30.01.2022, 1792 Zeichen
Strabag: Based on the presently available information, the Management Board of construction group Strabag expects the previously forecast EBIT margin (4 %) to be significantly exceeded with a level close to 6 %. The 2021 output volume, as expected, will increase compared to the previous year's value of Euro 15.4 bn and should reach around Euro 16 bn. Earnings for the 2021 financial year are now expected to be significantly higher than previously projected. Market expectations have been exceeded as a result of numerous positive effects on earnings in all segments at the end of 2021 that had not been anticipated to this extent. The extraordinarily strong situation in the 2021 financial year does not change the planning for the coming financial years.
Strabag: weekly performance:
Immofinanz: The Executive Board and Supervisory Board welcome the intention of the CPI Property Group (CPIPG) to benefit from the company's attractive growth potential and support the development and expansion of Immofinanz as a long-term major shareholder. However, the price offered by CPIPG for the Immofinanz share is significantly lower than the current value of the company and does not reflect Immofinanz 's substantial growth potential. The price also fails to include an appropriate control premium for CPIPG's announced intention to attain control over Immofinanz. The Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Works Council of IImmofinanz today issued statements in which they indicate that the offer price of Euro 21.20 per share is viewed as not attractive and recommend that investors not accept the offer by CPIPG for Immofinanz 's shares and convertible bonds.
Immofinanz: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (26/01/2022)
kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 19/365: Zahlen/Fakten nach Woche 3, damit man bzgl. Wiener Börse mitreden und sie einreihen kann
Aktien auf dem Radar:Lenzing, Amag, Warimpex, Pierer Mobility, AT&S, Immofinanz, ATX Prime, voestalpine, Andritz, EVN, Semperit, VIG, Rosgix, Verbund, Wienerberger, EuroTeleSites AG, CA Immo, Agrana, Palfinger, Wolford, SBO, Kapsch TrafficCom, Strabag, Frequentis, Zumtobel, RHI Magnesita, Heid AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, FACC, Flughafen Wien, OMV.
Die AVENTA AG ist ein Immobilienunternehmen mit Sitz in Graz, das von den Hauptaktionären Christoph Lerner und Bernhard Schuller geführt wird. Geschäftsschwerpunkt ist die Entwicklung von Wohnimmobilien von der Projektentwicklung über die technische Projektierung bis hin zu den fertigen Objekten.
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