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21st Austria weekly - Semperit, Frequentis, Kapsch TrafficCom (19/03/2024)


Semperit: The Semperit Group, an internationally oriented group of companies that develops, produces and sells high-quality elastomer products and applications for industrial customers,  performed solidly in a challenging market environment characterized by high inflation and a weak economy in the 2023 financial year. Revenue of EUR 721.1 million was generated, which was 7.5% below the previous year’s figure. Cost-cutting programs introduced at an early stage already had an impact of EUR 5.8 million on earnings. Continued operations generated EBITDA adjusted for one-off expenses of EUR 81.7 million (–14.7%) and unadjusted EBITDA of EUR 71.8 million (–28.5%). Earnings after tax from continued operations were positive at EUR 24.9 million, while the loss from the medical business, which has been sold, had a significant negative impact as expected. Earnings after tax therefore amounted to EUR –17.1 million. CEO Karl Haider: "The economic environment was challenging in 2023, but our cost-cutting measures are taking effect. In addition, we invested in our organic growth projects including the construction of a highly automated, additional hydraulic hose production at our site in Odry in the Czech Republic, already Europe’s largest hose factory. With this focus we are setting a new benchmark in cost leadership and strengthening our competitiveness as a top global player. In the liquid silicone sector, we are investing in additional capacities in Thalheim and thus also in our technological lead in injection molding tools and automation."
Semperit: weekly performance: 0.53%

Frequentis: Spanish air navigation service provider (ANSP) ENAIRE has selected Frequentis to complete an expansion of its contingency communication systems upgrade, known as Last Resort Voice. Frequentis has been successfully collaborating with ENAIRE since 2020 to implement its IP-based voice communication solution across Spain, bringing on average one centre live per year. The latest contract expansion will include operational maintenance to extend the lifecycle of its systems. The systems are being provided to all major ATC centres as a backup system in the event of unavailability of the main voice communications.
Frequentis: weekly performance: 1.94%

Kapsch TrafficCom: Ireland's NIMS (Network Intelligence and Management System) initiative is launching a C-ITS pilot project to increase traffic safety. Since January 2024, C-ITS is fully integrated into the operational Traffic Management solution NIMS providing information to roadusers in realtime. As part of this project, 1,500 members of the public will participate in the pilot, offering them a unique opportunity to experience C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) of Kapsch TrafficCom firsthand. C-ITS allows the exchange of data between vehicles, infrastructure and authorities. Spanning the M50 and M1 motorways in Dublin, the deployment aims to convey crucial notifications regarding collisions, congestion, roadworks, and adverse weather conditions directly to drivers through in-vehicle screens. This initiative not only showcases the potential of technological integration in improving road safety but also plays a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of C-ITS in real-world settings.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: 1.95%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (19/03/2024)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Semperit, Frequentis, Kapsch TrafficCom (19/03/2024)

24.03.2024, 3402 Zeichen

Semperit: The Semperit Group, an internationally oriented group of companies that develops, produces and sells high-quality elastomer products and applications for industrial customers,  performed solidly in a challenging market environment characterized by high inflation and a weak economy in the 2023 financial year. Revenue of EUR 721.1 million was generated, which was 7.5% below the previous year’s figure. Cost-cutting programs introduced at an early stage already had an impact of EUR 5.8 million on earnings. Continued operations generated EBITDA adjusted for one-off expenses of EUR 81.7 million (–14.7%) and unadjusted EBITDA of EUR 71.8 million (–28.5%). Earnings after tax from continued operations were positive at EUR 24.9 million, while the loss from the medical business, which has been sold, had a significant negative impact as expected. Earnings after tax therefore amounted to EUR –17.1 million. CEO Karl Haider: "The economic environment was challenging in 2023, but our cost-cutting measures are taking effect. In addition, we invested in our organic growth projects including the construction of a highly automated, additional hydraulic hose production at our site in Odry in the Czech Republic, already Europe’s largest hose factory. With this focus we are setting a new benchmark in cost leadership and strengthening our competitiveness as a top global player. In the liquid silicone sector, we are investing in additional capacities in Thalheim and thus also in our technological lead in injection molding tools and automation."
Semperit: weekly performance: 0.53%

Frequentis: Spanish air navigation service provider (ANSP) ENAIRE has selected Frequentis to complete an expansion of its contingency communication systems upgrade, known as Last Resort Voice. Frequentis has been successfully collaborating with ENAIRE since 2020 to implement its IP-based voice communication solution across Spain, bringing on average one centre live per year. The latest contract expansion will include operational maintenance to extend the lifecycle of its systems. The systems are being provided to all major ATC centres as a backup system in the event of unavailability of the main voice communications.
Frequentis: weekly performance: 1.94%

Kapsch TrafficCom: Ireland's NIMS (Network Intelligence and Management System) initiative is launching a C-ITS pilot project to increase traffic safety. Since January 2024, C-ITS is fully integrated into the operational Traffic Management solution NIMS providing information to roadusers in realtime. As part of this project, 1,500 members of the public will participate in the pilot, offering them a unique opportunity to experience C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) of Kapsch TrafficCom firsthand. C-ITS allows the exchange of data between vehicles, infrastructure and authorities. Spanning the M50 and M1 motorways in Dublin, the deployment aims to convey crucial notifications regarding collisions, congestion, roadworks, and adverse weather conditions directly to drivers through in-vehicle screens. This initiative not only showcases the potential of technological integration in improving road safety but also plays a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of C-ITS in real-world settings.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: 1.95%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (19/03/2024)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Flughafen Wien, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, AT&S, Zumtobel, ATX Prime, Rosgix, Immofinanz, Porr, Frequentis, Uniqa, SBO, Mayr-Melnhof, CA Immo, Cleen Energy, RBI, Kapsch TrafficCom, UBM, Palfinger, SW Umwelttechnik, Oberbank AG Stamm, Athos Immobilien, Addiko Bank, Agrana, EVN, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, VIG, Warimpex.

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Die börsennotierte Semperit AG Holding ist eine international ausgerichtete Unternehmensgruppe, die mit ihren beiden Divisionen Semperit Industrial Applications und Semperit Engineered Applications Produkte aus Kautschuk entwickelt, produziert und in über 100 Ländern weltweit vertreibt.

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