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21st Austria weekly - Immofinanz, SBO, Verbund, Strabag, Andritz (17/03/2022)


Verbund:  Utility group Verbund delivered a very strong performance in 2021. The financial year was marked by a huge rise in wholesale electricity prices in Europe, which are a key value driver for Verbunds's performance. Significant improvement in Verbund's results for financial year 2021 EBITDA was up 22.1% to Euro 1,579.0 mn. The Group result climbed by 38.3% to Euro 873.6 mn compared with the same period of the previous year. 
Verbund: weekly performance: 6.01%

Immofinanz: Immofinanz is consistently expanding its leading role as Europe's largest retail park operator as part of its growth strategy. The number of STOP SHOPs will be increased by roughly 40% to 140 locations by 2024 based on selective acquisitions and new openings. In doing so, the company will also focus on Italy, where ten new STOP SHOP retail parks will be opened by 2024. With the acquisition of a retail park in Udine, Immofinanz is now taking another important step in developing the Italian growth market.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 0.17%

SBO: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO), listed on the leading ATX index of the Vienna Stock Exchange, continued its course of growth in the 2021 financial year. SBO Group sales arrived at Euro 292.8 mn, following Euro 291.2 mn in 2020. Bookings climbed by close to 50 % to Euro 343.3 mn (2020: 235.1 mn), and the order backlog at the end of 2021 was Euro 111.7 mn (31 December 2020: 65.2 mn). Profit from operations (EBIT) returned to positive territory and came to Euro 28.2 mn in 2021, following a loss of minus 28.0 mn in 2020. Profit after tax came to Euro 21.0 mn (2020: minus 21.7 mn). "After the involuntary braking maneuver that the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 required also from our company, we were able to shift up a few gears again last year. Our operating performance was strong, producing favorable earnings growth which brought us back to clearly positive territory again", comments Gerald Grohmann, CEO of SBO, on the 2021 business results.
SBO: weekly performance: -4.72%

Strabag: The publicly listed construction group Strabag SE was informed by its core shareholder, Haselsteiner Familien-Privatstiftung (Haselsteiner Family Private Foundation), that it has terminated the syndicate agreement in place with the Uniqa and Raiffeisen Groups and Rasperia Trading Ltd. after all efforts to acquire the Russian shares have failed. The syndicate agreement had been in effect since 2007 and, in addition to the nomination of Supervisory Board members, also provided for the coordination of voting results at the General Meeting. “The Management Board welcomes the step taken by our core shareholder, the Haselsteiner family foundation, to achieve clarity by terminating the syndicate agreement. On the part of the management, we are prepared to take all legally possible measures to avert any harm to the company. In view of the sanctions currently imposed by the UK and Canada, this refers in particular to the payment of dividends. As far as STRABAG’s Russian business is concerned – currently of subordinate importance with 0.3 % of the group’s output volume – the Management Board has decided to wind up the activities in that country,” explains Strabag CEO Thomas Birtel.
Strabag: weekly performance: 6.69%

Andritz: The PM10 at Laakirchen Papier AG, part of the Heinzel Group, Austria, that was rebuilt by Andritz has become the world’s fastest converted containerboard production machine with speeds of up to 1,420 m/min at a basis weight ranging from 80 to 140 g/m². Over the last few years, Andritz converted the PM10 from production of SC paper to a fluting and testliner machine. The scope of supply comprised the stock preparation section, a comprehensive rebuild of the paper machine, and the complete automation.
Andritz: weekly performance: 4.03%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/03/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Immofinanz, SBO, Verbund, Strabag, Andritz (17/03/2022)

20.03.2022, 3892 Zeichen

Verbund:  Utility group Verbund delivered a very strong performance in 2021. The financial year was marked by a huge rise in wholesale electricity prices in Europe, which are a key value driver for Verbunds's performance. Significant improvement in Verbund's results for financial year 2021 EBITDA was up 22.1% to Euro 1,579.0 mn. The Group result climbed by 38.3% to Euro 873.6 mn compared with the same period of the previous year. 
Verbund: weekly performance: 6.01%

Immofinanz: Immofinanz is consistently expanding its leading role as Europe's largest retail park operator as part of its growth strategy. The number of STOP SHOPs will be increased by roughly 40% to 140 locations by 2024 based on selective acquisitions and new openings. In doing so, the company will also focus on Italy, where ten new STOP SHOP retail parks will be opened by 2024. With the acquisition of a retail park in Udine, Immofinanz is now taking another important step in developing the Italian growth market.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 0.17%

SBO: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO), listed on the leading ATX index of the Vienna Stock Exchange, continued its course of growth in the 2021 financial year. SBO Group sales arrived at Euro 292.8 mn, following Euro 291.2 mn in 2020. Bookings climbed by close to 50 % to Euro 343.3 mn (2020: 235.1 mn), and the order backlog at the end of 2021 was Euro 111.7 mn (31 December 2020: 65.2 mn). Profit from operations (EBIT) returned to positive territory and came to Euro 28.2 mn in 2021, following a loss of minus 28.0 mn in 2020. Profit after tax came to Euro 21.0 mn (2020: minus 21.7 mn). "After the involuntary braking maneuver that the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 required also from our company, we were able to shift up a few gears again last year. Our operating performance was strong, producing favorable earnings growth which brought us back to clearly positive territory again", comments Gerald Grohmann, CEO of SBO, on the 2021 business results.
SBO: weekly performance: -4.72%

Strabag: The publicly listed construction group Strabag SE was informed by its core shareholder, Haselsteiner Familien-Privatstiftung (Haselsteiner Family Private Foundation), that it has terminated the syndicate agreement in place with the Uniqa and Raiffeisen Groups and Rasperia Trading Ltd. after all efforts to acquire the Russian shares have failed. The syndicate agreement had been in effect since 2007 and, in addition to the nomination of Supervisory Board members, also provided for the coordination of voting results at the General Meeting. “The Management Board welcomes the step taken by our core shareholder, the Haselsteiner family foundation, to achieve clarity by terminating the syndicate agreement. On the part of the management, we are prepared to take all legally possible measures to avert any harm to the company. In view of the sanctions currently imposed by the UK and Canada, this refers in particular to the payment of dividends. As far as STRABAG’s Russian business is concerned – currently of subordinate importance with 0.3 % of the group’s output volume – the Management Board has decided to wind up the activities in that country,” explains Strabag CEO Thomas Birtel.
Strabag: weekly performance: 6.69%

Andritz: The PM10 at Laakirchen Papier AG, part of the Heinzel Group, Austria, that was rebuilt by Andritz has become the world’s fastest converted containerboard production machine with speeds of up to 1,420 m/min at a basis weight ranging from 80 to 140 g/m². Over the last few years, Andritz converted the PM10 from production of SC paper to a fluting and testliner machine. The scope of supply comprised the stock preparation section, a comprehensive rebuild of the paper machine, and the complete automation.
Andritz: weekly performance: 4.03%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/03/2022)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Austriacard Holdings AG, Immofinanz, Addiko Bank, Mayr-Melnhof, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Wienerberger, EVN, Lenzing, Österreichische Post, FACC, Bawag, Rosgix, Palfinger, OMV, SBO, Athos Immobilien, AT&S, BKS Bank Stamm, Cleen Energy, Linz Textil Holding, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Telekom Austria, Oberbank AG Stamm, Polytec Group, UBM, Agrana.

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