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21st Austria weekly - Ottakringer, OMV (08/08/2023)


Ottakringer: The beverage company Ottakringer is aiming to withdraw from the stock exchange. Ottakringer Holding, the Wenckheim Private Foundation, the Ottakringer Private Foundation as well as Menz Beratungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH want the trading admission of the shares. Ordinary and preference shares are currently listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the standard market auction.

OMV: The drilling of the Velocette exploration well in production license (PL) 1016 has commenced. The rig Transocean Norge is drilling the well on behalf of the operator OMV (Norge) AS. Transocean Norge is a semi-submersible rig designed for operations in harsh environments and is converted to a low emission drilling unit. The Velocette exploration well (6607/3-1 S) is located in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea close to the Aasta Hansteen field and approximately 225 kilometers west of Sandnessjøen. The water depth in the area is 475 meters. The duration of the Velocette drilling campaign is up to 61 days in case of a discovery.
OMV: weekly performance: 2.83%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (08/08/2023)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Ottakringer, OMV (08/08/2023)

13.08.2023, 1149 Zeichen

Ottakringer: The beverage company Ottakringer is aiming to withdraw from the stock exchange. Ottakringer Holding, the Wenckheim Private Foundation, the Ottakringer Private Foundation as well as Menz Beratungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH want the trading admission of the shares. Ordinary and preference shares are currently listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the standard market auction.

OMV: The drilling of the Velocette exploration well in production license (PL) 1016 has commenced. The rig Transocean Norge is drilling the well on behalf of the operator OMV (Norge) AS. Transocean Norge is a semi-submersible rig designed for operations in harsh environments and is converted to a low emission drilling unit. The Velocette exploration well (6607/3-1 S) is located in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea close to the Aasta Hansteen field and approximately 225 kilometers west of Sandnessjøen. The water depth in the area is 475 meters. The duration of the Velocette drilling campaign is up to 61 days in case of a discovery.
OMV: weekly performance: 2.83%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (08/08/2023)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, Agrana, OMV, Semperit, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, Andritz, AT&S, Bawag, BTV AG, Erste Group, Gurktaler AG VZ, Lenzing, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Wolford, Zumtobel, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Telekom Austria.

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