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21st Austria weekly - Lenzing, AT&S, Frequentis, OMV, Andritz (03/02/2022)


Lenzing: The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers, will present the Young Scientist Award for outstanding research in the field of fibers and textiles for the first time in 2022. The jury consists of Karla Magruder (Founder of Acceleration Circularity), Friedericke von Wedel-Parlow (Beneficial Design Institute Berlin) and Dieter Eichinger (Head of Standardization and Innovation, Secretary-General of BISFA). The winning project will receive a prize of EUR 5,000. The aim is to promote the students' work and create a platform for networking with the textile and fiber industry.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -3.50%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has successfully started up the new ANDRITZ A-ConApex™ cooking system supplied to the Altri Group’s Celbi eucalyptus pulp mill in Leirosa, Portugal. The A-ConApex™ continuous cooking technology for fines, rejects and non-wood materials is an optimized cooking solution developed by Andritz. It is the first of its kind in the world and can process and utilize almost any type of cellulosic raw material and fines from chip screening and screen room rejects, thus optimizing total use of wood raw materials and maximizing pulp yield. With the new cooking system, Altri is able to increase its daily production at the Leirosa mill by around 2.5% and reduce wastage of wood raw materials.
Andritz: weekly performance: 1.44%

Frequentis: Frequentis, a global supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks, reported preliminary figures. The good business development of the companies acquired from L3Harris Technologies in 2021 and the profitable project executions despite the continued travel restrictions enabled the turnover to rise to more than Euro 330 mn (2020: Euro 299.4 mn) according to the preliminary figures. EBIT is expected to increase to around Euro 28 mn according to the preliminary figures (2020: Euro 26.8 mn).
Frequentis: weekly performance: 8.98%

AT&S: AT&S, one of the globally leading manufacturers of high-end printed circuit boards and IC substrates, reports a very positive revenue development in the first three quarters of 2021/22. Consolidated revenue increased by 30% to Euro 1,147 mn in the first three quarters of 2021/22 (PY: Euro 884 mn). EBIT was up from Euro 66 mn to Euro 83 mn. Due to the faster ramp-up and further efficiency enhancements at plant III in Chongqing as well generally strong demand in the fourth quarter, AT&S has raised the forecast for the development of revenue and now expects revenue growth of 28 to 30% (previously: 21 to 23%). The adjusted EBITDA margin is still expected to range between 21 and 23%, not including approximately Euro 25 to 35 mn (previously: approximately Euro 50 mn) for the start-up of the new production capacity in Chongqing and in Kulim. CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer: “Since the ramp-up of our new plant in Chongqing, China, is progressing faster than expected, we can increase our revenue guidance for the current financial year to 28 to 30%. This once again confirms our growth strategy and therefore also reinforces our revenue projection of approximately Euro 3.5 bn in the financial year 2025/26."
AT&S: weekly performance: 16.60%

Valneva: Valneva, a specialty vaccine company, reported its revenue and cash balance for the full year 2021 and provided full year 2022 revenue guidance. Valneva’s total revenues were Euro 348.1 mn in 2021 compared to Euro 110.3 mn in 2020, an increase of 216%. Other Revenues, including revenues from collaborations, licensing and services, amounted to Euro 285.1 mn in 2021 compared to Euro 44.4 million in 2020. This increase was attributable to revenues recognized in relation to the terminated UK COVID-19 vaccine supply agreement for non-refundable payments received during the duration of the contract. For 2022, the company expects total revenues between Euro 430 to 590 mn, including Euro 350 to Euro 500 mn of COVID-19 vaccine sales subject to regulatory approvals and deliveries.
Valneva: weekly performance: -1.55%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (03/02/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Lenzing, AT&S, Frequentis, OMV, Andritz (03/02/2022)

