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21st Austria weekly - Erste Bank, Addiko Bank (25/07/2022)


Erste Bank: The nomination committee of Erste Bank Oesterreich’s supervisory board has proposed Hans Unterdorfer to serve as the new management board member responsible for corporate customers. Unterdorfer’s appointment as Chief Corporates Officer will be effective as of 1 September 2022. Unterdorfer is thus set to take over this position from Willi Cernko, who has been CEO of Erste Group since July 2022. Hans Unterdorfer has been the CEO of Tiroler Sparkasse since 2011 and will retain that role until a suitable successor is found, with Unterdorfer remaining until the end of October at the latest.
Erste Group: weekly performance: 3.43%

Addiko Bank: 
The European Central Bank has published today the results of the Comprehensive Assessment of Addiko Group, consisting of an Asset Quality Review and a Stress Test. All banks which are directly supervised by the ECB are required to undergo a Comprehensive Assessment. The Comprehensive Assessment shows no capital shortfall, with Addiko Group remaining above the relevant thresholds used in the Asset Quality Review and the Stress Test. In detail, the Asset Quality Review led to a theoretical adjustment of the CET1 ratio of merely 15 bps. This is the result of Addiko Group’s prudent risk management and continued focus on asset quality. In the Stress Test on the other hand, Addiko Group’s stress testing models resulted in a larger theoretical capital depletion, specifically in the adverse scenario. The higher theoretical capital depletion under stress is mostly the reflection of Addiko’s high level of prudency in its risk management approach embedded in the models for credit risk parameters estimation.
Addiko Bank: weekly performance: 0.98%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (25/07/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Erste Bank, Addiko Bank (25/07/2022)

31.07.2022, 1791 Zeichen

Erste Bank: The nomination committee of Erste Bank Oesterreich’s supervisory board has proposed Hans Unterdorfer to serve as the new management board member responsible for corporate customers. Unterdorfer’s appointment as Chief Corporates Officer will be effective as of 1 September 2022. Unterdorfer is thus set to take over this position from Willi Cernko, who has been CEO of Erste Group since July 2022. Hans Unterdorfer has been the CEO of Tiroler Sparkasse since 2011 and will retain that role until a suitable successor is found, with Unterdorfer remaining until the end of October at the latest.
Erste Group: weekly performance: 3.43%

Addiko Bank: 
The European Central Bank has published today the results of the Comprehensive Assessment of Addiko Group, consisting of an Asset Quality Review and a Stress Test. All banks which are directly supervised by the ECB are required to undergo a Comprehensive Assessment. The Comprehensive Assessment shows no capital shortfall, with Addiko Group remaining above the relevant thresholds used in the Asset Quality Review and the Stress Test. In detail, the Asset Quality Review led to a theoretical adjustment of the CET1 ratio of merely 15 bps. This is the result of Addiko Group’s prudent risk management and continued focus on asset quality. In the Stress Test on the other hand, Addiko Group’s stress testing models resulted in a larger theoretical capital depletion, specifically in the adverse scenario. The higher theoretical capital depletion under stress is mostly the reflection of Addiko’s high level of prudency in its risk management approach embedded in the models for credit risk parameters estimation.
Addiko Bank: weekly performance: 0.98%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (25/07/2022)

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