28.04.2019, 3823 Zeichen
S&T: Austrian technology group S&T AG successfully placed a bonded loan (Schuldscheindarlehen) amounting to Euro 160 mn. Originally foreseen was a volume of issuance of Euro 100 million. Strong demand by investors caused this to be increased by Euro 60 mn. The placement of the loan enables S&T to exploit the low interest rates currently prevailing. The proceeds will be used to pursue the dynamic organic growth planned for the company, and to make the acquisitions foreseen in the company's "Agenda 2023" five-year plan. In the words of Richard Neuwirth, S&T's Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chairman: "The initial placement of a bonded loan further strengthens our financial situation, and does so at very advantageous conditions. It provides us with a solid foundation for future investments and acquisitions. S&T disposes of liquidity coming to more than EUR 300 million, and is thus optimally capable of implementing its plans to achieve further growth. These plans are comprised in our "Agenda 2023", which foresees revenues doubling to EUR 2 billion by 2023 - and which envisions profits growing at even greater rates." The transaction was arranged by Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft and Raiffeisen Bank International AG and was very successfully carried out with them. The bonded loan is comprised of tranches, each with terms of five and seven years respectively.
S&T: weekly performance:
Warimpex: CEE real estate group Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG reports a profit of Euro 1.9 mn for the 2018 financial year. The main reason for the significant year-on-year decline in profit (2017: Euro 40.5 million) was the profitable sale of eight hotel holdings completed in May 2017. As a result, 2018 was a transitionyear following the sale of part of the company’s portfolio. There were virtually no sales in 2018, but the companysuccessfully worked to build up its property portfolio, which is already reflected in the positive development of revenues from office properties. Warimpex is also pleased to announce that it will propose a dividend of Euro 0.06 at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on the basis of these positive results. “The key goal for the 2019 financial year is to rapidly build up the property portfolio again following the partialportfolio sale and to strengthen the company’s earning potential. This will be accomplished by completingongoing development projects, pushing ahead with new projects, and acquiring cash-flow generating assetswith potential for the future,” said Franz Jurkowitsch, CEO of Warimpex. The company already expects to see a significant increase in revenues in the Investment Properties segment and an improvement in gross incomein 2019 due to the opening of the Ogrodowa office building in Łódź in October 2018 and the completion of theMogilska 43 office building in Krakow in April 2019. “Building up our portfolio will be the focus of our activities again in 2019. On the basis of selective purchasesand consistent construction progress, we are confident that we will be able to further expand our portfolio volume by the end of 2019. At the same time, we expect to see a significant increase in revenues in the Investment Properties segment and an improvement in gross income thanks to rental revenue from our new assets – first and foremost the Ogrodowa office building in Łódź and the B52 in Budapest as well as the recentlycompleted Mogilska 43 office building in Krakow,” commented Jurkowitsch. “Along with our continuedoperations in our core markets of Poland, Hungary, and Russia, we are pleased to be active in the German hotel sector again thanks to the acquisition in Darmstadt. We also plan to complete hotel sales.”
Warimpex: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (27/04/2019)
Wiener Börse Party #856: ATX TR 10.000, wie wärs mir einer PK? Wir haben O-Töne zum Rekord und Palfinger erwähnt Rheinmetall
Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, Agrana, OMV, Semperit, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, Andritz, AT&S, Bawag, BTV AG, Erste Group, Gurktaler AG VZ, Lenzing, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Wolford, Zumtobel, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Telekom Austria.
EuroTeleSites AG
EuroTeleSites bietet mit seiner langjähriger Erfahrung im Bereich der Telekommunikation, Lösungen und Dienstleistungen zum Bau und der Servicierung von drahtlosen Telekommunikationsnetzwerken in sechs Ländern in der CEE-Region an: Österreich, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Slowenien, der Republik Nordmazedonien und der Republik Serbien. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst über 13.000 Standorte, die hochwertige Wholesale Services für eine breite Palette von Kunden bieten.
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