06.02.2022, 4156 Zeichen

Lenzing: The Lenzing Group, a world-leading provider of wood-based specialty fibers, will present the Young Scientist Award for outstanding research in the field of fibers and textiles for the first time in 2022. The jury consists of Karla Magruder (Founder of Acceleration Circularity), Friedericke von Wedel-Parlow (Beneficial Design Institute Berlin) and Dieter Eichinger (Head of Standardization and Innovation, Secretary-General of BISFA). The winning project will receive a prize of EUR 5,000. The aim is to promote the students' work and create a platform for networking with the textile and fiber industry.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -3.50%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has successfully started up the new ANDRITZ A-ConApex™ cooking system supplied to the Altri Group’s Celbi eucalyptus pulp mill in Leirosa, Portugal. The A-ConApex™ continuous cooking technology for fines, rejects and non-wood materials is an optimized cooking solution developed by Andritz. It is the first of its kind in the world and can process and utilize almost any type of cellulosic raw material and fines from chip screening and screen room rejects, thus optimizing total use of wood raw materials and maximizing pulp yield. With the new cooking system, Altri is able to increase its daily production at the Leirosa mill by around 2.5% and reduce wastage of wood raw materials.
Andritz: weekly performance: 1.44%

Frequentis: Frequentis, a global supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks, reported preliminary figures. The good business development of the companies acquired from L3Harris Technologies in 2021 and the profitable project executions despite the continued travel restrictions enabled the turnover to rise to more than Euro 330 mn (2020: Euro 299.4 mn) according to the preliminary figures. EBIT is expected to increase to around Euro 28 mn according to the preliminary figures (2020: Euro 26.8 mn).
Frequentis: weekly performance: 8.98%

AT&S: AT&S, one of the globally leading manufacturers of high-end printed circuit boards and IC substrates, reports a very positive revenue development in the first three quarters of 2021/22. Consolidated revenue increased by 30% to Euro 1,147 mn in the first three quarters of 2021/22 (PY: Euro 884 mn). EBIT was up from Euro 66 mn to Euro 83 mn. Due to the faster ramp-up and further efficiency enhancements at plant III in Chongqing as well generally strong demand in the fourth quarter, AT&S has raised the forecast for the development of revenue and now expects revenue growth of 28 to 30% (previously: 21 to 23%). The adjusted EBITDA margin is still expected to range between 21 and 23%, not including approximately Euro 25 to 35 mn (previously: approximately Euro 50 mn) for the start-up of the new production capacity in Chongqing and in Kulim. CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer: “Since the ramp-up of our new plant in Chongqing, China, is progressing faster than expected, we can increase our revenue guidance for the current financial year to 28 to 30%. This once again confirms our growth strategy and therefore also reinforces our revenue projection of approximately Euro 3.5 bn in the financial year 2025/26."
AT&S: weekly performance: 16.60%

Valneva: Valneva, a specialty vaccine company, reported its revenue and cash balance for the full year 2021 and provided full year 2022 revenue guidance. Valneva’s total revenues were Euro 348.1 mn in 2021 compared to Euro 110.3 mn in 2020, an increase of 216%. Other Revenues, including revenues from collaborations, licensing and services, amounted to Euro 285.1 mn in 2021 compared to Euro 44.4 million in 2020. This increase was attributable to revenues recognized in relation to the terminated UK COVID-19 vaccine supply agreement for non-refundable payments received during the duration of the contract. For 2022, the company expects total revenues between Euro 430 to 590 mn, including Euro 350 to Euro 500 mn of COVID-19 vaccine sales subject to regulatory approvals and deliveries.
Valneva: weekly performance: -1.55%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (03/02/2022)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #747: ATX stärker, CA Immo und Immofinanz erholen sich unterschiedlich, HS-Gerücht bei AT&S, tolle Jubilare



Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, Porr, S Immo, Addiko Bank, Austriacard Holdings AG, Flughafen Wien, voestalpine, ams-Osram, Rosgix, Lenzing, Mayr-Melnhof, ATX, ATX TR, Frequentis, Verbund, Erste Group, EVN, DO&CO, Polytec Group, CA Immo, Cleen Energy, Pierer Mobility, SBO, UBM, EuroTeleSites AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

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Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG
Die Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG ist mit einem betreuten Vermögen von mehr als 22 Mrd. Euro und über 230 Mitarbeitenden (per 30.6.2019) Österreichs führende Vermögensverwaltungsbank. Die eigenständige österreichische Vollbank ist darüber hinaus auch in den Ländern Zentral- und Osteuropas, in Italien und Deutschland tätig. Als 100-prozentige Tochter der Liechtensteinischen Landesbank AG (LLB), Vaduz profitiert die LLB Österreich zusätzlich von der Stabilität und höchsten Bonität ihrer Eigentümerin.

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