose by 3.7% to Euro 36.8 mn and sustainable FFO 1 (before tax) from the standing investment business climbed 35.0% to Euro 28.1 mn. Net profit also increased significantly year-on-year to Euro 30.4 mn in the reporting period (Q1 2018: Euro 1.0 mn).
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 2.11%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (29/05/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Marinomed, EVN, Immofinanz, Strabag (29/05/2019)

02.06.2019, 3931 Zeichen

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, a globally active biopharmaceutical company with headquarters in Vienna, reached key strategic milestones in the first quarter 2019 and set the course for accelerated growth. Unlike conventional biotechnology companies, Marinomed is already generating revenues from the sale of products from its Carragelose® platform. Positive sales performance in several markets in the first quarter 2019 could not compensate for the temporarily weaker demand in two core markets, which profited from product launches in the prior year period. Revenues stood at Euro 0.75 mn, after  Euro 0.92 mn in the first quarter 2018. The operating result (EBIT) was negative according to plan and amounted to Euro -2.63 mn, impacted by higher R&D expenses and one-time costs in connection with the IPO (1-3/2018: Euro -1.05 mn). Marinomed expects continuing positive performance for orders and sales in 2019. However, the high research & development expenses mean that it expects operating losses for the fiscal year 2019.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: 0.00%

EVN: Revenue recorded by the EVN Group, an Austrian utility company, remained nearly stable in year-on-year comparison at Euro 1,246.1 mn in the first six months of 2018/19 (previous year: Euro 1,249.0 mn). This development was based on contrary factors: Positive impulses were provided, for example, by increases in renewable generation and heat supplies. These impulses were contrasted by lower revenue from thermal generation, a price- and volume-related decline in the Networks Segment and a change in the calculation method for the so-called “green electricity mark-up“ in Bulgaria which, however, has no effect on profit or loss. The share of results from equity accounted investees with operational nature fell to Euro 4.6 mn in the first half of 2018/19 (previous year: Euro 111.0 mn). This decline reflected the development of business in EVN KG during the first half of 2018/19, which was influenced by higher procurement costs and negative effects from the valuation of hedges as of 31 March 2019, in combination with a lower earnings contribution from RAG. EBITDA declined to Euro 330.3 mn in the first half of 2018/19 (previous year: Euro 470.8 mn). Depreciation and amortisation, including the effects from impairment testing, increased slightly as the result of investments, and EBIT equalled Euro 198.1 mn (previous year: Euro 340.3 mn). Group net result for the period amounted to Euro 129.0 mn (previous year: Euro 229.4 mn).
EVN: weekly performance: -1.07%

Strabag: Construction group Strabag SE today announced the latest outlook on the 2019 full year and, for the first time, the medium-term target for 2022. In the first quarter of 2019, the group increased its output by 19 % to Euro 3.1 bn on a high order backlog and an again very good construction weather. “Following the significant increase in output in the first three months of the financial year, we now assume that the output in 2019 will exceed the previously expected Euro 16.0 billion. The forecast EBIT margin of at least 3.3 % remains unchanged. In the medium term, however, it should continue to grow – we aim to achieve a level of 4 % by 2022,” says CEO Thomas Birtel.
Strabag: weekly performance: 5.92%

Immofinanz: Austrian real estate ompany Immofinanz continues sound prior year development in first quarter of 2019. Rental income improved by 10.5% (including the effects from the initial application of IFRS 16), respectively by 4.1% (excluding IFRS16 effects) to Euro 65.2 mn. Results of operations rose by 3.7% to Euro 36.8 mn and sustainable FFO 1 (before tax) from the standing investment business climbed 35.0% to Euro 28.1 mn. Net profit also increased significantly year-on-year to Euro 30.4 mn in the reporting period (Q1 2018: Euro 1.0 mn).
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 2.11%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (29/05/2019)

BSN Podcasts
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Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, RHI Magnesita, Porr, Flughafen Wien, Mayr-Melnhof, FACC, Kapsch TrafficCom, Polytec Group, Verbund, EVN, Wienerberger, AT&S, Lenzing, BKS Bank Stamm, Pierer Mobility, Wolford, Wiener Privatbank, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, EuroTeleSites AG, Agrana, Amag, Rosenbauer, Heid AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Palfinger, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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